Tagged > Do women propose |
IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 77011 Views Religion Forum |
*lol* You're like the 239th person to tell me that, JackerJones. If I were immortal, I would laugh at everything, but the fact that I'm going to die makes me serious.
But getting back on... |
2 Posts • 2011 Views Talk Talk |
i am 20 years old and am not completely sure of my sexuality. is that too old not to know? i have been with both men and women, but i am confused beyond belief. i often wonder if i am only attracted t... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27632 Views Religion Forum |
This is getting to be a big arguement. I agree that there are parts in the bible that are pro man and and anti woman. But there are also stories that are pro women.
Paul taught that the man is the... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12720 Views Religion Forum |
What is your alternative to a Bush run system? Will not the loss of Bush as president result in a new president with the same warlike tendencies as the status quo? Unless you find someone such as Jesu... |
 29yrs • M
All the world's a stage. And all the men and women are merely players. |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12764 Views Talk Talk |
Western culture looks up to the underdog as the suffering innocent (christ?). What's annoying about all this sensitivity is that it keeps those boundaries between people of different color, sex,... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16869 Views Psychology Forum |
That has nothing to do with it. That is related to the amount of kowledge one must acquire. It's social injustice that women have to work harder to reach high levels because they have to battle s... |
Ladder Theory
5 Posts • 4336 Views Philosophy Forum |
Women think more emotionally and men more logically. Women think of their feelings for a man and judges their future off that. Men know that they like sex. Why not? Anyways most guys that fit the cate... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34714 Views Talk Talk |
I hear elected officials corner the market on womanizing, and they are also often strong advocates against rap, ah, old white men.
I wasn't saying you were making racist comments or anything,... |
 89yrs • M
< no additional information provided > |
 55yrs • M
"WOMEN" ...Gotta Love Em |
RelationshipsI have nothing but contempt for the western woman
35 Posts • 19209 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Basically I was condemning you for your generalization and showing up the fact that there are different social cultural currents that affect the western european women and the eastern european women.... |
 59yrs • M
i love women. |
 55yrs • M
watching women is good for eyes |
 65yrs • M
I love beautiful women |
 53yrs • M
i love women with beauty and intelligence |
All Mens College?
3 Posts • 3782 Views Talk Talk |
How come there are no all men's colleges but there are women's colleges? How come there are women centers but not men centers? Womens dorms but not mens dorms? I was looking at aa college br... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27632 Views Religion Forum |
Im muslim, and the quran states that if u believe in god even if your christian, jewish, or islamic, and u work for rightousness then youll enter paradise(heaven). But i dont agree with the section on... |
Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11423 Views Psychology Forum |
You are avoiding an important question. If we abolished jails, what are we to do with the criminals that are dangerous and who will repeat their crimes? What system to you propose we imp... |
Sexual BiologyNot Cumming
17 Posts • 7391 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I've looked at the upisdes to this
1- its good exercise
2- it must be good when u do cm
3- its good for the chick
Then I looked at the downside
1-not so good for a quickie
lol. I do... |
Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15041 Views Philosophy Forum |
The origional post is rather interesting-
are women presured into finding other women attractive
and are differennt body types portrayed in different periods of art?
I think now days it is '... |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11366 Views Psychology Forum |
lmao... i got no problems. women like me and i like them. first impressions usually tell you within the first 15 minutes if the person you are talking to is into you or not. most women know pretty qui... |
Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10424 Views Philosophy Forum |
men want sex women want money.......that is total bullshit......there are some women who want to take your cash and there are some guys who just want to screw you but thats not the majority......not a... |
Am i going gay?
21 Posts • 6937 Views Talk Talk |
i can totally relate to looking at other girls...and although i've had some female to female exparamentation im not gay,i dont want to be with other women, but, i do think women are beautiful and... |
Gender PsychologyLadies what do women want in a man?
25 Posts • 11660 Views Psychology Forum |
For some odd reason all women love to go gout with me and only want to make other men jealous but never continue a realationship i mean come on I've been used more than a seat on a subway or a be... |