GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
People are the result of their upbringing. Personally all the rumours I've read about push paint him out to be someone that has gone through some unique and perhaps twisted experiences. War in it... |
Child & Family PsychologyHow To Get Over My Mother
3 Posts • 2916 Views Psychology Forum |
I read your message. Dawn: I find myself in a very similar situation and feeling the need to comment on your situation as well as share my own.
Personally, I have deemed my mother as not providing... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
"Is it really that difficult for you people to understand what it's like to truly "give yourself" to a cause?"
Does it matter to you if that cause is possibly wrong, or hur... |
93 Posts • 25431 Views Science & Technology Forum |
..i was arguing that religion stands in the way of cloning.
i am not a religious person. I was presenting alternate arguments that might have occured. These are all practical reasons to not clone.... |
JokesDad's Rules For Dating His Daughter
5 Posts • 9668 Views Jokes & Games |
This is hilarious. I would add that your daughter should home at a reasonable time. Compare to a ticking time bomb and if they don't return her by the time the bomb, a.k.a you,goes off, all hell... |
Freinds With Benefits, I Think Not
16 Posts • 6530 Views Talk Talk |
ok...a little off topic but you know it's ok to be wrong. A good example of someone who has tolerance towards adrenalin is an athlete. As an athlete trains he or she becomes able to calm down and... |
ChristianityRevelation finished?
21 Posts • 6115 Views Religion Forum |
The Quran was written 600 years after the Bible. To me, it came across as a "Me, too!" religion -- as if a group of people felt left out of the Bible, and wanted to prove that God was on the... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17207 Views Religion Forum |
Religion, I'd like a believer to define.
As the creator being, GOD created this world (existence) His Truth is eternal. Man the limited being in time & space is temperol as is his understand... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46368 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
So it's good to discriminate against gays?
To make a clear distinction; distinguish: discriminate among the options available.
To make sensible decisions; judge wisely.
To m... |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27092 Views Talk Talk |
Oblivion it probably my favorite word.one,because it is so rarely used.the adjective oblivious is used often,but never the noun oblivion.two,because of the definition.total nothingness.i have always b... |
Emotions & FeelingsThe Source of Guilt
6 Posts • 2445 Views Psychology Forum |
Yeah this ones a complicated road.
Watch some animals in a mirror; some recognise themselves. Others don't. I've watched a baby recognise itself slowly over time when it looked in the mir... |
Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 8051 Views Religion Forum |
One the big problems is leadership, in the church and in politics.
I have never came accross one church that is self sufficient with solar panels and a windmill and a local garden. Likewise, when t... |
JokesYo' Mama Jokes?
163 Posts • 103720 Views Jokes & Games |
ok,i finally have some more semi-good ones
yo mama so short you can see her feet on her driver's licsens
yo mama so old her birth certificate says expired
yo mama so old she sat behind jesus... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31951 Views Psychology Forum |
ok physically...
fine here it goes... im not racist.. so.. before anyone eats my foot i'll mention that.. okay i find white men the most attractive.. i dont like the orange tans.. white white... |
BiologyWTF with conditions had to be just right for life?
4 Posts • 2493 Views Science & Technology Forum |
i am sorry i disagree i think aliens if they exist will be very humanoid. i will use a earth life form to prove this. have you ever heard of The Thylacine? this is a very interesting thing as it can h... |
Personal philosophy bubble burst
3 Posts • 2191 Views Talk Talk |
aha! and when you finally reach what you were looking for... does it feel good? Yes and no. Living in a disillusioned world has its ups and downs. The down being the fact that there is no meaning in t... |
Get Your Pack Of Lies, It Cost Somebody Their Life
5 Posts • 3396 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Bullshit - When you join the military you don't join believing you will die and thats your choice - that's crap.
People join the military for several reasons - only those who couldn'... |
2 Posts • 2453 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
the main problem with social sciences is that people are born with completely different minds/wiring than others which makes predictions impossible and without being able to predict anything 100% of t... |
The importance of university and higher education?
18 Posts • 9138 Views Talk Talk |
Let's face it. School doesn't prepare you for the world. School is an alternate universe in which peoples' value are defined by how much time he/she spends studying his/her ass off.... |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19195 Views Philosophy Forum |
I read with great interest this debate among you youngins as to why certain social constraints come to bear on people as they age with respect to fashion.
As one of the old folk (42), I think I sho... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27634 Views Religion Forum |
"Again, Jesus changed those laws.
Unless you are Jewish, and do not believe in the Christ whom was here in the flesh, then of course, it would make sense."
Christ did not come to bring equ... |
ChristianityDo You Want to be a Christian?
14 Posts • 3394 Views Religion Forum |
Child of light that is very nice copying of a Christian leaflet and all the memory verses are very well ordered and the scriptures are all good scriptures, I know because I've read them. However,... |
Gender Psychologywhy are men treated so badly
23 Posts • 13924 Views Psychology Forum |
Here is a good topic I ran into:
http://pub208.ezboard.c om/faskmenfrm14.showMessage?to picID=119.topic
This was my favorite reply:
I had to take a cultural communications class in grad school. We... |
PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10955 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Ever the optimist.
I look out my window and see...
Cars drive past, celebrating the invention of the wheel.
We have come so far from caves and clubs. Every human I see wants to... |
ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6580 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Apparently you must not work or you keep your head in the ground. I do trust you can read or watch the news?
Haven't you heard about health care, doesn't look like it.
Compa... |