Christianitywe're nothing special
9 Posts • 3356 Views Religion Forum |
Well, I'm not a Christian.
And I don't believe in God quite as Christians do, but I understand what you are saying.
About us as a failed experiment, that is.
And about us being nothing... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11632 Views Religion Forum |
Unless you admit to me that you do not know what ancient people thought before text, I will lose respect for you
First let me express my regrets that we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot.... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42015 Views Religion Forum |
Bullshit. Man did not create pain, suffering, tragedy and death.
Why not?
We are not the only sources of pain and suffering, in fact, most mass pain and suffering comes from, weather, drought, f... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42015 Views Religion Forum |
Man is nature as well, and all things seem to live and die, so no, nature won't only improve itself.
And your points on good and bad are the same with most arguments of this nature, they are f... |
IslamMocking Muslims and "Virgins in Heaven"
0 Posts • 4379 Views Religion Forum |
I think there would have been a huge difference between the teachings of Jesus (as it may have been when he existed) and what the rules of Islam, Christianity or Judaism impose.
I believe that duri... |
Religion Forum Introduction
1 Posts • 7251 Views Religion Forum |
Welcome to CC's Religion Forum.
Please ensure that you have read the General Forum Rules before you begin posting.
Religion, religious themes and religion related issues can often be highly cont... |
ChristianityThe Resurrection and The Kingdom Come
1 Posts • 2549 Views Religion Forum |
You can dissagree, because I have not found anyone to agree with me yet, but I still believe what I believe.
The rapture already happened. I wished I had the time to study, or money to hire histor... |
11 Posts • 4252 Views Talk Talk |
London bombed
So London gets bombed this is in my mind without a doubt yet another part of a growing conspiracy to for the new world order to gain control of us all lets see 911 war on terror they... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
and it is exactly this reason that such things as homosexuality are stupidly labeled immoral. as far as incest is concerned, the bad part about it is that if it produces offspring there is a good chan... |
ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6582 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am sory for this MISUNDERSTANDING. I am not an American!!! I do live in small European country called Czech Republic. Our economics has been destroyed by 42 years of communist reign and our last dem... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17394 Views Religion Forum |
Embelishment and distortion (intentional and otherwise) are the cliche's of all such past down stories. Even playing telephone in a single line for five minutes, young or old, unravels any hope o... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
I am an agnostic. I do not know whether there is a god or whether there is not. I also do not find the question relevant. What I believe is that even if there some kind of a God he is much too great t... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33955 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Tootsie, don't be turned off by aggressive talkers, not that I see anything wrong or aggressive about these, yours, or my posts, except when I'm in a hurry.
If there is minor factual deta... |
21 Posts • 10272 Views Philosophy Forum |
No really! They co-optd the religion of the ruling nation of the land which promoted it's culture all over Africa during their 4000 year stay. Yes God wrote it, but His identity origin and creati... |
The God paradox
3 Posts • 2262 Views Talk Talk |
belief can be a good or a bad thing. when belief is not tempered with rational it will limit human development.
While belief in the after life can provide comfort to some people but it can also lead... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24975 Views Religion Forum |
given a sober appraisal of the facts, no evidence for His existence can be found.
I feel this is an inaccurate statement because we cannot say that no evidence exists, we can say that of all the th... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14997 Views Psychology Forum |
Jeans are too tight and constrict body movements as do heels.
I remember being anxious to try on a pair of the tight-fitting jeans all the girls wear. Oh my God, getting them on was the first probl... |
School uniforms
47 Posts • 26653 Views Talk Talk |
Having had to wear a uniform throughout my school time, I can honestly say it never bothered me. I would say that it does give kids one less thing to pick on each other about, because there is no diff... |
LawJuveline Criminal - Parents or Kid?
0 Posts • 4363 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
.I'm not sure I know what a perfect world is, but I have a few ideas about how I would like this world to be.
I don't think we have enough facts to make a proper judgment.
If the pare... |
PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10959 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Moments of Weakness.
Pain. My life at this time can be summed up in one simple word. How can such a small sound explain the oceanic torment I drown in?
We all feel this emotion. We all think our... |
Religion & HumanityMarriage
11 Posts • 3830 Views Religion Forum |
= zachfrenzel
thanks booky that helped some, i'm not sure if your confused bro i'm not gay .
*roll* Sorry if I implied that. I just kept refering to "Gay" because it was par... |
Lost love
9 Posts • 4641 Views Talk Talk |
How do I cope with it? How have some of you people out there coped with losing a boyfriend/girlfriend? I've heard the saying its always easier to leave then to be left. And I think that it is pre... |
64 Posts • 19308 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Well, assuming God exists-seen as how you do not have sufficient evidence and dont understand or know, you cannot take or use this argument."
What are you saying I don't know or und... |
Chance of pregnancy
2 Posts • 2822 Views Talk Talk |
A small amount of pre-ejaculate or semen could be sufficient, provided it came in contact with the inner labia when it was moistened, but the main question is what point of her cycle she was at at the... |
Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 8056 Views Religion Forum |
surely population control is a sorry excuse of an arguement for whay to have war and mass murder.
i'm well aware that trusting ones own government, and especially americas is stupid (i nearly we... |