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 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Senatorial Candidate Warns Of World Government |
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Revolución is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Batshit insane.
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"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Only if you are uninformed and biased. But let me guess, the conspiracy about Extremist Muslims taking over the world is sane. They are both sane possibilities, and realities to an extent, but one carries a far more organized, structural, financial, deceptive, militarized, and corrupt organization that is currently invading multiple countries while instituting domestic police state measures throughout the world, and its not muslim extremists, batshit insane indeed.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 36yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that eliasan is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
wtf a commnuist goverment, super highways through the NA contienent. yeah this guy needs to reevaluate whats going on here. I can see the possible commnuist goverment but I doubt the US will be merging with Mexico and Canada anytime soon.
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"Fear nothing for fear is the mind killer."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
The Super Highway is already under construction, the meetings he expressed have taken place, the SPP has a fucking website, I'm afraid your uninformed doubt is in need of some research. This is not a joke, and these are not his facts, so no matter how insane he seems to you, perhaps you should try to disprove his information rather than make character judgements. American Union
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking" [ Edited by Ironwood at
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Revolución is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
quote: Only if you are uninformed and biased.
Calling someone biased as an insult is like calling them a human as an insult. To believe that you are not biased is naive. And I'm sorry if I feel that someone claiming that highways being built are evidence of international subversion is batshit insane. I'm not going to change on that point.
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"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Assuming a statement is an insult is evidence of insecurity and an attempt to compensate through conflict. Let's try and focus on matters of importance at hand shall we? quote: And I'm sorry if I feel that someone claiming that highways being built are evidence of international subversion is batshit insane.
If that were his basis, or THE basis of said assertion, then that would be a reasonable reaction, but since it is not, this is not a reasonable reaction, there was more information presented, if you paid attention. quote: I'm not going to change on that point
Not even if you find out you are wrong, by whatever source of information you have seen that claims to disproves the scenario described above? What if your source tells you this is true? Or are you suggesting that you were there, know everything about all current and historical legal, illegal, open and secret deals/conspiracies that may or may not exist and have connection to the truth of this scenario, and therefore can personally disprove this? My apologies, I should have used, in place of biased, my prefered term of beligerant ignorance. Again, to pre-emptively clarify, this is not an insult, it is but a discription I've had to use for those who simply deny information with no investigation. Something I might even venture to call, batshit insane. If you check the provided link, and read, and watch, and learn, you will discover there are meetings taking place, in secret, that insiders are exposing as intended to undermine our sovereignty. This is not a new phenomenon either, not only is the European Union a reality, attempts at an American Union have been made since the end of WWI or II, along with the League of Nation and the eventual UN.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking" [ Edited by Ironwood at
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Ok, let me get back to a question I asked you. This is a conversation about a world government, whether evil or benign, which includes swallowing America. Yet you cannot possibly come to believe that this is possible. This is why I asked about if you were a believer in the threat of a Islamic Fascist World Government? Because if so, you may have a boo boo from just kicking yourself in your logic. I understand perfectly that there are plenty of people who would happily have the world run by any number of religious laws, including Islamic. I also understand that there are those who would willingly force this as well. But I do not believe that there is a militaristic group of any of these mainstream faiths capable of forcing this upon a nation with a defense budget that is bigger than the rest of the developed worlds combined. That's just silly. However, I do know that governments can go bad, and people will often do nothing, until its too late. International Leaders Propose 'Asian Union' Yoon Won-sup / Korea Times | October 13 2006 Asian political leaders on Sunday proposed creating a community called ``Asian Union'' in a concluding statement at the fourth general assembly of the International Conference for Asian Political Parties (ICAPP). Four hundred representatives from 90 political parties in 36 Asian countries adopted the Seoul Declaration from the three-day conference, which included not only the establishment of the Asian Union but also a joint campaign to fight terrorism, poverty and weapons of mass destruction. Also in the declaration were calls to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula and to resume the six-way talks aimed at resolving the North Korea nuclear problem. Parties included the Bangladesh Awami League, Indian National Congress, Chinese Communist Party, United Russia Party, Thai Rak Thai Party, the National Peoples Coalition of the Philippines, United Malays National Organization of Malaysia, and the Vietnamese Communist Party. Participants also adopted the constitution of the ICAPP for the first time since its inauguration in September 2000. Rep. Chung Eui-yong of the governing Uri Party, a standing member of the ICAPP, said the international conference has been operating without a proper legal basis but that the constitution would make the meeting a regular institution. The steering committee of the ICAPP decided to locate its secretariat in Seoul until the venue for the next general assembly is finalized. Rep. Kim Hyong-o, floor leader of the main opposition Grand National Party, said in a closing ceremony, ``Not only nations concerned but also neighboring countries must seek solutions through cooperation in order to overcome threats in the region.'' Kim further said that all political leaders agreed to exert every effort to make a regional community in Asia for peace and prosperity despite each nation's difference. Jose de Venecia, speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, who established the ICAPP, said that the Seoul meeting was a landmark as it paved the way to achieve peace in Asia.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
