Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
O.K. so SNL stepped out of line with the kids, I will agree there. NO kid should be subjected to such things even if it is a parody. As for the rest of the skit... which is what it is a skit (fictiona... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 41932 Views Philosophy Forum |
Most likely the soul is just a romantic notion meant to abate fear provide an avenue for some to feel there is purpose in life, but as I've mention in other threads being a "special" en... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10152 Views Philosophy Forum |
These guys debate Texas Holdum with the voracity of logicians and ethicists. It's amazing. Infinite depth is an Aristotellian concept with no rational basis. One can logically deduce that somethi... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 35994 Views Religion Forum |
I'm sorry, I cannot get a debate concerning something written so long ago, in a culture we cannot hope to fully understand, AND which had been translated through how many languages? I would like to co... |
62 Posts • 21889 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"What if the armed forces belong to some other nation who goes to war with a country and then institutes changes which are in their own best interest, not those whom they have supposedly liberate... |
the Holocaust of north and south america.
7 Posts • 2946 Views Talk Talk |
ethnic cleansing cultural extermination and systematic murder oh my. I have noticed that a debate exists with in canada and the U.S. Over the North Amarican Genocide and its implications. I realise th... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 18958 Views Religion Forum |
With all due respect for other opinions, Summit's reasoning for the rationalistic approach on the evolution versus creationism debate complies with both mathematical, biological and empirical dis... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12188 Views Religion Forum |
No wonder you always worry about offending, you are easily offended.
Which is exactly what I said. This is the only... |
GovernmentPlans for George W. Bush Presidential Library
29 Posts • 8615 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Actually I didn't call Bush a liar. A liar is not merely anyone who tells lies for all humans lie but one that repeatedly tells lies. A liar is one that denies he tells lies. Has Bush or you or I... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13738 Views Talk Talk |
For those who argue against sparing pain, suffering, and death of non human animals, it would appear your main arguments consist of...
1. Everyone, or most everyone, does it and always have.
2.... |
DreamsThird eye, pineal gland, sun gazing, lucid dreams, DMT and enlightenment
6 Posts • 12707 Views Psychology Forum |
This is not really a debate but a chance for people to share info on the pineal gland and assosiatied topics (dmt,techtites,lucid dreams, sungazing and third eye etc)
recently I have been resarchin... |
99 Posts • 21523 Views Philosophy Forum |
Right, and you don't find it "rediculous" that you just keep posting and posting to continue adding onto a defense that was weak to begin with?
I don't need to know you, all I n... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17232 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well, let us see, hmm . . . instead of the present systems of polotics what if . . .the representatives we voted for were more like sensus takers, whose purpose is to present an accurate & objecti... |
Music ReviewTop 8 reasons why Superman's Bryan Singer should be beaten
0 Posts • 1916 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I do have standards! High ones, I'm a film maker myself. Obviously this isn't 'art' in the same way as more high brow movies. But this debate isn't over whether this movie bel... |
God in ReligionGOD
23 Posts • 8831 Views Religion Forum |
Yeah I do want to go with that. The logic is blinding to your abstract and vauge view of how you make your choices everyday.
i'll take your rose colored glasses and put them on. God or the Ar... |
Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5926 Views Religion Forum |
How cn anyone look at another thread of thought, and then at this one, and not comment on this one?
It's easy if you close your eyes real tight...
This is my first and only religous "t... |
Rant OnMy letter to YOU.....(my little vent/rant)
9 Posts • 3240 Views Talk Talk |
I don't think guys make sense either, hahahaha.
I believe DATING means dating around. Are you dating? Im not.
You could be dating SOMEONE...as in "I am dating him/her." that is a... |
LawJuveline Criminal - Parents or Kid?
0 Posts • 4363 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
For the longest time I believed that behaviour was solely learned. Only after sitting in classes and reading up on genetics did I consider the possibility that traits like aggression may be geneticall... |
SocietyI Spy - Because I Can, I'm The Commander-In-Chief
15 Posts • 4330 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well, let's consider their view . . . although we perceive the web as open source of communication & exchange, others may not. For instance my son is active in a game site which while open to... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15161 Views Religion Forum |
My biggest fear of any kind of religion is when everyone follows suit, is the raising the standard occurrence. This is where when everyone is in agreement, debate and war is waged over the minutest of... |
Religion & HumanityThe Disease of Religious Fundamentalism
19 Posts • 6693 Views Religion Forum |
I think you are wrong blaming this all on religion, as if it were a belief in God that caused all this myham.
Who are you talking to? I see no one who has stated that.
Communism has proven your... |
ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3204 Views Religion Forum |
Well, I can't specifically respond to the questions I've posed and you've answered, but I can summarize what I was thinking when I read that post.
I agree. :P
While I still don... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21829 Views Religion Forum |
REberg said;":My original post on this sub-forum seemed to fit the concept of alternative religious beliefs – that God and the Universe are different names for the same entity. I remain su... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31630 Views Talk Talk |
somehow i saw this as your ultimate conclusion Metal Giant. simply dont eat meat. it is simple. but i like meat, and we could probably argue "facts" back and forth for years about whether or... |
ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 20978 Views Religion Forum |
think you over mystify the unknown. me*confused* http://www.captaincynic.com/th read.php3/thrdid=14614-u-frmid =12-u-page=5 you must not have check this thread out?I don't think it's something... |