So incredibly confused...
6 Posts • 2377 Views Talk Talk |
time alone is good, but make sure you are doing something during that time, go out and do something rather than sit in watching a film or "chatting". i've been dating the same girl for... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23090 Views Religion Forum |
I do not condemn a brain washed person, I pray for them. My beaf is with those who support this. Pier pressure is very powerful. They have found that children who join into gang violence do so because... |
37 Posts • 11781 Views Psychology Forum |
I thought that was a good interpretation.
I think if you remember your dream than its important that you try to figure out what it means. If you can't remember it than its not that important.... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62343 Views Jokes & Games |
Here's a real good viagra joke. Two 80 year old men sat talking over the weather and the latest in medical science, and such, when one brings up the latest male medical miracle, Viagra. The other... |
The Ring
10 Posts • 4892 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Okay, here we have a movie that I did not understand at the end. Throughout the whole movie it was making sense and all coming togethor quite well. The plot was thought out very well and the acting wa... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28631 Views Philosophy Forum |
I will make reference to Christians and the Iraqi war, considering this is a hot topic currently and in the past few years. The evil Bush went to war in the name of the 'Christian God'. And... |
8 Posts • 3054 Views Philosophy Forum |
zato, thats what i'm doing... but stilll when you do that it's not all fun and games.
and decius, you are right... i was "I N S A N E" for two days, one of them being yesterday.... |
Life & DeathLife, Death, Choice
19 Posts • 7115 Views Philosophy Forum |
^^^I love humans........I mean we're slow...but it's all to the good, most of us will realize what we are and where we're supposed to be in this twisted up reality we've created...... |
Religion & HumanityGrand Religious Theories
16 Posts • 6114 Views Religion Forum |
**applause** Exactly what i was looking for. Beautiful, thank you very much. So, then, what are your ideas, based on this, of things like death or reincarnation. Do you die and return to this spiritua... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24734 Views Religion Forum |
You see no one replys to you but me and when I stop this time it's for good...
Your last comment was stripped and stolen from Nietczche's writings... specifically THE ANTICHRIST...
Fi... |
GovernmentKatrina and Bush
0 Posts • 3964 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I view Michael Moore as a source of (possible) information only, what is in his films is not necessarily proven fact, although a good portion of it reliable. However, I think he taints his material wi... |
SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13126 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If i understand you correctly, pretty much just no government. Which is hard to define, but i'll try. With my vision of anarchy we would have the same day to day life as we do now. Just that ther... |
258 Posts • 67433 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Stolen Sweetness 2, Sometimes It's Good To Reiterate
killing all your lies
and one by one they fight
knock out every flight
and they can't stand that i'm right
catching all you... |
Rant OnPeople! BAH! Humans suck!
5 Posts • 6245 Views Talk Talk |
I used to feel exactly as you do, that people were a scorge and a disease and basically destroyed everything that came into thier path. I carried a growing bitterness and anger towards people in gener... |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7017 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Hi guys - thought I'd give you another chapter:)
CHAPTER SIX - Shadows in the darkness
Qaphsiel held my hand so tightly and pulled me along around the perimeter of the house so strongly that... |
9 Posts • 3823 Views Talk Talk |
it really depends on what you would consider a friend. i have a few "friends" that i hang out with, but out of these "friends" i could only call one of them a genuine friend. she... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41005 Views Religion Forum |
OK! About the gravity thing, I said I need PROOF to see god! idiot, scientists and austronauts or whatever PROVED that gravity was real, there is no one, or nothing that proved that "Your preciou... |
Random QuestionsRandom Questions
32 Posts • 15122 Views Talk Talk |
That's very cool Mystic,
My answer to that question changes regularly but Ram Dass is definitely one of the people on this planet at this time that I feel I can relate to and much of what he s... |
Free Will
60 Posts • 15144 Views Philosophy Forum |
IF we did not have free will, we would all be vegetables and robotic at that.
You choose to own a computer, you choose to post. You choose what forum to post in. Gee, and there is NOT free will? I... |
What is It, that I need to do....
4 Posts • 3510 Views Talk Talk |
What she wants is for you to do something special, like not just say I love you, but find a way to show you mean it dearly. Try and do something really nice or romantic. Also, make sure it is just for... |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13336 Views Philosophy Forum |
Personality and mind are what make us who and what we are. They are there from the beginning they do not learn them but they do evolve due to external influences but that doesn't mean they are no... |
Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25129 Views Religion Forum |
Vietnam was hell. I tried to explain it to you on your othter site. When I joined the Navy in 77, stationed aboard my first ship. A quarter of the crew were Vietnam vets. It was horrible, and those wh... |
For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11708 Views Psychology Forum |
So how about important people. People that seem to have a meaning while there living. You guys wouldnt kill them? Well let me tell you something, what do they accomplish? What is the point of doing al... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12221 Views Religion Forum |
Religion can bring people hope. Religion or God sometimes is a way for people to run away from their problems. They may be in a denial phase. I was in denial before it isn't a good thing. I came... |
War & TerrorismThese Recent Smoking Attacks.
9 Posts • 5401 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There is a new law out that bans smoking in movies because it will influence kids to smoke if they see someone famous doing it. Now I understand this, they have a valid point. But if this is their cas... |