Haunted by History
2 Posts • 2784 Views Talk Talk |
We just finished Schindler's List in english class today, and although it is undoubtedly the most powerful movie I've seen, it raised a lot of questions in my mind about the Holocaust, WWII,... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views Science & Technology Forum |
A conditional statement is implied (like the unspoken STP) that the molecular nature of atoms gives rise to those characteristics of our existence including the aspect of Inertial Mass , an extension... |
81 Posts • 21664 Views Religion Forum |
I am "doing this" and asking all these questions because I want to see why people choose to believe in anything they want without thinking it through thoroughly enough. I don't say that... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21992 Views Religion Forum |
REBerg, this thing did not 'erupt onto a discussion of science v. religion' as you propose. It was there in your original founding post:
All of this could not have happened by accident. So... |
GovernmentThe Role of State
10 Posts • 4223 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hmm . . . question?
Who owns the airwaves?
Some businesses, like cell phone companies, pay the government to use their airwaves (also "spectrum" ).
Radio and TV broadcasters, though, use... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13848 Views Talk Talk |
Sorry I've been busy and haven't been able to visit this thread as often as I'd like, but it's really been brewing with some juicy stuff!
I' ve read through all... |
Conscious and Sub-Consciousconsciousness - define it! Explain it! Any comments?
17 Posts • 11471 Views Psychology Forum |
I know Sorceress, it's hard to comprehend. Even I begin to lose grasp of the overall image of this concept. This idea of the human essence as having varying levels of manifestation was once descr... |
GovernmentPro-Bush thread
33 Posts • 9781 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
At this point in the game, Bush's administration is about over, so it does not matter if one 100% supports or is against his administration.
I have not seen any major damage in my life from the... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5471 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Yet irrelevant enough for you to ignore and have a chat of the aftermath. Far more productive I'm sure.
What do you care if Obama is elected, do you just prefer your corruption with a no... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25422 Views Psychology Forum |
As far as why suicide is illegal, it goes back to the times when people clearly belonged to the royals and weren't freemen (as is the case in England today). Like any good 'farmer', the... |
Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9334 Views Religion Forum |
So what you are saying is: When I walk by a fine ass chick, I definitely want to rape her. However, i do not because Allah forbids it? "
First off, i ha... |
God in ReligionMe, myself and God
11 Posts • 3606 Views Religion Forum |
I don't know where the quote came from its just an example of man's need or want for God when bad things happen.
Lets go through the steps:
1. Oh Lord how you torment me
2. What is... |
Habits & BehaviorShort Men
59 Posts • 31618 Views Psychology Forum |
Hitler was 5'8" or 5'9". Napoleon Bonaparte was 5'6.5". He was incorrectly thought* to be 5'2" because of the differences in British and French measurements at... |
Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 20496 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is nothing spineless about loving life so much you never want to die. There is nothing spineless about facing the fact it will all end. There is nothing spineless about fearing the loss of what... |
35 Posts • 14280 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hello, I would just like to introduce myself a bit before starting the thread. My name is Dan and I live in Arizona, USA. I came to these forums through a banner at some other site, and I was amazed t... |
Relationships & LoveBoyfriend has gained weight, I am losing attraction
4 Posts • 7785 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree with Dozz. The physical is soooo important.
I'm recently married and my husband and I had no trouble talking about issues like this before we got married.
I remember having a conv... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12453 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I admit that the present economic system is not working for the majority of people very well. I have read other's comments on the matter: objectivism, the zeitgeist movement, the call for governm... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views Science & Technology Forum |
No sir,*roll* I aplogize for an aburpt response, I believe that you mean that we use the same general form for equations, cartisian co-ordinates giving variables as dimensions? Therefore one could eas... |
IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16007 Views Religion Forum |
The Mohammed cartoons are not consistent with his reputation among mainstream Muslims.
No it is, and if you have ever lived in an Arabic country or even visited one you would have noticed what prop... |
Fight In Cheryl Monroe's Backyard
1 Posts • 1994 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
It was a long time ago--around the time of the first moon landing. It may have been the night the Apollo 11 astronauts set foot on the moon. I am not sure. I was trying to quit drinking. It seemed lik... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views Psychology Forum |
I just cannot accept that somehow I am responsible for the evil actions of others (women). What if THEY really are the villains? Why can't you at least allow for that possibility?
Another poin... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views Talk Talk |
dont you think maybe girls might be a bit shy to just go up and say to you "my period was so bad yesterday i leaked everywhere do you think i should were thicker tampons?" theres some things... |
When all else fails fate comes through
3 Posts • 2514 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I wrote this one awhile ago but thought id share it...im sure many can relate to it whenever things seem to get tuff with u and ur loved one...but if its true...and its meant to be it will pull throug... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11632 Views Religion Forum |
Correction, that was the third time I turned it back on you. And I'm doing so because you're exhibiting the exact blind faith that you ranted against. You just won't admit it.
What... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42159 Views Religion Forum |
first of all, EVERY SINGLE person on this planet has bad times. when bad things occur, i call them "tests" its sort of like, "how are you going to handle this?" it's not God t... |