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Tagged > Good music
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14384 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Go to www.erowid.com it has really great and true info about drugs, writtein by people who have actually experienced them. But drugs are bad, they've gotten me in some deep shit before, I'...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24618 Views
Philosophy Forum
thats what im trying to say... keep your ideas to ideas, do not let them go into beliefs, you can believe that they are correct, as long as they are not beliefs... example: 2+2=4 i believe t...
THREAD Rant OnMy rant, my life.
13 Posts • 3746 Views
Talk Talk
I am sorry. Know that there aer people in this world who honestly believe everything unfair to them. And know that there are people in this world that are good. No one should have to feel the way you...
35 Posts • 25166 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Nope, I just wanna talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and ME, Let's talk about all the GOOD thinks and bad things baby................ What is youf fantasy fireball, I would love t...
THREAD Useful Expressions for those High Stress Days
2 Posts • 3560 Views
Jokes & Games
Well, aren't we just a ray of sunshine? Not the brightest crayon in the box now, are we? Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after. Do I look like a people person? This isn...
THREAD Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9958 Views
Psychology Forum
My conclusions are better than yours because they are debateable I don't know how that's a good thing. If it were debatable then wouldn't it also be questionable. logical reasons...
THREAD Do you collect anything?
28 Posts • 8717 Views
Talk Talk
i have a small collection of wizards and dragons (about five of each) which im trying to enlarge, but its hard to find good ones (dont like the cheap stuff). i have a larger collection of While E....
THREAD GovernmentDid you know Liberia was an American disaster?
0 Posts • 355 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I see your point... and despite logic and reason telling me to agree with it, I shall disregard it entirely for the benefit of maintaining my current ideology and my current perception on the matter o...
THREAD Fantasies
10 Posts • 4159 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think fantasies can be good or bad. Your right of the fact that they can set you up for a fall. Growing up, my fantasy was to meet prince charming, become a princess and live happily ever after. (I...
THREAD ElectionsWelcome to the Future
0 Posts • 325 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
No, I wouldn't be thrilled, because it wouldn't be my candidate, but I wouldn't care either. But id totally talk mad shit though lol. Again, yes, he is making his opinion clear, he i...
THREAD Sixth Toe?
6 Posts • 4024 Views
Talk Talk
A funny conversation I once had and just thought what people thought about this on Captain Cynic. Alright well it all starts out when we start talking about this girl who happens to be pretty good...
THREAD ElectionsUnbelievable Bigoted Ad Released By Repulicans
3 Posts • 3802 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Their ad sucks anyway. Both political parties are in the trash. I hope that by some miracle, a third party president is elected (not neccesarily Gary Johnson) and new parties will get into Congres...
THREAD Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views
Philosophy Forum
Free Speech is a good thing. I don't care if they're pedophiles, racists, fanatics, war-mongers, flower children or new agers (god I hate those). Free speech allows us to communicate, it al...
THREAD Societyclose gitmo!
6 Posts • 2548 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I now get why they consider those things threats lol....Alex Jones is a good reason why. He says alot of dangerous things and means every bit of it and is influencing alot of people. It's only lo...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25422 Views
Psychology Forum
mmm suicide shouldnt be frowned upon...if someone wants to take their own life there is good reason behind it that other people just dont understand and therefor think of it as stupidity. maybe for s...
THREAD BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11979 Views
Talk Talk
have any of you heard anything about the movie? Saw a pre-view with King Kong. Looks like its taking itself very seriously. http://www.apple.com/trail ers/sony_pictures/da_vinci_cod e/ I read...
THREAD ChristianityElijah
7 Posts • 3099 Views
Religion Forum
Good point. However now adays. I would get shot or start some sort of war or something If i killed a bunch of people in the name of my god. Let me think What day. Yes, yes god is telling me. Septe...
THREAD Closeness
16 Posts • 4988 Views
Talk Talk
I know you're right, and that is good advice, but I really don't know if it's in me yet. I have a really hard time putting myself "out there," and I freeze up big time when I&...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57912 Views
Religion Forum
oh sorry I didn't come here for a while Actually yes I do. I don't think that anyone is a bad person, and eventually it works out. There have been people whom I have had tension with, but...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Voice
20 Posts • 8788 Views
Psychology Forum
That is an interesting approach to the 'inner voice'. It is along the lines of aspects of the 'inner voice' that I was thinking about. The inner voice can be 'silent', the thou...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsIs nothing something?
51 Posts • 24816 Views
Philosophy Forum
I offer this for the topic. I think it entirely possible that "nothing" can exist in two possibilites. One being that God is everything and if this is so then he is nothing. So then it is...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousUnconscious, Subconscious, Preconscious and Conscious
13 Posts • 10664 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't think that sounds crazy at all. You have a good point with the water thing. Water is very hard to explain because it behaves oddly. There are lots of studies in water. Water becaomes...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27267 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Is it or is it not safe to say, that neither you nor I know why anyone is or ever acts homosexual? Is it safe to say that we cannot possibly for certain know its role in nature? And is it also...
THREAD How you surf Cynic??
15 Posts • 3434 Views
Talk Talk
I'm one of those lazy bastards; i get my coffe, read some of the post, get a good few laughs in and I see what post intrest me the most. This place has become a real addiction. I want to get...
THREAD Real value of money
5 Posts • 3326 Views
Talk Talk
i always give people my change, i dont like carrying it around anyway lol but my friends always tease me because with all the change ive given away id probably have a good chunk of money. but i never...
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