So here we see, a European Union, an Asian Union, yet you believe an American Union is a batshit insane conspiracy theory? Your going to need ice for you logic bud.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Revolución is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
"One sign that this is our future is the plans for the future highways..." Do you understand what belligerence is? I don't think you do. quote: bel·lig·er·ence noun hostility or aggression: the quality of being hostile, ready to start a fight, or ready to go to war
Just because I don't blindly accept radical bullshit to distract me from my life, as you seem to, does not make me ignorant or belligerent. For people like me, who have devoted their lives to vindicating human freedoms and international peace, nothing can be considered certain, for to be so is to invite blindness. You propagate circumstantial speculation as evidence, and your opinion as fact. Anything that you do not understand is automatically absurd, and those that disagree with you are automatically ignorant. For people like you, the dilemmas and problems of this world are distractions, something to enable you to express your certainties and propagandas in a bellicose manner. I can't possibly fathom that you are being sincere when you ask if I believe in an Islamic Fascist World Government. This is the most ridiculous proposition I've heard in weeks. You believe that because I do not blindly swallow your circumstantial speculation and opinions suggested as fact (the definition of propaganda, by the way), I am a right-wing evangelical NRA member from Arkansas. I am, in reality, an international studies student and published Constructivist / Marxist / Liberal / Realist writer from Canada. The following is an excerpt from a post I made on this topic, on a different message board, and may end up being an extremely rough draft for an article that I am considering. I'm not willing to rewrite my thoughts on the subject when there is a strong chance that this post will be deleted anyway. I don't believe that effective global governance is possible until three things happen. 1) The North and South are economically reconciled 2) The nuclear powers profoundly realize the inevitable implications and consequences of nuclear armaments 3) The current global hegemon collapses While 3 is certainly inevitable, I'm not sure how 1 and 2 can come about. 1) I think that environmental concern is probably the key here. It's the imminent, omnipresent middle ground that both North and South (developed and undeveloped) share. I think that if the Northern states were to be convinced to fully fund the environmentally safe development of the Southern states with no bullshit SAPs or corporate strings attached, this condition could be achieved. Now, why should they do this? Centuries of environmentally destructive development through the uses of coal, oil, etc. are the reason that international law forbids the South from taking the same path. Why would they do this? You've got me. 2) I suppose that an all out nuclear war in the Middle East (would require Iran to have nukes) would create a giant smoking nuclear crater that could be enough to wake everyone else up. Short of this, I'm grasping at straws. One thing I am sure of, is that if we continue to affront international law by denying nuclear technology to Iran and North Korea without any universally valid reason, disarmament is impossible. Once those two seemingly impossible conditions are met... I've done some preliminary theorizing on possibilites for global governance. One crucial assumption that I have made in this is that by the time the afforementioned 3 conditions have been met, states themselves will have been dissolved. Naturally this notion is going to be difficult for some people to swallow, but I also think that the idea of countries being around forever is extremely naive. Regional social and economic administrations This would entail numerous regional governing bodies similar to the EU, to be determined by common social and economic circumstances. An East African administration, a Cetral American administration, and Australian administration, etc. No world government could ever effectively assume the role of managing social and economic conditions all over the world without becoming devestatingly bureaucratic in nature. It is better then, I think, to forum regional administrations to be staffed by natives, which will understand and appropriately govern those societies. Includes healthcare, public security, education, etc. One unbiased international governing institution Similar to the UN, but much more effective. For this to work indefinitely, such an institution would need to possess more than 50% of the world's military. Ideally it would control 100%. This institution would not be controlled by the regions, but rather by a large group of highly educated people with no nationality. This last bit is comparable to the Jedi Order; I think for this to work, people from around the world with naturally gifted children (I assume we'll have brain scanner thingies by then) would have to give up their children at birth to this cause, to be raised supernationally. Once reaching the age of 7, or whenever, they would devote their lives to travelling the world and more importantly to understanding every part of it. Once they reach an extremely rich understanding of the world, around the age of 50, they would join the institution to help in governing the world. In this theorization, they would continue to be advised by the regional administrations and also by the still-developing "learners" on current happenings and conditions. A utopian dream, I know, but it's the only feasible recipe for eternal world peace that I've been able to come up with.
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"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past." [ Edited by Revolución at
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
quote: Just because I don't blindly accept radical bullshit to distract me from my life, as you seem to, does not make me ignorant or belligerent.
Nope, its can only be because you are unaware of something, were you aware of ALL the information presented? And it can indeed be considered belligerent when someone commits liable or slander, and when commiting perjury, which would be the case if you were under oath and this information was proven true. quote: Anything that you do not understand is automatically absurd
Hmmm, does the phrase, "batshit insane" mean anything to you? quote: You propagate circumstantial speculation as evidence, as your opinion as fact.
