All Things Hockey
39 Posts • 10098 Views Talk Talk |
Hey no problem-
I tried this game many years ago in this "sports class" it was fun.
The Colorado fans have had things so good as well The avs have been there 10 years and have had two cups... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43982 Views Religion Forum |
'Why should they accept any other religion? Why should Muslims or Wiccans or Hindus? If they truly believe they are on the path to Heaven and that it is the only path why should they embrace paths lea... |
SpiritualityA Sense Of Humor
9 Posts • 3789 Views Religion Forum |
I call myself Dreamer for a few reasons. One being my dreams.
Another I dream of Utopia on earth. Impossible I know, but still that's another reason why I am a dreamer.
I am glad that helps you... |
SocietyCanadian's Feelin the Love
11 Posts • 3581 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bow to Henry Kissinger
Foreign Troops on our Soil
'Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if... |
Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9268 Views Religion Forum |
No that is false!
All religions are definately not all correct. It is possible for all to be wrong but it is not possible for all to be right.
All have exclusive truth claims at there core and t... |
Relationships & LoveBreakup E-mails
0 Posts • 2893 Views Psychology Forum |
Dear Heartless Bitch (i would simply use their name normally),
It is a shame things have come to this. I have done all I can do to make our relationship work, but sadly I can no longer continue on... |
School uniforms
47 Posts • 26645 Views Talk Talk |
speaking from the tounge of a student being threatend with having to wear a uniform i say that there are good and bad points about wearing a uniform. one good point being like what i know a bunch of p... |
What did you do today?
31 Posts • 9838 Views Talk Talk |
Got up, Played Sims 2 for Xbox, got bored, went on PC....
bored again, got a Christmas tree, stoped by hollywood (store), got shadow the hedgehog, got bored, tried to make an animation (long cartton... |
13 Posts • 4600 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I've had excellent and terrible vegie burgers but they are not what are common either way, and tend to be even more expensive. I'm still not sure how they were actually vegetable burgers but... |
112 Posts • 27048 Views Talk Talk |
I'm having trouble with my boss at work. I have to do the same. I have a nice job that doesn't pay too bad, regular hours, and I can read magazines at work - how cool is that. Our company ha... |
RelationshipsWhen will the pain of heartache go away?
17 Posts • 26631 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Thank you for your opinion Decius. It sounds quite clinical.
I like the story, I don't see it at all as being counter productive and I like fantasy also; which is my option. I like to think th... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39608 Views Philosophy Forum |
I enjoyed both replies to my posting and as it was my first and the age I am. I was quite impressed with the answers. However I don't totally believe we are alone and that providing you lead a go... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33941 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Don't be silly, all you see of me is these postings, and only the postings you see.
http://www.gn omenetwork.com/profile.php3/pi d=3046
Besides, this is just info not enough people f... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i was referring to the bible, but i DO NOT appreciate the religious portrayal of it. i don't associate myself with any of them. their own viewpoint, which they are entitled to, should not be cast... |
23 Posts • 26627 Views Philosophy Forum |
It is not valid in anyway, helping others can only make us feel good if we are seen by others.
Interesting comment, and probably true for you. But I've helped others, often anonymously, and I fe... |
Habits & BehaviorRandom Hatred
77 Posts • 16740 Views Psychology Forum |
ppl who think im smnarter than i am
I never understood this. It's like saying don't compliment me. A lot of chinese people complain about people saying their good at math. And I always t... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15116 Views Psychology Forum |
Haha, totally agree jacker, all of our experiences whether good or bad, are what makes life interesting. We certainly shouldn't expect anything to be easy, or turn a blind eye, when it comes to d... |
Alternative BeliefsMormon
6 Posts • 4890 Views Religion Forum |
I'm not an active member. I joined a long time ago when I had a good friend in the church while in the Navy. I could not acccept all of their beliefs so I dropped out. But once you are a member,... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30339 Views Religion Forum |
Oh dont get me wrong - I do believe in original sin...lol.
"Interestin g. So, to your kind of God, killing babies isn't evil. That does make the system work after a fasion."
Of cou... |
BooksWhat do you listen to when you read?
6 Posts • 2686 Views Talk Talk |
I'm always looking for good reading music, stuff that's good background music but not too distracting. Any suggestions? Usually I'll just listen to music without lyrics or classical mus... |
IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3832 Views Religion Forum |
All my family save me are muslims, no I dont love or hate them because they are muslim.. or others because they are not but because of their individual traits and actions.
When 9/11 happened i was... |
10 Posts • 4157 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think fantasies are good. they give people hope sometimes. other times they help people work hard to obtain a higher level. sexual fantasies are good because we tire of the same old thing, a fantasy... |
6 Posts • 2758 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is a subject I wish more people would educate themselves on, many don't know the first thing about the short history of the state of Israel, let alone Jewish ideology.
There is a disgusti... |
Aesthetics & BeautyOn Art
11 Posts • 5829 Views Philosophy Forum |
so what makes something art? nowadays you see a lot of this postmodern stuff, like a 10 foot pot filled to the brim with cigarette butts, for instance, and a lot of people are thinking, what the hell... |
Whats Your Myspace?
18 Posts • 5520 Views Talk Talk |
It's kinda ironic here we sit bashing on another blog and in CAPTIN CYNICS blog. Besides all that I really understand what you guys are saying. Looks like things are getting pretty evil there a 1... |