GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wow, let's see, I'm counting, oh yes, war has stopped none of these but has cost the lives of millions of innocent civilians in wars caused by and against them.
Slavery has since become a... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wrong we were fighting a tyrnacal monarchy where the people didn't have a say. We were fighting for the country we founded and they thought they could dip their hands in our treasure so we took o... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27630 Views Religion Forum |
The rules pertaining to women's unworthiness exist in the NT.
If that were true, then He would have let them stone Mary of Magdelene. But He did not.
If that were true, He would NOT have sai... |
GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8567 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Russia (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.), China, Cuba and Nazi Germany were all socialists.
Yeah you pick your friends well.
Do you not realize what socialism is or leads to?
Perhaps you... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31798 Views Talk Talk |
Ok, so we're off and rolling again? great stuff.
& quot;why not deal with every case seperatly and treat evrybody as if they are different--".
Exactly my point, good... |
1 Posts • 2611 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is man's inhumanity to man avoidable?
Is moral sensitivity of people sufficient to protect world societies from mass murderers? Probably not. What else is essential? Elimination of extreme pov... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"listen the facts are we need to do what is being done. we both know that."
Your opinion is duely noted, along with your assumptiveness. Keep your words in your own mouth, I say legitimac... |
FuturologyProgression of Humanity
16 Posts • 9316 Views Philosophy Forum |
Okay, fair points Jacker, let me address them as my mind interprets them.
Number 1) every beginning must have an end. The world will end one day
This is not a negative or a positive to me, it is... |
GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8567 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"If you are too stupid to see capitalism creates crime"
Are you so stupid you believe the right to own property is responsible for crime? Oh Someone has something I want so I must steal.... |
Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6305 Views Talk Talk |
I forgot to mention hiring them, including convicted felons and war criminals.
Besides hiring Nazis, Mob, Terrorists, Dictators, etc. some of these beauties are simply recycled garbage.
Now, eve... |
ConspiracyTom Coburn and The Franklin Cover Up
12 Posts • 23536 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It just keeps getting deeper:
Ted Gunderson Speech to Congressional Hearing on Child Protection 3/13/04
by Ted L. Gunderson <ted@tedgunderson.com>
http://educate-yourself.org/tg /childprotec... |
Random QuestionsGirls with Tattoos
36 Posts • 65870 Views Talk Talk |
Yes, you don't just go and get a tattoo because you think it's cool or that it will make you look cool. Getting a chinese symbol just because it's 'in' is disrespectful to the... |
HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16751 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Allowing same sex marriages will inevitably open a can of worms.
Presumptive aren't you, well, I doubt you are correct.
But, I'll tell you that your arrogance in thinking you should ha... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34064 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: Pat Tillman's Brother Speaks Out
Kevin Tillman / Truthdig | October 20 2006
Editor's note: Kevin Tillman joined the Army with his brother Pat in 2002, and they served together in I... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views Religion Forum |
Your lengthy posts do nothing but waste precious time.
and since you decided to make your "points" tucked nicely behind perfect grammar and lengthy paragraphs...im forced to reply with an u... |
War & TerrorismSupport The Troops - Impeach The President, and Su
1 Posts • 2728 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Support The Troops - Impeach The President, and Support Cindy Sheehan
I have a bumper sticker on my car that reads, "Support The Troops, Impeach Bush." A week ago, people would have laugh... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40720 Views Psychology Forum |
True smoking has no visible benefits to the person's health. However, if you ask a smoker why they smoke you might be surprised at what they say. Yes, some smokers smoke because they can't break the h... |
Penn&Teller Bullshit!
8 Posts • 2836 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Here is some of the other points I didn't bother to take the time to post before in regards to the 9/11 show.
They mention how conspiracy theories instantly started arising, well, our governme... |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4417 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well that's my point exactly, Innocent until proven guilty.
That's how a trial works, that has nothing to do with the fact of the matter, either someone is guilty or they are not, regardl... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34064 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Media Darling Terror Expert Admits Government Sponsored Terror
Loftus Says Rogue Elements of intelligence Agencies Protecting Terrorists
http://www.infow ars.net/Pages/Aug05/050805Loft us.html... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7954 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ya, no need to wait for me. I'm nothing special.
However, McTex is misunderstanding and leaving out important information as similar right wing pro Bush straight from the mouths of others do.... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62723 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: NYPD Officer Heard Building 7 Bombs
"The whole time you're hearing boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I think I know an explosion when I hear it"
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Pla... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90709 Views Psychology Forum |
147. Steal California (7/31)
It's an operation can only be activated by an organization with large resource.
1) No one has such determination to do this just 4 months after the Governor be... |
The Crossroads
1 Posts • 3004 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I set up camp yet again. Another night's outdoor lodging preceded by what seems countless others. An unfortunate rabbit, guilty of only standing still long enough for my sling to add him to my meager... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11223 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Just a little update on the mention of psychic tips in that court case before I respond. The investigators that searched the area the body was found weeks before it was found were actually private inv... |