I propagate information, they make claims of fact or fiction, of evidence or claims of it. If you would care to share your evidence of its fallacy I'm sure we would all love to hear it. As for my opinion, its based on all the information I've seen, like anyone else, and what I find when conversing with individuals is that they are not aware of a lot of things that I recently wasn't aware of either. Just like the Foley scandal or existance of WMD's in Iraq, or the next thing we haven't heard of but that is happening right now. quote: I can't possibly fathom that you are being sincere when you ask if I believe in an Islamic Fascist World Government.
And yet it is true, interesting pattern you are developing in your base assumptions. quote: You believe that because I do not blindly swallow your circumstantial speculation and opinions suggested as fact (the definition of propaganda, by the way), I am a right-wing evangelical NRA member from Arkansas.
quote: You believe
This would indicate that you do not know what the word guess means. quote: But let me guess
Apparently you aren't used to finding that stronger expressions of denial of the above information most commonly comes from right wing blowhards, in my experience. And you would have right to scold if I had claimed belief in that as truth, as I do you as you claim this man and or his information to be "batshit insane" (i'm guessing you also mean false). Do I sense a fresh talent in the art of hypocricy gracing our presence. They're fun. I know, I often am one. When you feel like coming down from your pedestal, feel free to let me know why he or his info is batshit insane, for all I can be certain of, you may be right, but given what I've taken the time to look in to, I fear you might not be. And that it may be worse than it looks, but I'd love for it not to be true. quote: I don't believe that effective global governance is possible until three things happen.
Hmmm, so I'll fence this in context of the thread. The concern here is of a criminal global government, both in its method of adoption, and its imposed laws, criminal to the US constitution in this case. Its effectiveness is relative. Effective at world peace is not the anticipated goal of a criminal world government. Effective at tyranny and oppression? We'll just have to see.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 73yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Not to dump cold water on this boiling pot but if the USA is going to build a (berlin) wall to keep out all thoughs (free-loading) foreigners from illegally entering the USA; why would we want to build a transcontinietal highway to bring them to our borders?
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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 65yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
you know, eventually there will have to be a one world governing body of some sort because, well lets face it. You can get on a plane and be on the otherside of the world tomorrow or you can talk to the other side of the world with your cell phone and on the internet, we're all talking to eachother, I have friends all over the world. So evertually it has to happen and I think we need to try to be a part of it. I have learned that much money be made to build things that will be torn down so that we can build again, so those walls mean nothing to me. I've seen pictures of those walls, they sure don't look like they are meant to be permenant and there already are highways that cross boarders. Railways would work better.
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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
The problem is not a one world government, its about the usual, protecting ourselves from any government that does not hold to priniciples of freedom and democracy in a working republic that is meant to protect and empower the individual as well as the essential system of checks and balances. We can't even claim to have this in America anymore. You think you'll even find our corrupted level of freedom in a world government not toting our constitution? People aren't worried about immigrants in America, but the decimation of our economy and rights would be another issue. This is not being caused by mass immigration, the immigration is being caused by the very same thing that is happening to us. We are losing our country through the vehicle of corporate/government criminals. I don't doubt that we will need a better way of governing the world, but I do doubt the current model in formation is that better way. Right now we are looking at what basically amounts to a giant world Coporate take over. And it is already an ugly sight. Now, we are seeing the loss of infrastucture, our jobs are outsourced, our labor is imported, we import more goods while reducing exports, all of these different things share a common result. They all take wealth from the working class and pass everything to the top 1-10% . The concentration of wealth Just like Mexico. What does it mean if a global war results in a global government? Did someone just take over the world? Regardless, this is the concentration of power. Or am I going to hear an argument about the global war? To this I say, if a "war" to end terrorism in the world just holds to many words between world and war, then I'm sorry. For those who need more evidence of it though, patience. So how do we know its criminal? This has been made crystal clear by examples so sterling the word epitomy comes to mind. The Bush administration, and even the Congress during this administration, has to have broken some sort of record of corruption and scandal, conflicts of interest, secret wars, overt global wars, though police states are all across the globe, they are now, under Bush, even developing in America. All of which is quite unconstitutional, and therefore, as our declaration of law would state, is illegal, hence criminal. Plus just tons of technical details that maps it all out, but equates to corporate/governments through business, law, or war, concentrating wealth and power by robbing, enslaving, and murdering, the innocent, naive, and honest, as well as corrupt underlings. There is tons of nasty details that would shock you, but only if you found out it was your government. People call it a conspiracy theory, but yet they also say it is why they are fighting all the time, to stop corrupt, evil governments/religions from taking over the world and doing horrible things.
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
quote: if the USA is going to build a (berlin) wall to keep out all thoughs (free-loading) foreigners from illegally entering the USA; why would we want to build a transcontinietal highway to bring them to our borders?
To shut people up. The same reason they have a border patrol with restrictions on his ability to do his job and protests against citizens who try to. Can you blame people who live on the border seeing brown people flooding the border in a world where we are told arab terrorists are just as likely to be found under your pillow? Don't even try to call it racist, I've seen lots of worried and pissed off mexicans. You think Mexicans don't blow up, or like having THEIR jobs taken for minimum wage replacements?
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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
Senatorial Candidate Warns Of World Government |