AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85897 Views Science & Technology Forum |
2 March 2013
Miass River Sunrise
Image Credit & Copyright: Marat Ahmetvaleev
Each day on planet Earth can have a serene beginning at sunrise as the sky gently grows bright over a golden east... |
Video GamesStar Trek Online
3 Posts • 2726 Views Talk Talk |
Overall this has been a great disapointment. Each patch has been shifting Cryptics original goal of how you progress and play the game and shaping into more like a mod of World of Warcraft.
If your... |
Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13811 Views Philosophy Forum |
People, help me:( .
I really want to meet someone like me. It's great to be able to talk to you all, but I want something a little more real. How do I find people like you? Go and ask everyone... |
guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6035 Views Talk Talk |
i agree xana. dating is a complete waste of time unless you and your partner are in a good solid place. its a different game when youre in high school though. those relationships are basically practic... |
Murdered or assassinated
7 Posts • 4187 Views Philosophy Forum |
ah . . . so there was more to it than stated. OK, that is understanding is clearer, knew a friend into violent groups.
His statement about bikers ran about the same, they might have it in for you but... |
Movie Reviewrecommend good horror movies?
10 Posts • 25705 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I cannot stress enough that if you haven't seen the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you must rent it immediately. Also Night of the Living Dead (original or remake, doesn't matter), The Sh... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
This is a terrible week. It has always been a terrible week in my life. Normally (in typical male fashion) I pay no attention to dates or times at all, but for as long as I can remember there has been... |
God in Religionwhat made God?
32 Posts • 13521 Views Religion Forum |
reply to manbible, i was told at school many years ago by a chemistry teacher that you can artificially create and maintain microrganisms such as plankton and bacteria by smearing agar jelly in a petr... |
Cult films
20 Posts • 10127 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
hi im tristen my faves are a clockwork orange,i loved shawshank redemption altho i didn't realize it was considered a cult film. scarface is the shit.any thing by quinten tarantino 's just r... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11368 Views Talk Talk |
the impression i get from awakened is- confrontational, and very opinionated. he's very zealous about his beliefs and wants proof and hard evidence of yours. he would be a cool dude in real life,... |
Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27340 Views Philosophy Forum |
alright baby boy you just proved my point. and yes you do have fallacies through out your statments.
I didn't take this as a pissing contest i was really actually paying you a compliment and... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85897 Views Science & Technology Forum |
27 September 2012
Stars and Dust Across Corona Australis
Image Credit & Copyright: Marco Lorenzi (Glittering Lights)
Cosmic dust clouds sprawl across a rich field of stars in this sweeping t... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13767 Views Religion Forum |
Whats a great POST.
I love when people try to beLittle something that truly make so much since.
For all those who are skeptical and want to question the most amazing thing you are missing out on: LE... |
SocietyAmerica is F***ed
0 Posts • 1436 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I tend to agree with both & yet disagree? For an example the statement about smokin pot . . . what does it infer? That potheads don't think or that their ability to think is impaired?So why d... |
7 Posts • 4909 Views Talk Talk |
Pumpkin very very good we're getting close to the season too. But umm i would say banana cream is my fav. Sonic has great banana cream pie shake's if you get the chance (no Sonic here :( ) |
33 Posts • 9726 Views Philosophy Forum |
"What would you have left if the only things you have are the things you actually deserve?"
I think the first question is a great psychological question by the way. Sounds like it would b... |
please read dis
6 Posts • 3460 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i think its great. there is a little bit of her in all of us ^_^
i would change this line tho -
"It was them who was wrong"
--> it was them who were wrong
actually, that line i... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15117 Views Psychology Forum |
Emotion is chaos, logic is order. Two sides of the same coin, they are always in conflict. However, when properly balanced upon the edge of a razor, the operate in harmony as one. Emotion is power and... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views Psychology Forum |
I have to say, most of these replies are what I expected: blame me for the hurtful actions of women. Of course it has to be my fault, because it could never be true that women do actually seek abuse,... |
Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10993 Views Talk Talk |
Well cryptic honestly i know what you mean, i try to explain to people how i feel about something and i tend to get weird looks... I guess its just that when you have a group of people you or I may be... |
SocietyI Think We Are Doomed
14 Posts • 3415 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I think Obama is going to win and I think the USA is going to suffer in many painful ways. Oh sure, I like Obama. I think it is great that a black guy is going to be president. But the honeymoon is go... |
27 Posts • 10727 Views Religion Forum |
The forests in Antarctica are probably due to that continent not being near the south pole millions of years ago.
I don't think any great flood really happened, but it almost seems to me like a... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85897 Views Science & Technology Forum |
21 March 2013
NGC 2736: The Pencil Nebula
Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Pugh
Moving left to right near the center of this beautifully detailed color composite, the thin, bright, braided f... |
14 Posts • 5051 Views Talk Talk |
"The infinitely little have a pride infinitely great." Volitaire |
StickMan Fighting game
2 Posts • 7085 Views Jokes & Games |
For the lovers of StickMan, another great game! |