Favorite quotes so far.
40 Posts • 12891 Views Talk Talk |
"Even though is difficult, I can still dream."
There it is dreamer. |
One Valuable Trait
0 Posts • 2448 Views Psychology Forum |
Being able to embrace life fully and not take anything for granted --I guess I'd call that a "passion for life." Too often, many of us are guilty (myself included) of nitpicking and not... |
DreamsMy Metaphysical Experience
17 Posts • 9574 Views Psychology Forum |
One way to decipher between out of bodies and dreams is by the surroundings. If the surroundings are exactly as they are in a waking state then you're probably having an out of body. If the surro... |
DreamsMy Metaphysical Experience
17 Posts • 9574 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree Wyote if you're aware of them. But I think that people can experience out of bodies and "misinterpret" them as dreams because they don't know what an out of body is.
I h... |
Life & DeathDescribe Your Death
16 Posts • 5752 Views Philosophy Forum |
i want to fall peacefully into death without knowing. one day i will find out that I'm dead through gnosis. one day i will awaken and realize all time has ceased. i will feel the unchanging exist... |
Favorite quotes so far.
40 Posts • 12891 Views Talk Talk |
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" Even though is difficult, I can still dream."
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Random QuestionsWhats your favorite song
81 Posts • 18728 Views Talk Talk |
"the killer in me is the killer in you"
It's called Disarm.
Dream Theater - Only a Matter of Time |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29265 Views Religion Forum |
Where they drew lots to decide who would replace Judas - I will agree that they had made a mistake and possibly Paul should have been that replacement.
I think if I remember right, mathew was the o... |
Kahlil Gibran Discussion on one writing of his pro favor? (No it is not in espanol)
17 Posts • 9430 Views Philosophy Forum |
This is a man I have studied for many years. Now if you do not know him...you might know of his book of the Prophet. Very interesting book to say the very least and VERY easy read. It just takes your... |
1 Posts • 2924 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I wrote this two years ago,
not bad for a fourteen year old.
People seem to hate me,
I don't know the reason why,
And it seems to stay that way,
No matter how I try.
You... |
93 Posts • 30405 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you want to know the answer, then you should ask yourself this: What happened BEFORE LIFE? Where were you then? Answer: nowhere. I think AFTER DEATH you will be in eternal nothingness...
I wishe... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25006 Views Psychology Forum |
it feels much much deeper, and is almost painful when i wake up, especially when it is sudden. i guess "painful" isnt really the right word... but i cant think of a better way to describe it... |
Your Car
149 Posts • 38602 Views Talk Talk |
i have a 2002 chevy impala on 20" rims. a kick ass stereo system and a couple of more goods. not bad for a college student making it on his own
and chevygirl, i love chevys too! my dream chevy... |
10 Posts • 4157 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think fantasies can be good or bad. Your right of the fact that they can set you up for a fall. Growing up, my fantasy was to meet prince charming, become a princess and live happily ever after. (I... |
DreamsDream Telepathy?
9 Posts • 5345 Views Psychology Forum |
I've thought about that a lot too recently, and i agree with the whole mathematical dream thing. I was just thinking the other day that that is a possibility for deja vu. You do the same things d... |
War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6698 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hmm, I have a what some consider a high income job (6 figures) and I always thought it was the American dream, not greed. How silly of me. As far as the greed part, charitable organizations and my chu... |
ChristianityA Little Quiz
34 Posts • 10490 Views Religion Forum |
a passage from the bible Actually it doesn't state that at all. But it is an excellent choice to your point.
[Exodus 8] Actually the fullness of it begins in Genesis.
Joseph & the rainbow r... |
DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10712 Views Psychology Forum |
"i know most people's perception of a dream is that consequence is not involved since it isn't "real"/ I'm thinking they may be wrong.
what do you think?"
I... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91142 Views Philosophy Forum |
A lucid dream researcher, Stephen Laberge, once used a snowflake analogy do describe his views on death. Basically we are all individual snowflakes floating towards an ocean. Each flake is unique and... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44060 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is many things wrong with the world. However I do not think that it is our place to change it. But who knows for certain. I know that If I could do anyting I wanted I would lead the world in the... |
InventionMagnetic Freeway (& Retro-fit)
14 Posts • 3566 Views Science & Technology Forum |
My idea was to create a system of rails in a super highway fashion. So these means retro fitting all existing roads with MAGLEV tech, we could use current electromagnetic suspension (EMS) systems to p... |
EconomyChina: Our new best friend
7 Posts • 3256 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
One night I had a dream, I was told to be at the pier, the enemy was coming. So that morning I was at the pier as a line handler to assist mooring up an asain military vessel.
The deeper debt we t... |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14241 Views Psychology Forum |
i think dreams are sometimes just for fun.....but others do predict..... one example is i had a dream about a huge fire that happened in one of my favourite tv programmes the next week there was a hug... |
ConspiracyConspiracy Confessions
29 Posts • 11228 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
that is very true, the numbers have grown, but it still needs to be a lot better, particularly in america in my opinion.
nations are a check to other nations, i dont have things all planned out in... |
Human Nature & EmotionArtificial Intelligence
15 Posts • 4623 Views Philosophy Forum |
How will you make a computer dream? Are you sure you can do that. AI is a fun topic. There was a movie I remeber watching where they made a boy robot with human emotions, it was the first of its kind.... |