12 Posts • 3036 Views Psychology Forum |
that does make sense.
but unfortunantly,i havent had a real nightmare since i was like 5 i think.i had a "bad dream" a couple of days ago where my girlfriend cheated on me.i woke up extre... |
DreamsWhats Happening to ME?!
23 Posts • 8364 Views Psychology Forum |
Yea exactly, im trying to journal my dreams.
But the problem is Astarte, i dont have dreams. Well at least, not lately. The last dream i had was on march 10. I havent had a dream since, that could... |
12 Posts • 3036 Views Psychology Forum |
i know that nobody likes nightmares, but for some reason i would rather have a nightmare rather than a dream. it's kind of a different way of looking at it but, when you have a nightmare you wake... |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14241 Views Psychology Forum |
you can never possibly know how many dreams have acctually come true, only the very small percentage that you remember, concidering we have hundreds to thousands of dreams in one night, for proof this... |
DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10710 Views Psychology Forum |
more to the developed topic of lucidity to begin. there are hundreds of types of induction techniques that can increase one's ability ot achieve waking or near waking consciousness while dreaming... |
Reality & MetaphysicsOut of Body
14 Posts • 3565 Views Philosophy Forum |
Dream travel? Do you travel in your dream, and then can visit other people's dreams too? |
8 Posts • 4374 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i was told by my teacher that this peice is crap, due to the fact i did not entirly use the laws of a sonnet.
a dream is but a dream
formulating in the crevices of my rampant mind
life is but a t... |
8 Posts • 3603 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
dis is crap
give us some feedback
i no u think itz funny
the way i scream out your name.
i no u think i\'m joking dont u understand i\'m going insane
i dream of an old story
the one... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25006 Views Psychology Forum |
well im not really nonreligious...its kind of hard saying what my views are...id say im about as agnostic as a person can be, actually, but i do get kind of pissed when people follow religion blindly.... |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14241 Views Psychology Forum |
Like gaining control of the subconscious level
That makes sense. I used to have the same nightmare over and over from about age 3 (or maybe younger) to about age 13. Eventually, I could remember the... |
 35yrs • M
I like carl sagans spin on that, we are all made of the same stuff therefore we are all one and should love one another as an extension of ourselfs |
DreamsMy Metaphysical Experience
17 Posts • 9574 Views Psychology Forum |
It sounds like you had an out of body experience, quite frequently thought of as a dream, because they often occur (the unintentional ones) during sleep. It's when your consciousness leaves your... |
 38yrs • F
"Life is just a dream on the way to death..." |
 73yrs • M
A person without a dream is a person without a tomorrow |
 35yrs • F
\\\"Dream, Believe, Create, Succeed\\\" |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51573 Views Philosophy Forum |
HaiderKhan, I assume you are trying to create an afterlife that makes sense to you. I do that myself and have gave birth to many plausible ideas of an afterlife. I have actually had one a lot like wha... |
DreamsSelf Creationism
18 Posts • 7490 Views Psychology Forum |
I thought up something much like this. Suppose we are a dream of some one in another dimention, he controls every thing we do, everything we things, all things having to do with us that we think we co... |
 32yrs • F
\"If what we reach for is a goal, then what is a dream?\"- Me |
 47yrs • F
"always dream freely" |
 35yrs • F
"Life Is But A Dream" |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25006 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm not completly sure Wanderingnobody why one can continue their dreams after being awake but I would suggest that dreams are based on memory patterns in the brain. By thinking about the dream w... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25006 Views Psychology Forum |
well the two main theories of dreams (freuds and jungs) are that dreams are either
1. subconscious wish-fulfillments, b/c the subconscious(primal, "immoral" desires) gets stifled in everyda... |
 32yrs • F
One of Life's Secrets Is To Dream & Belive In Your Dreams No Matter How Big They Are |
War & TerrorismWhat Are We Doing In Iraq?
14 Posts • 4283 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ya It is a good*devil* dream but whose dream is it? Their cultural hertiage is different from ours. Why do you think that given the oppurtunity to exercise their own free will, they would ever decide... |
 43yrs • F
"Dream" |