Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11422 Views Psychology Forum |
"deserve to be in jail"!
"all violent criminals deserve to be in jail"!
Do you understand what reason means?
Do you understand what the... |
War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18055 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm an American just like you guys are...but I don't understand your notions.
I love USA and I hate Saddam, but Bush is a fucking idiot. There is actual proof that the election was rigged... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
380. What an "eavesdropping" really mean.(1/27/06)
Do you think the agents only limit to eavesdrop your phone? Do you expect terrorist will say, "You bomb the Golden gate bridge tom... |
Judicial Plea Bargaining
3 Posts • 3037 Views Talk Talk |
Convicting people with testimony from guilty parties granted immunity. Guilty criminals (rich poeple only!) paying off accusers without actually recieving legal consequences. Enticing testimonies, tru... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14837 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yes I honestly think Bush is for the people and not just rich people. However, he is not against rich people like many on the Left claim to be (even though they are often stinking rich). I come to thi... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27630 Views Religion Forum |
"If that were true, then He would have let them stone Mary of Magdelene. But He did not."
Fine, when I have time, I will find you the passage.
"Look at China, communism, where I sug... |
ConspiracyDid the government create AIDS?
26 Posts • 32172 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If the government created aids what benefits did they get out of this? Regulate human population isn't something that governments are generally concerned with(except China).
Um, no. You are... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34064 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
ACLU: New documents show senior officials approved Gitmo abuse
Raw story | February 24 2006
The American Civil Liberties Union released newly obtained documents Thursday showing that senior Def... |
SocietyA One World Struggle
1 Posts • 2173 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Stop Chemtrails, Or I Will Call the People of Serbia to the Streets (Video)
In this remarkable video from Serbia (English transcript is below), Nikola Aleksic, Director of the Ecological Movement o... |
Framing: Thug, Terrorist, Pirate, any Difference?
3 Posts • 2228 Views Philosophy Forum |
Framing: Thug, Terrorist, Pirate, any Difference?
I have been reading some articles about the problem of introducing to the public an idea about which they are unfamiliar. I think that one problem... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7954 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Boy you love to write a lot...lol
>>When they see countless tyrants being aided by
>>>westerners who do little more than secure an area for
>>>their own interests, which... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Twenty-Three Intel Experts Say LA Terror Plot a Sham
After the mayor of LA, Antonio Villaraigosa, immediately went public with comments of his absolute bewilderment concerning the alleged plot, no... |
it was just a tit..???
16 Posts • 8710 Views Talk Talk |
this whole deal about shocking people is really just another way to break down social barriers i think. i don't really like pop stars that much or what they do to further their careers, but i thi... |
GovernmentPolitical Views, Obama, Glenn beck, Palin, Alex jones
10 Posts • 4171 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Allmiar it's kinda funny you agree with what he "talks" about considering he is all talk. So let's ask these few questions first.
Do you agree this country needs to implemen... |
Society & SociologyFear and Action
2 Posts • 2253 Views Psychology Forum |
A very interesting post
There is no reason to fear law enforcers in a democratic civilised society If you are innocent of any past or present crimes .
Which is why you where so relaxed but annoye... |
GovernmentSenatorial Candidate Warns Of World Government
16 Posts • 5419 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The problem is not a one world government, its about the usual, protecting ourselves from any government that does not hold to priniciples of freedom and democracy in a working republic that is meant... |
General HealthWhy I Love Green Tea
0 Posts • 2209 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
That's sounds about right to me given what I've seen.
Oxygenation is extremely healthy but will add extra free radicals, some with harmful effects, as this electron pulling apparently dam... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That doesn't even make any sense. This isn't third grade you can't just say something that "should" be speculative humor that in no way is and still get the expected response... |
GovernmentJeb Would Make a 'Great President,' Bush Says
4 Posts • 2214 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Neocon Gingrich Proposes Jeb Bush as Ruler
Kurt Nimmo | May 30 2006
Newt Gingrich, the neocon troll who put out a contract on America, is pushing Jeb Bush as ruler, not in 2008 but down the roa... |
GovernmentWhat has the US become?
47 Posts • 15223 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm a born American. Call me an unpatriotic bastard, but I don't know how I feel about that anymore. I'm just a 13-year-old, so if you don't wanna listen to a stupid kid, stop read... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32919 Views Philosophy Forum |
So what was your revelation. We can't support an unjust war just because we were stupid enough to put our kids in harms way. We can never ignore the fact that our presence is causing serious turm... |
Commonsense Australian Politics
15 Posts • 3112 Views Talk Talk |
You have to remember that martyrs who are willing to die in the name of islam see the west as the devil.
And US and UK soldiers dying because they think "Haji's" are evil, scum, the... |
Commonsense Australian Politics
15 Posts • 3112 Views Talk Talk |
I'm unsure who your attacking here. Is it the system? What is the system?
I know very well that the systems are corrupted. I know very well that most probably the extremist muslims are comple... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12644 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As for W (he isn't a junior) he has repeatedly claimed to be a sinner - in fact those recently revealed tapes show that the private man isn't different from the public man - now that does re... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views Religion Forum |
WE killed civilians??
How do you know that...when even Iraq cannot account for IF they are 'civilians' or insurgants whom dress like civilians instead of soldier clothes...