DreamsWhat do you think of dreams?
15 Posts • 3861 Views Psychology Forum |
I've been browsing this forum for some time and although I enjoyed reading the discussions I have only recently begun being more interactive online.
So here's my first post.
Do you fee... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36671 Views Philosophy Forum |
In a way this universe is like a matrix. There is an ultimate reality far greater than this. In the same way that a dream is real to us until we wake up, this universe seems real to us but the ultimat... |
55yrs • F
I love you nick lachey! |
Child & Family PsychologyChildhood Outlets
7 Posts • 3183 Views Psychology Forum |
When I was a kid I used to day dream a lot. Day dreaming is basically playing something out in your head.
Its like this. I'd be sitting in first grade and I would just look like I was stareing... |
SpiritualityA Sense Of Humor
9 Posts • 3779 Views Religion Forum |
Dreamer - no that's very good, I like that interpretation. In a relationship, after a time, you do tend to get tired of your spouse. Possibly my inner self was trying to tell me that it would not... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 24936 Views Psychology Forum |
Wow, all of your guys dreams are so interesting.
I had this one dream that I was back in the medieval times and I was wearing one of those huge dresses. Anyways, I remeber I was on top of a tower an... |
DreamsWhat do you think of dreams?
15 Posts • 3861 Views Psychology Forum |
Well the basic Freudian idea of dreams and dream analysis is that our dreams show us our desires or fears... But not rationally. So a hill in a dream isn't a hill, but a representation of an obst... |
DreamsSelf Creationism
18 Posts • 7468 Views Psychology Forum |
I have heard it said that there is nothing new under the Sun.
Maybe our existance is just one big memory of what has already happened. Perhaps when we dream, and see ourselves in a tweaked version of... |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14186 Views Psychology Forum |
Ya know what's weird.
My lucid dreaming is becoming more complex every time I dream..When I get woken up in the morning it's because I'll be in one senario and then I'll just r... |
DreamsWhat do you think of dreams?
15 Posts • 3861 Views Psychology Forum |
I like to think that its possible dreams take me to a supernatural place. I don't know if it is true or not, but somehow it helps me feel more free and open about them, even if they are scary or... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeEnilightenment
23 Posts • 7726 Views Philosophy Forum |
enligtenment means different things to different people, some people associate it with the realisation of the true self and others with the effects of drugs.
For me it is the realisation of the ultim... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9943 Views Religion Forum |
I really don't know what to believe I just very strongly believe in one. I've studied this God and came to the conclusion from my studies that their were two gods. A false god and a true God... |
Prevelent of Existences
1 Posts • 2632 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I whish for a dream. One were you and I sit together entwined, upon a soft blanket. We sit on a slightly slanting hill, one of which has a small creek, flowing swiftly into the far distance. A soft gu... |
37 Posts • 11740 Views Psychology Forum |
well, like i said, the subconscious is usually overblown in its statements, and the best path is generally the middle-path. also, this was just basically a sample of what one possible interpretation c... |
37 Posts • 11740 Views Psychology Forum |
i dont know if you guys would be interested but i had this intense dream a while back and it still hunts me.
i saw my self in a green pasture with 3 unfimailar faces. then all of a sudden i shot u... |
9 Posts • 3374 Views Psychology Forum |
Ive been having the strangest dreams lately. I cry for hours about each one. Anyone analyze dreams? They are things that really happened , i guess thats why they upset me so bad. The first one i had a... |
DreamsDream Telepathy?
9 Posts • 5335 Views Psychology Forum |
I've had several dreams that lead me to believe that maybe there is a connection with others while dreaming or asleep. One night i dreamt that i saw my friend walking down the hall of our high sc... |
Religion & HumanityReligious views: are they really a reason for argument?
5 Posts • 2688 Views Religion Forum |
I went to bed early last night so about 1:30 AM, I woke from a dream . . . rather a nightmare?
Strange stuff the elements of a dream. Some how I found myself some where? I didn't know how I came... |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14186 Views Psychology Forum |
I have two main theories on dreams and lucid dreaming... post if you agree with either one, have a different one, or have something to add.
Our brain is the most powerfull calculator that will... |
Astral Travel/ Projection
10 Posts • 5562 Views Philosophy Forum |
When you meditate try sitting upright in a chair. This may be enough to keep your mind on the verge of consciousness so that you are not sleeping but at the same time are in a deep state of meditation... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Conscious and Unconscious Duality
13 Posts • 3605 Views Psychology Forum |
Perhaps try this...
The wake-initiated lucid dream "occurs when the sleeper enters REM sleep with unbroken self-awareness directly from the waking state". The key to this technique is rec... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17698 Views Philosophy Forum |
I do believe in soulmates. I prescribe to the theory that it a love rekindled from a past life.
But I very much agree with I R Me. You have to go on and experience new things and cherish what you h... |
DrugsChew on this..
14 Posts • 4865 Views Psychology Forum |
Whats crackin,
"Weed, acid, or any other drug that is used for pleasure (including the expansion of the mind) is, according to me, a cowards way out."
I find this very very ture... |
DreamsCrazy Dream
7 Posts • 4159 Views Psychology Forum |
wierd, I've had virtually the exact same dream as you, man. I don't study dream thoery or anything, but let me see what I think. When you're sleeping, you're at peace, you're... |
110 Posts • 24184 Views Religion Forum |
Pete - I know what you believe, I've learned all that before.
There are things in the old testament that you would not find in the new testament, and then then there are things in the new tes... |