Relationships... or Lack Thereof
7 Posts • 3370 Views Philosophy Forum |
i realise i am still very young and dont have a true grasp of the whole "relationship" thing yet. i am in fact, much less experienced in that department than most of my peers. but i do feel... |
ChristianityWas Jesus Black
31 Posts • 14540 Views Religion Forum |
Jesus is in the "Line of David" which is in the Line of Solomon and Moses and all...
Well... Moses was raised in Egypt... a decidely black nation of people... only the most Euro-centrirc... |
Surreal Prose
1 Posts • 3329 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
And that was the day, I remember it well.
Old Arthur and Ralph came in from the snow with soot on their faces and handfuls of coal.
"Let's play a game!" exclaimed Ralph, shutting the... |
GovernmentThis Is The Reality
30 Posts • 7211 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
so you can study those too.....
I've heard this one, kind of interesting.
But caring or giving it an iota of legitimacy is surely unwarrented, it doesn't fit into the scheme of our cu... |
Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9200 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is having the intelligence and responsibility to make the good decisions worth being forced to make the good decisions for the good of the world?
I agree, people do have the ability to make their... |
Random QuestionsWhat job Do You have
27 Posts • 7012 Views Talk Talk |
Yes that's the right weapon, beautiful in a way don't you think? As far as being "phychologically" prepped that starts in basic really but everyone who joins know they might die th... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42276 Views Philosophy Forum |
You can only 'beleve' in God, you can only 'beleive' that you have a soul. I and no one can ever prove things like this, that is, prove in the sense of 'seeing' or touchi... |
God in ReligionGod?
88 Posts • 20538 Views Religion Forum |
The evidence for Gods existance is all around you. The truth of the matter is most people do not want God to be real because it would cause us to have to change the way we live our lives (God focused... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views Science & Technology Forum |
E=mc^2 is not really about space. The theory of relativity has several more or less disjoint consequences on space, time, and matter. It all stems from the seemingly rediculous fact that the speed of... |
please read dis
6 Posts • 3460 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i think its great. there is a little bit of her in all of us ^_^
i would change this line tho -
"It was them who was wrong"
--> it was them who were wrong
actually, that line i... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16828 Views Religion Forum |
"Truth is I thought it mattered. I thought that music mattered. But does it? Bullocks! Not compared to how people matter."
- Chumbawamba |
trust no more
1 Posts • 3107 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i'd hate to say
that we should never trust
because trust
just leads to betrayal
and dissapointments
that will hurt you more
then being alone
dying in the gutter
as the world passes you by... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55476 Views Philosophy Forum |
ekiump It is true that you could be right. You have used logic in arriving at your beleifs. But however no matter what you beleive it is nothing more than the same beleifs as others have. As I said to... |
Gender PsychologyDo Women Ever Propose?
2 Posts • 6349 Views Psychology Forum |
It happens just not very often. They want to be equal to men(hence the 19th amendment) but then they can't do basic shit and propose to the man no matter how much they love them(supposedly). I th... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30358 Views Religion Forum |
Uh, change is the only constant in life buddy. That's how God apparently wanted it, confusing and simplistic.
You see, I fairly well agree with your conceptualization of God, I cannot do more... |
TechnologyAnti-Matter Engines
7 Posts • 4828 Views Science & Technology Forum |
yeah but i am talking in the future when we might hypothetically be able to make 1 kg of anti mater or something in that order and i think that would be enough to destroy the earth.
and if you didn... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33990 Views Religion Forum |
It's interesting how seemingly different questions like this one are really just different versions of the same question--just worded differently. Oh, well. I think each of us live in a personal... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Nic e point, dramatics indeed. All presented in a nice pro Bush package. Its the newest greatest thing, and everybody's buying it, not.
The fact of the matter also i... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9978 Views Religion Forum |
Firstly, I am Pagan (notice the capital). This is a shortening of Neo-Pagan. It is also a lot easier and generally more descriptive in general conversation than saying Celtic Reconstructionist. Sorry... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21992 Views Religion Forum |
Pickup, you are correct that M theory has a multi-verse as a consequence. And as much as I have read on string theory, M theory makes mathematical sense, although empirical evidence would be hard to c... |
22 Posts • 11353 Views Philosophy Forum |
Good point....also....Is it possible that the so called founder of the illuminati was not in the know.....a great diguise to hide behind....maybe he was used as a wholesome puppet. I have read that he... |
War & TerrorismDrug Connections
5 Posts • 3260 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I used to work for a chief who used to always say, "In The Name of God and Country" and role his eyes. Because you could do anything no matter how wrong as long as it was "In The Name o... |
Warm Fuzzy Things...
15 Posts • 4983 Views Talk Talk |
Being able to talk to people about random issues...
Sitting out on my Balcony, just watching life go by...
The beautiful smell of a woman as she walks by...
Hugs, most definetly...I love hugs..... |
Famous PhilosophersNew School part 2
1 Posts • 2546 Views Philosophy Forum |
When we reflect on the words of life's most well know philosophers, I feel as though we have difficulty applicably relating there words to our present. I feel though we fail to realize that the world... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29271 Views Religion Forum |
Their whole life will be self destructive to themselves and others until they will most likely be put to death. It says that God takes these people and gives them a true spirit and puts them back on e... |