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Tagged > Good music
THREAD GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7956 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The US was never an arms source for Al-Qaeda, talk about conspiratorial bs! Where did you get such garbage? Your secret files? And please don't bring up America's aid to Afghan freedom fight...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsMixed Emotions/Open Your Mind
16 Posts • 7780 Views
Psychology Forum
Okay, normally, I would ignore this, but it's too good to let go. 1. You say that everywhere you look is pretence. Have you ever thought that these people might actually be like that? That it is...
THREAD Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24187 Views
Philosophy Forum
so the tsumani resulted from a clash of the tectonic plates right. The tsumani probably happened at that particular time and place because of a variety of infulences, even as small as a butterfly flut...
THREAD GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15506 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Theory your a prole of a perverted sort your like the anti prole but so much so that you sort of are a prole, I believe that you trying to retract your incitement of genocide was more like tryng to sa...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe world today.
15 Posts • 3499 Views
Psychology Forum
I know I should have specified that doesn't apply to everyone. I should have known someone was going to take that the wrong way. All I ever hear about anymore on the news is people fighting and a...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73092 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I'm a man, I remember when I was 13. There were some pretty good looking teachers. Not one of those teachers would have to force us to make love with them. You're just not getting it. It...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24276 Views
Religion Forum
When you have my experiences you can let me know what conclusions you draw from them. Don't be an ass, do not think your experiences so unique no one can relate. Your conclusions are not yo...
THREAD Jokesracist/ offensive jokes
12 Posts • 142873 Views
Jokes & Games
What is the difference between a cue ball and a Cuban? If you hit the cue ball hard enough with a cue, you might get a little English out of it. _________________________ ____________________________...
THREAD BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15222 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Celundin - the breeding of the monarchy wasn't based on scientific knowledge of genetics, today it could happen with fewer adverse effects. okcitykids - " We could really mess things up....
THREAD IslamThe rights of black and white women in Islam
9 Posts • 3082 Views
Religion Forum
dont women have to wear veils in islam? How is it fair if a man can walk around freely but a woman has to cover up? God says in the Quran (59) O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and t...
THREAD Constituion poorly enforced
7 Posts • 3266 Views
Talk Talk
Well its another day over and im sitting in the living room watching one of the good shows that i watch. Im just thinking back to when the pope said stuff about do it yourself relgions being bad. Well...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167890 Views
Psychology Forum
*sleepy* Also, mother's can make you miserable. You love them and they play their games to get you back into their life. You fall for it and feel stupid again. It only tears you down emotionally...
THREAD GovernmentWhat has the US become?
47 Posts • 15225 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Don't be so humble - you are not that great." - Golda Meir (1898-1978) to a visiting diplomat "His ignorance is encyclopedic" - Abba Eban (1915-2002 "People demand free...
THREAD BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15222 Views
Science & Technology Forum
As a geneology major, I've been wondering for some time why it's such an unpopular idea to breed humans. Hitler may have wanted to do it, but just because someone with evil intentions wa...
THREAD War & TerrorismWhat Are We Doing In Iraq?
14 Posts • 4283 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
DumbTeen, not that I am in disagrement with you but to point out distinctions. We were aided by the French in our revolt with the English monarchy. But . . . 1) Before our revolution, they fought agai...
THREAD guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6033 Views
Talk Talk
I think everyone here is making good points. The thing to remember about advice though, is that its all based on personal experience. Forgive me if I sound obvious, sappy, or offensive, but no one but...
THREAD DreamsI had a weird dream last night
1 Posts • 2507 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't feel comfortable discussing this publicly, even if it's anonymous, so I'm going to keep it vague. Hopefully someone who is good at interpreting dreams, such as an actual therapi...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9208 Views
Psychology Forum
Vigil: So far, all you have said is that you think optimism and ideals are good, the education system needs to change,change takes time, and that lots of people have ideals to help the world. I agre...
THREAD War & TerrorismObsession
2 Posts • 2276 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Instead I will say that I found it disturbing especially near the end . . . throughout the movie had been exerts from anti-american =>anti--christian => unGodly belief systems. Showing footage...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem with God
13 Posts • 3377 Views
Religion Forum
I think they are right in what they say but they are incapable of thinking about what it insinuates. It's like they don't want to know what their dreams of what God are. Like a child who is...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24970 Views
Religion Forum
"I think someone mentioned an interesting fact of organic existence: In order for any living thing to continue its existence it must kill and devour other life forms. Life must act as death'...
THREAD PoetryAnd All This Is Metaphore
40 Posts • 10680 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Your mouth was gaped like a fish as they yanked you down from that bowl belly. The air shifted around your skin and called you a stranger. And you cried and cried and cried as it beat in and out...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57891 Views
Religion Forum
I made a nice long reply and lost it. I'm a bit annoyed so I'll be briefer. *angry* " But the blanket statement that scientists are telling the truth and Priests are not is ludacrou...
THREAD Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9955 Views
Psychology Forum
So basically your only arguement is calling my arguement bullshit? Accept that you have chosen the easy path due to weakness and necessity You know nothing of my path and therefore cannot say ho...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43981 Views
Religion Forum
Well, I am agreeing with your statement in general. A past thread went into reat length to show the unchristian attitude that prevailed in the dark ages. Looking at those implements of torture, one wo...
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