DepressionMy Life
5 Posts • 3068 Views Psychology Forum |
Ok first time poster here. Just joined today.
Saw this forum and thought maybe someone in here could contect with me.
Forgive my spelling and gramme as it is due to my dsylexia.No that is not a grea... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34205 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
OK I can acccept that but on the other hand look at the US in comparison. We have social security *clown* !
Not the citizens worked hard to earn a living from this local, state and federal income tax... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20628 Views Psychology Forum |
u r right about these being the only solutions in the realm of reality. and each one of them is so full of sadness at the outset.
in the realm of fantasy, there are two more solutions tho' :... |
BiologyIs Floride used to CONTROL
8 Posts • 2966 Views Science & Technology Forum |
2 things about fluoride.
1. Fluoride is a POISON when ingested. Look at your toothpaste next time and read the warning and serving size. The serving size is about the size of a pea. If you ingest a... |
Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9969 Views Psychology Forum |
I dont quite get your post there philip, but I think it means that scientific tests are testable, grandeous, pinacles of objectiveness.
Well if we're proposing that 3/5 people are in fact some... |
Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16973 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would propose that the cause doesn't exist at all. Here is why:
For cause to exist there must be some substance that created that cause. (ie - a finger, hand, or atomic particle that flips t... |
Life & DeathYour outlook on life
9 Posts • 11231 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think I live by looking on the brighter side of things, but perhaps you could say that in the very general sense of life, we all have pretty much the same experience whether we have a positive or ne... |
University Students
3 Posts • 2273 Views Talk Talk |
I think you're right that the problem is education (and education of yourself) but not for the same reasons. I see plenty of idiots at my college who attend just to get by, not for the knowledge... |
FuturologyIt's time for a revolution
20 Posts • 7050 Views Philosophy Forum |
"3. Asking a bully (in whatever way) why he or she is picking on someone else will lead to nothing unless you yourself can beat up the bully, in which case they will cower away without learning a... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://911busters.com/911-Comm ission.html
http://911buste rs.com/
This has been a quiet thread since post Nov. 2 '04, it probably shouldn't be.
On Sept. 9 2004, there was held a citi... |
LawThe Draft Law
11 Posts • 4416 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The draft SHOULD be reinstated. Actually I'd rather see ALL persons serve 2 years, male and female. It doesn't have to be training in armed agression, it could be some form of training that... |
258 Posts • 67422 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Happy Birthday
Its been a year now and its starting to show.
This is house was a new thing, but its getting old.
Its been a long ride and its starting to show.
I am tired and cramping and my fac... |
Physics & CosmologyBlack Holes
25 Posts • 9582 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Allright folks are you ready for the low down on Black holes- because I am going to lay it down for you. This is a whacked out crazy theory of mine concerning the formation of black holes and the seem... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13577 Views Religion Forum |
To follow Jesus is to follow His Father.
The Mosaic law had come to pass with Christ, but God's laws never wavered.
This would include all that was from the beginning.
jesus came to teach... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThought and Reality
26 Posts • 7614 Views Philosophy Forum |
Reality is relative to each individual, through countless conversations with others - you couldn't say it was an "illusion." What is an illusion, anyway? Good old Webster states:
a o... |
TechnologyAnti-Matter Engines
7 Posts • 4828 Views Science & Technology Forum |
http://www.nasa.gov/exploratio n/home/antimatter_spaceship.ht ml
Here is a nice little article, from nasa. About 3% of the total moss is converted directly to energy, which is tons.
Containment is... |
ElectionsGeorge Bush is a Giant
3 Posts • 2784 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
He took the fight to the desert. Fanatic Muslim scum has been attracted there as if by a magnet.
I wouldn't bother responding but such an ignorant statement creates its own demands.
Fanatic... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17253 Views Religion Forum |
If you're going to express yourself so eliptically, we'll go nowhere. Do you mean... that we can't rule out the possibility that someone will be born, now or in the future, with the cap... |
BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10890 Views Science & Technology Forum |
However, I do not agree with you on how can you get that population decreased, you should net let some disease overtake the planet, such as the 1920s flu that eliminated millions of people.
Then in... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12236 Views Psychology Forum |
When someone does wrong to you it is perfectly normal to not like them. Hate has accomplished many things, its a statement that you will not put up with peoples actions and that consequences and respo... |
Three Generations Fish ~An Article~
1 Posts • 2708 Views Talk Talk |
~This is an article that I submitted to a Local WIldlife/family life TV Program and they are now going to be doing a segment on it for their show as well as publish the Article. Just felt that maybe h... |
93 Posts • 30402 Views Philosophy Forum |
My personal Weltanschauung (philosophy of life) is not one I usually share with others; however, I do enjoy studying and contemplating other people's views regarding this subject. I suppose this... |
God in ReligionOkay...Why should I Fear God?
53 Posts • 11500 Views Religion Forum |
You know I don't want to be disrespectful. You being older and probable wiser.
But I am really not feeling it.
Yes people blow up the negative,
But I think you would agree with me that not ev... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16274 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Broken Spirits
Peel back the covers don't you dare hide away
Don't let them be the ones to bring down your day
They want to make you feel the pain you deserve
Let you realise how much life hurts... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14679 Views Religion Forum |
I believe it makes more sense that all matter is made up of conciousness/energy that has always existed, the big bang was only the begining of one thought process inside the mind of the power/concious... |