People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31809 Views Talk Talk |
"somehow i saw this as your ultimate conclusion Metal Giant."
Nope. Simply not eating meat is but a small step to our ultimate goal as a civilized society of higher thinking animals. My u... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Indeed I do share that sentiment, but only for the fundamentalists and fanatics, the ones who find ways to hate and belittle people and all while deeming themselves ritghteous and morally superior, si... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
I may be a little more open minded than other people (I don't know if that's good or bad, so don't hold me to it), but I must say that Racism itself is blown out of proportion. First of... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55462 Views Philosophy Forum |
we are born in sin because we are born!....our parents have instilled in us a part of their innerself even before conception. We are born in UNreality....therefore it is all sin....that's why thi... |
Random QuestionsZune or ipod
8 Posts • 2878 Views Talk Talk |
personally i would go with the ipod.
1st generation products arn't usually the best....
take the ipod for example (buttons didn't last...)
Give the zune some time, let is evolve or fi... |
Writing AdviceCan you guys please write me a song about being...
60 Posts • 26356 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Another song of mediocre quality (self flattery is good for the soul)
Lucky and poor
They say you are are lucky
Be thankfull your not from kentucky
They say there all weird from there
to th... |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19201 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, fashion clones who wear whatever's in whether it suits them or not do that. Some people dress to express themselves. "Wearing the clothes of the souls that they choose."
I don&... |
SocietyFor Country of for Government?
14 Posts • 3578 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I personally believe in the idea of democracy. What we have right now is not much like it. Sure we have the right to vote in city, state, and federal elections. Representation is basically afforded to... |
God in ReligionOkay...Why should I Fear God?
53 Posts • 11507 Views Religion Forum |
i am not the master of my destiny
lets get out of the Philosophical bull shit and realize that we have no control over what is going to happen to us next week or right now.
im sorry for being... |
Emotions & FeelingsConfess Something "Wrong" that you have done
17 Posts • 18356 Views Psychology Forum |
I've done several things in the past I regret, the one I regret most is probably alienating several people who I shouldn't have- a good friend from class, a would-be friend from Chorus, anot... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51799 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
and it IS NEEDED jackass.
You insist that prostitution is needed but cannot tell me why.
How about you explain why consentual prostitution is bad for a change,
Degradation of the family sy... |
93 Posts • 25439 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The problem with most people's idea of cloning people as I see it is too many movies of cloned evil doers conquering the world. People have genetic given personality tendencies but a lot of peopl... |
51 Posts • 20008 Views Philosophy Forum |
if your talking about a boyfriend girlfriend situation then maybe thats good.. now you can be open with him or her and accept each other for who you really are..
not to sound like a preacher but i&... |
social mobility in the class system
15 Posts • 5422 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't see why its harder to become rich today. What with things like affirmative action (which I don't entirely agree with), it should be easier for some poor to get rich.
And what is you... |
War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12131 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I hate to be so glib, but each soldier that signed up for duty, did it because they wanted to be a part of our freedoms, and fight for their own, and everyone elses freedoms.
The parents who lost,... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Morals
8 Posts • 3266 Views Religion Forum |
Having a natural "sense" of what might be considered "right" or "wrong" can easily be explained away without any need to include the words "good" and "evil... |
RoboCop 2010?
1 Posts • 2121 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
RoboCop is one of the last untainted worlds of my childhood. Just about everything is re-done by lazy bastards who want to turn a profit these days.
Upon discovering that Darren Aronofsky would ta... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotions
17 Posts • 7053 Views Philosophy Forum |
I doubt that's true quoteless.
That's too Rousseau, IMO, pride is a male thing strongly linked to sex.
How do you make a man seem like a good mate? Easy, you make sure he's dead afrai... |
Charlie and The Choclate factory
10 Posts • 8718 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
alright i saw this movie. it was a lot of fun, the dialogue was well made and updated for this generation. the back story of Willie Wonka was great. the little mini story about the oompa loompas was g... |
The importance of university and higher education?
18 Posts • 9142 Views Talk Talk |
The importance of higher education?
The school of hard knocks vs degree program . . . ya spent years working low paying jobs to learn (apprenticeship) certain trades yet does that provide proof of ab... |
BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12156 Views Talk Talk |
To me the difference between a job and a career is that a job is what you do to pay the bills, but you don't like it. A career is what you do because you like it.
I think we would all love to... |
PoetryStuff by Me
8 Posts • 2653 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Buddha Brains
Train rolls downtown espousing take it easy---Really?
Yes, and cars make their presence known in hums.
I wonder if Jenny's neighbor thinks my rolee is some buddha,
squelchin... |
War & TerrorismSupport Our Troops – Bring Them Home!
7 Posts • 3716 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I agree with you. This whole war has nothing to do with liberating Iraq or protecting America from WMDs.
I don't have to serve in the Army. But if I did, and I were asked to shoot an Iraqi ma... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11366 Views Talk Talk |
The impression I get from Tommybc98 is that he's a sensitive man with a good life in the emotional aspects, who has the abilities to defuse situations with confidence and simultaneously present p... |
SocietyAmerica, Americans and Patriotism
0 Posts • 3112 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ya, I remember the good ole dazes, when autos were few & real high priced, at least a couple of hundred but then they were made to last a life time! Being so expensive they had to be in order for... |