Art AppreciationCould reading and writing be a art form?
10 Posts • 5061 Views Art Forum |
Writing is definitely an art form. Though I've never considered the idea of reading as being an art form. Suppose if someone was a highly skilled reader where they were very good at reading the m... |
Philosophical books
10 Posts • 6835 Views Talk Talk |
Hey ppl. Any one know ofany good philosophical, deep books? |
Do you ever get tired of being the nice guy?
15 Posts • 5566 Views Talk Talk |
I would say a good definition for a nice guy is someone who puts others ahead of themselves. And a Bad guy puts himself ahead of others. |
SocietyBeing Politically Correct.
18 Posts • 9242 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
around friends i have no problem cracking jokes, and never worry about being PC. but when i am around people i dont know very well and also around elders, i tend to watch what i say a little more care... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainBrainwashed Youth
27 Posts • 7165 Views Psychology Forum |
since it was mentioned, I rather enjoyed the movie starship troopers. I also think they had an interesting form of government, all people ha drights but only citzens could vote. and enjiy ceritna othe... |
189 Posts • 73109 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
ewww....how do you know about the greeks.....you make very good points though. People we have also over looked are priest who have gotten away with taking Advantage of kids for years, and then they ar... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15158 Views Psychology Forum |
Jet...that's good I like that, makes me think of the people that order a "double whopper with cheese, large fries and a DIET Coke"...dumb asses!
I think another one of the types of peo... |
9 Posts • 3918 Views Psychology Forum |
The complicated stuff is usually the result of an "off-topic" question that was asked. The theory behind the Mind Portal is pretty simple actually. Jozen Bo gives out a 40 page manual on the... |
Life & DeathLife
15 Posts • 4285 Views Philosophy Forum |
I find that what I am doing in life to be the right thing for me, I have set a few goals for myself that are realistic for me to achieve. My problem is what good will it do? if I achieve everything I... |
Help plz.........
3 Posts • 1868 Views Talk Talk |
You should encourage him and console him. The issue is between him and his mom and has nothing to do with you. You have good intentions for sure, but it is better that they both work it out with each... |
What is Love
25 Posts • 7365 Views Talk Talk |
No these are not my own thoughts
Most of these I thought were signs of love but apparently not when I actually think about it like that,,,
Those points that aaaare signs of true love, I haven... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31960 Views Psychology Forum |
Well its all a question of admiring them without seeming perverted (which I wasn't very good at a few years ago). Rather I usually either try to be discreet or better yet compliment them. Obvious... |
Religion & Humanitywhy are we so special?
22 Posts • 5948 Views Religion Forum |
Ah, I see, and good point, however untill we start manufacturing our own renewable resources for survival, wealth will never be attained by all, probably lost by all and so with your point, more breed... |
Religion & HumanityMarriage
11 Posts • 3830 Views Religion Forum |
"I am bitter about a lot of things, but I was never a homosexual. I have other reasons to regret and to hate my own life. "
Oh I see, because a homosexual relationship would logically lea... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
do you mean your learning who i am? anyway i wont be like you i'll answer a qeustion or 2. because it makes me think "what if that was someone i loved? what if that was me? if that can happe... |
ChristianityGive Thanks, it makes you feel good..
3 Posts • 3196 Views Religion Forum |
Just thought that i'd be that guy to put up a cheesy Happy Thanksgiving thread. Talk about what you have to give thanks for, maybe any funny stories about your day whatever, enjoi life and the ho... |
Independent Realization V.S. Absract Teaching
5 Posts • 2599 Views Philosophy Forum |
Not another Decius related thread. Everything I know I learn from books. My idea of education is self-education. Some people have a more oral, "proactive" style of learning. As Decius quite... |
DrugsAcid as a Catalyst
11 Posts • 3488 Views Psychology Forum |
What are you people missing here..............?
What part do you not understand that drugs are an abuse that no good will ever come of it.
I am not going to sit here and lecture over the interne... |
Religion & HumanityHow come the transition for polytheism to monotheism?
16 Posts • 10125 Views Religion Forum |
DazedNconfused. I think that when LittleJohn and I spoke of primitive man, we are not thinking the Aztecs. I was thinking more like 20,000 or 30,000 years earlier. Bare foot hunter. The Aztecs were a... |
57 Posts • 10422 Views Talk Talk |
no problem xloobyloox!
and my intention is not to crit CodeWarroir, I can see he was only joking, even if I didn't know about the other post.
And there is nothing wrong with your liking se... |
Rehab & AddictionDrug Use, yay nay wrong or okay?
19 Posts • 6403 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
i've done a whole hell of a lot of drugs.......i had a lot of good times,bad times and in between times.....i became addicted to heroin and thats where the fun stopped.....
i think that exparame... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11632 Views Religion Forum |
This is not about who is a person of faith. This is not about you being a bad person because of faith. This is not about me saying that theists aren't good people and atheists are. This is about... |
My Friend Has A Crush on Her Co-Worker, But She Is
2 Posts • 8306 Views Talk Talk |
Awe poor thing. Well my advice is if she is shy, she needs to get rid of some of the shyness. If he talks to everyone, and not her, he could be viewing her shyness....(if she is pretty too) as she is... |
Religion & HumanityThe Uncanny
2 Posts • 3429 Views Religion Forum |
There may be UFOs but what good will they do us? Sure, the technology is impressive but even if extraterrestrial beings were to visit us and provide us with the technology where do you want to go? Wha... |
47 Posts • 14933 Views Philosophy Forum |
Practice meditation.
meditating and laughing... altho the laughing gets on other peoples nerves when its not appropriate, at least i still have a good time!
Do you guys believe it is somehow m... |