ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13767 Views Religion Forum |
I still can't understand how you can separate spirituality and religion. A person's religion is the way they experience spirituality. As for my children being scared into an eternity of hell... |
Economy'Bail out' or 'rescue'
7 Posts • 2560 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Increase taxes greatly for 4 years. We are Americans, if you do not support Americans with higher taxes to fix these issues, give all the money you made while in the US and get out. You are not a patr... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39740 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I totally believe in DEJA Vu I was just going to make a thread of that myself. I used to hang out with my ex's friend and, she was driving. We just got out of a rodeo and, all of a sudden she was... |
6 Posts • 4924 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
im not a fan of tactics, never really got that far into it tho. FF7 is awesome... also check out the umm well i forget its official title but its got three of the old FF games combined into one on the... |
Woman is the Nigger of the World
0 Posts • 339 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I was born in 1965 but the Beatles were all we talked about. I remember talk around this song. Some remember what they were doing when they heard Kennedy was shot. I can picture hearing about John . A... |
SocietyPay Attention
14 Posts • 4233 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, I'm guessing there aren't any realistic solutions to replace the technologies that you've said you have a problem with.
Although there are those self-sustaining communities th... |
Aching in my Chest
6 Posts • 3696 Views Talk Talk |
that doesnt sound like a very healthy relationship to begin with, but i cant judge. instead of thinking about the fact that you two are no longer "together" try focusing on how great the tim... |
The Butterfly Effect?
8 Posts • 4091 Views Talk Talk |
I watched this movie Saturday night and it amazed me. The acting was so good and the story line was great but I left feeling a little freaked out. It makes you think, not a relaxing movie at all but w... |
Coheed and Cambria
3 Posts • 1966 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Yeah that guitar is tops; its a red double-neck SG. Jimmy Page used it when he played stairway. Claudio (lead) uses many Gibson guitars.
Heres another great from them. The melody is rather catchy.... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13767 Views Religion Forum |
I love people who live their lives ignorant, controlled and scared of the boogy man in the closest. People who try to act like religion is such a great thing and are 34 and have similar personality tr... |
Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 17010 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Ah, IronWood that was a great beginning for the New Year, I really needed a good laugh this morning. Thank You for that 1st video. As for the second well it wasn't as entertainning. Besides the f... |
Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22276 Views Psychology Forum |
joel...they are my obsession right now, he sings with such passion, they have great lyrics and are awesome musicians....i have to see them live....i havent had the chance yet :( but i wll.....Gerard i... |
4 Posts • 3173 Views Philosophy Forum |
two things on Nietzsche:
1) He spent the last 11 or so years of his life in an mental institution writting papers like 'Why am I so great' etc. Hardly the kind of person who has 'super... |
War of the Worlds
16 Posts • 7385 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Signs was much better as a suspense, WOTW is a great action flick. and of course there is nothing original, it is a remake after all. i viewed it as just "hey its time to kick back and watch some... |
About You / Introductionsnear death experiences.
6 Posts • 2575 Views Talk Talk |
for some reason my near death experience has made me quite bitter to a lot of people. it made me lose trust and put me on edge all of the time, but that's probably because it was an attempted mur... |
Writing AdviceTricks of the trade: things to consider when writing
10 Posts • 3266 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Does anyone recall Frost's idea of the "Sound of Sense?" It was more than just than poetic rhythm expressing the rhythm of human thought, I think. I've notice that in the works of... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17394 Views Religion Forum |
St. Matthew 28; 1-10
"Now late in the night of the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the sepulchre. And behold, there was a great... |
Physics & CosmologyDr. Quantum
3 Posts • 2328 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Great video. This is an old concept that was devised by Edwin Abott Abbott in the 19th century. Its used a lot in religion now to try and say God exists in other dimesnions an we have to reach out to... |
70 Posts • 22681 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I LOVE hardcore gangsta rap first and foremost. Secondly I would say R&B/Hip Hop. Third old bands like Iron Maiden (JUST saw them), Judist Priest, AC DC, Black Sabbath, Great White, Bon Jovi. Then... |
Video GamesSupreme Commander 2
2 Posts • 3070 Views Talk Talk |
I just finished the campaign and watched some replays online. Its fun, challenging, 1v1 games are 10+ minutes, 2v2 and up typically last longer.
Turtleing isn't the best method, no real micro... |
The spire
4 Posts • 2292 Views Talk Talk |
Its really good, im doing it for english lit right now. its about a dean of a cathedral in medieval society who wants to build a four hundred feet sire on top of a building which has no proper foundat... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
u lot think lyf is hard, try coping with a mother who got burnt fully head 2 toe on the second year of her marriage.
had me 8 years l8.
so from when i was barely able 2 walk i watch violence and t... |
12 Posts • 4748 Views Psychology Forum |
I think many things of death, while not being sure what's gonna happen...
In a sense it's somthing to look forward to, but so good, it's worth saving for the last thing... not somethin... |
Motion City Soundtrack- Everything Is All Right
1 Posts • 3580 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A look into the future.
Tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Oh please tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Give me a reason to end this disc... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70950 Views Psychology Forum |
I can understand why a large girl would wear tight clothes just like a skinny girl would wear revealing clothes in that:
1.) they have alot of self-confidence
2.) they dont care what anyone else t... |