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Tagged > Dark matter
THREAD SocietyPoverty
20 Posts • 7219 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I think instead of doubling the $300 for two years, they need to cut it in half. Why should I pay for someone to sit on their butt. The UN council on poverty wanted to visit the Harlem slums to see Am...
THREAD Inter-racial dating
9 Posts • 3367 Views
Talk Talk
I am 17 years old and im african american. If you tryly love the guy u are going out with ur parents should be thrilled ,they may not like the guy but since they are ur parents they should accept the...
THREAD Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29881 Views
Jokes & Games
Then potentially one of the New York Times columnists for the best seller lists would love it, make you into a monstrous star, the likes of which haven't been seen since Danielle Steel or J.K. Ro...
THREAD ElectionsThe second American election!
3 Posts • 2761 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I will keep an eye on this as well- but dont worry the fix is in allready.... and I was so flabergassed the TIME mag made bush person of the year- who was second in contention?- Saddam Huessien? No...
THREAD Christianityis being too lazy to read the bible a sin?
10 Posts • 5202 Views
Religion Forum
in order to be saved you have to ask Jesus into your heart. if you do it sincerely, you will know very well whether He is there or not. How Jesus looks does not matter. at all. how you picture him is...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42159 Views
Religion Forum
I don't think your freind came up with that question himself, it was asked fifty years ago! Can God create a rock so heavy that He himself can't lift it? Well, first of all, material thing...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33990 Views
Religion Forum
"Rather than saying I don't believe anything until I have proof, I say I'll believe anything is possible, show me what you have on the matter and I'll look into it." So......
THREAD Cliqueless
0 Posts • 5643 Views
Philosophy Forum
Beuphemia just for you "a stupid people" i'm sure you'll say that it was some kind of way of drawing attention to your point not a mistake! oh no... of course you a...
THREAD Human Nature & Emotionnot in love but still benifiting
2 Posts • 3400 Views
Philosophy Forum
I know what you mean. It's like you continue to persevere, focus, achieve, and strive for the best of yourself so when you are finally united with that other person you can honestly say that you...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views
Religion Forum
Strongclad Believes: "God saves according to His will. The Bible states clearly What throughout the whole Old (through prophecy) and New Testament (fulfillment of that prophecy) that it was God&#...
THREAD Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9334 Views
Religion Forum
To imagine a world without religion or war will seem very boring – what then will you spend your energy on? The fact is that we have all been heavily invested in pain – taking a stance for it or...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43989 Views
Religion Forum
Well, I am agreeing with your statement in general. A past thread went into reat length to show the unchristian attitude that prevailed in the dark ages. Looking at those implements of torture, one wo...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13268 Views
Religion Forum
The Natural Way? The plant takes nutrients from the soil & returns it to the soil when it decompose. So too do some beast devour one another, so (human) beings are above such things? ^^that&...
THREAD GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17368 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Simple, no laws = no restrisctions = You can now carry guns Once you can start carryting guns, it doesnt matter if your a coward or not, you can still pull a trigger. So, if someone shoots someon...
THREAD EconomySix Principles of Global Manipulation
16 Posts • 6453 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Oh shit, for a brief moment you said something worthy of discussion, and then you ruined it by throwing in a lot of stuff that doesn't matter. Now I don't know if you know the difference bet...
THREAD Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8032 Views
Religion Forum
Evolutionary theory is established, but is scope and import are yet to be determined. To repeat, I am not questioning its general validity, but the claim that it has rendered the concept of God null a...
THREAD Genius - How would you know?
13 Posts • 3404 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm afraid I have found most of this thread very waffly, lots of waffle going off in different tangents and not really coming to any conclusions. The waffles were served by the original poste...
THREAD Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views
Philosophy Forum
Loosely quoted I belive one of our founding fathers said " I do not agree with my enemy, but I will defend to the death his right to say it.". I personally belive. That every single person n...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
The Dixie chicks still tour as a matter of FACT they are playing in Vegas this month. Oh WOW!! People still go. Its better the kids buy rocks not guns. Be greatful for that or dont, your choice....
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views
Psychology Forum
Awaken has stated that his beliefs choose him. If that is the case then he does not have any say in the matter. I however choose my beliefs and I can choose to let them go if I wish
THREAD what is the truth?
15 Posts • 2808 Views
Talk Talk
I bet you that no matter what the accepted premises are the truth will mold to fit them. There's truth in lies and lies in truth.
THREAD Time and Absolute Zero
52 Posts • 13613 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ok, so I think everyone agrees that internal time is simply a result of our minds?- though external time which is not dependant on human perception is another matter. First there was time, then cam...
THREAD Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16980 Views
Philosophy Forum
I want to say again I think that time is simply a matter of our perception enabling the human species to 'cope' in it's reality. (Please see my last reply for more details) However A...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyDimensions
14 Posts • 4618 Views
Science & Technology Forum
my understanding of string theory goes like this. all matter is made up of tiny strings. these strings can come in varying types which is what creates new dimensions. for example the string can be...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorPerfectionism
17 Posts • 14070 Views
Psychology Forum
Do you know why he feels a need to do things perfectly? Also, he won't do everything perfectly, only the things that matter. What are those things? As for counseling, I would have no clue. Ac...
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