God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122390 Views Religion Forum |
If God did not exist, like all things intangible such as emotions and love being top. One would most likely have no emotions and all things would be quite chaotic.
There would be no conscience. For... |
Habits & Behaviorcan't cry anymore
12 Posts • 32346 Views Psychology Forum |
Yes, I went through a period of a few years where I experienced a lot of trauma and became so numb to my surroundings that I simply did not cry. I find myself crying over much different things then I... |
Famous PhilosophersLocke vs. Hobbes
11 Posts • 18413 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think in nature the suicide rate would be almost non exsistent. some may kill themselves out of curiosity(stupidty?), but thats about it. society forces strong emotions on us, which causes the rise... |
Gender PsychologyGirls Suck
16 Posts • 34794 Views Psychology Forum |
The reason most people suck (in the eyes of men) is because most of them after they turn 16 or so, they become a lot more dependent on feelings to make decisions not logic. This causes them to cause e... |
Gender PsychologyMen are sooo superior
9 Posts • 4166 Views Psychology Forum |
Actually, it's proven that women act more on emotions than common sense and logic. Which means women are the WORSE decision makers, and DON'T look at the whole picture, just the here and now... |
PoetryRandom Quotes & Poems
15 Posts • 5888 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
My implacable Existence
Deep from within
I wanted to evince
To relinquish my inhabitants
And bring forth the core of my very foundation
The throng was but a transient illusion
They assuaged my... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
mes like new here and irish so its all new to me!hehe! wot is this place all about? jus like chattn to peeps? i like the emotions. :)
*roll* *roll* :p *roll* |
The waters of life
3 Posts • 2337 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
My life is moving like a flowing river,
constantly cutting through a path,
it demonstrates a myriad emotions,
it knows that nothing ever lasts.
A quiet stream
may trickle slow and easy,
its c... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11162 Views Science & Technology Forum |
If the plane of existence has rippled based on emotions, or intense focused consciousness, it's possible to me that people can sometimes sense these peaks and valleys.
I really like that descr... |
Human Nature & EmotionOptimism VS happiness
13 Posts • 14150 Views Philosophy Forum |
Looking a little deeper into this:
It has often been asserted, and generally easy to observe, that our psychological makeup has two general components: an emotional/reactive side, and an analytical... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotion and Philosophy
4 Posts • 3173 Views Philosophy Forum |
When contemplating an issue is it appropriate to use emotional arguments and if so how? I can't seem to find a way to validate the use of emotion because emotions are subjective and one can claim... |
Child & Family PsychologyInescapable Human Emotion
27 Posts • 6633 Views Psychology Forum |
So you're saying that in your study of neroscience that humans are not biologically disposed to emotions?
This is completely different from what you originally asked.
The situation you orig... |
How is body and mind one?
4 Posts • 2616 Views Philosophy Forum |
First, there is emotion, then comes feeling, then comes consciousness of feeling.
What are the emotions? The primary emotions are happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust. The seconda... |
Mental IllnessApparentley I'm psychotic, but I feel normal?
19 Posts • 12414 Views Psychology Forum |
What you're saying does make sense, but I don't think i can convey my thoughts accurately through typing.
I suppose I do have emotions, and it may sound stupid but I don't know what... |
Emotions & FeelingsExplaining your emotions
13 Posts • 3630 Views Psychology Forum |
we are too indolent to be able to recall any emotion we have experienced in every detail. the language does not allow for it either. as to why we need emotions, they are evolutionaily developed neurot... |
Music VideosEndless Enya
8 Posts • 6080 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Orinoco Flow
I think this is my all time favourite of all Enya's songs and I bet there are many other people who would say the same.
I can listen to this song anytime. There have been times... |
Mental IllnessApparentley I'm psychotic, but I feel normal?
19 Posts • 12414 Views Psychology Forum |
Ok I understand that, but I honeslty don't think I'm an emotional person on the surface or deep down. I'm pretty much flat. I get what you're saying, but I don't think my mum... |
Life & DeathMovies that best describe life/death??
22 Posts • 6873 Views Philosophy Forum |
donnie darko is another really good one.....and there's a movie with sean penn.....but i can't remember the name of it, it's fairly new though,and it really depicts the emotions we can... |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13205 Views Philosophy Forum |
The mind is powerful and its ability to adapt is amazing. Self control of the mind does not imply a lack of humanity it simply means freedom from emotions, so instead of acting in a blind rage you can... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 41865 Views Philosophy Forum |
no it means unseeable by the naked eye in general context, then also respective to any other ways of seeing, not physical would be more like not real, imaginary, or something that deals with not able... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42015 Views Religion Forum |
"In other words, take it or leave it, but but do NOT expect God to persevere in patience with a world of ingrates, pagans, and disbelievers."
Then this is hardly an all good God. The god yo... |
A big committment issue or am I going off men?
3 Posts • 2967 Views Talk Talk |
you are that deranged girl and you are confused. the good thing is you can figure things out. firstly, stop being paranoid. relationships dont go anywhere unless you let them. you seem to have a fear... |
18 Posts • 5655 Views Talk Talk |
Chicks mostly just piss me off. I don't think I like any man or woman once I really get to know them, but I seem to have developed more centralized hatred toward chicks. They'll take you for... |
Emotions & Feelingsanger
10 Posts • 3302 Views Psychology Forum |
Well since you are 18, you're at the age of its typical onset so if youre worried, it won't hurt to get checked out. I read in another post that writting helps with your safness sometimes, s... |
2 Posts • 2842 Views Talk Talk |
growing up is all about becoming comfortable and confident in yourself. those who stand in your way must be overcome. those who simply follow you must be shown their own path. those willing to journey... |