Anyone can make anyone cry... But it takes a Genius to make someone laugh. - 68 firebird
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Tagged > Draw eyes
THREAD Creative MusingsScribbles from my notebook
2 Posts • 2596 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
My very first attempt at a villanelle. I'm glad I followed the basic structure and of that I am pleased. If there is anyone out there who could offer any constructive critique, I'd appreciat...
THREAD Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6647 Views
Talk Talk
Quit a few parents today only worry about is appearance not wether they are doing the right thing or not. Yeah im 15 but that dont mean i cant have common sense. I mean some parents think that as long...
THREAD IslamContradictions in the Quran
62 Posts • 16846 Views
Religion Forum
I'm surprised, If you ever walk into a situation trying to force your conclusions instead of seeing all possibilities, of course you're never going to finish the text when you realize you...
THREAD thoughts
4 Posts • 2845 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
i kicked her down three flights of stairs in armarillo she walked back up with a pink sand hourglass said "these would be the last time i count down my days" cherry tree came up popped ri...
THREAD some shit of mine :)
11 Posts • 3737 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
pardon the caesuras/:D Fear of Heights (and for good reasons) I've been thiking and breaking things down, wondering when I'll let it all out How our voices collide, somewhere in the...
THREAD Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 6890 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Hi guys - thought I'd give you another chapter:) CHAPTER SIX - Shadows in the darkness Qaphsiel held my hand so tightly and pulled me along around the perimeter of the house so strongly that...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44619 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think that within each human mind exists the space and time of the universe. I've analyzed the problem of infinity in its confrontation with the concepts of three-dimensional space and linear t...
THREAD PoetryOnce gone Two return
13 Posts • 6877 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
She had a smile that could wipe away the world Her hands radiated love with every wave He thought I want to live forever with her Looking in her eye's raining drops of heaven He couldn't help bu...
THREAD Anti-Bush Jokes (or related)
9 Posts • 7776 Views
Jokes & Games
Let's follow the American tradition of making fun of our President and his administration! Post jokes here! The President, First Lady and Dick Cheney were flying on Air Force One. George l...
THREAD StoriesWar Scene
1 Posts • 3390 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I've been writing a book, this is an extract from it: Red thunder flashed acrss the tear filled eyes of innocent children, as the black sky looked down upon the dry land with gloom. Dead trees...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 56971 Views
Religion Forum
okcity kid: I think it is indeed a change. Change is inevitable in a space / time continuum. It implies nevertheless that evil can increase at the expense of good onto the most extreme. our location i...
THREAD Creative MusingsDeja-Vu you never knew?
5 Posts • 2475 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
And We All Have Been Here Before I keep telling you I cannot stay, not even for the likes of you I'll never hold, not as dear as your particular manifestation...and my feet remain hovering...
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31442 Views
Talk Talk
Hey, wait a minute, I've just had a realization thanks to you people! You made me think about my rights as a human being and something occurred to me, I can do whatever the fuck I want and no...
THREAD conversation I had with a myspace female
24 Posts • 6955 Views
Talk Talk
i never said there was anything wrong with having m8s the same sex as you as well. the only reason i have more female friends than male is cos i get one with them better. the reason you think girls...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 41573 Views
Philosophy Forum
Oh crap, I forgot what this thread was about now ... oh yeah, what is soul? I don't know. Okay, I'll say something more... :D Both western science and eastern ancients believe/bel...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 41527 Views
Religion Forum
God is omnipotent, but he gave man a free will. To choose. That is the definition of true love. We as humans understand that concept in 'Love something set it FREE...etc' Let me explai...
THREAD "Nothing is true, everything is permitted"
3 Posts • 2671 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hey... I think it's cool you're already thinking about this stuff at your age... I was a fair bit older when that happened for me. (Perhaps that's why you think your friends might not b...
THREAD Relationships & LoveAdvice would be nice
19 Posts • 4757 Views
Psychology Forum
You guys are helping me a lot. Here's some more details. His situation is really tough, atleast, he says it is. Since he doesn't have a car, he has to ask his mom when he can use it, and...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeWittgenstein's notes called On Certainty
4 Posts • 4635 Views
Philosophy Forum
"If you do know that here is one hand [G.E. Moore, Proof of an External World], we'll grant you all the rest. When one says that such and such a proposition can't be proved, of course t...
THREAD War & TerrorismOfficial Captain Cynic WTC 9/11 Thread
0 Posts • 6685 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Something can always be done about it. Keeping your eyes open to not let it happen again puts you in no different posistion than the one you speak so negatively of. Dissinformation, missinformation,...
124 Posts • 33141 Views
Talk Talk
I hate it that the girl i like keeps playing me for a fool constantly being a flurt letting me get what i want then tossing me out and fucking telling me that she's using me. I hate it that i go...
THREAD Life & DeathLife, Death, Choice
19 Posts • 7006 Views
Philosophy Forum
i have little respect for most humans. today i was driving and came to a stop sign that intersected the highway. There was traffic stoppd for about 2 miles. I waited at that stop sign as people inched...
THREAD horse portraits
1 Posts • 2509 Views
Philosophy Forum
horse portraits Colour theory in art lots of information and examples in colour theory in art Colour theory in art is our third principle and when you look around you there's subtle colou...
THREAD Life & DeathDid Einstein unknowingly prove life beyond death?!?! This is a theory of everything
25 Posts • 63627 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm just wondering soul prophet why it is that people assume animals aren't going to have a soul or experience an afterlife just because they can't talk like us? Who on Earth knows w...
THREAD GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12105 Views
Philosophy Forum
I remember. I could say, "I saw God," and someone would then say, "are you sure you saw God" I cannot prove to you that there is a God, anything I say will be questioned. Likew...
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