Why fear the DARKNESS when the LIGHT is very near? - ailanie12
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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views
Psychology Forum
And yet a murderer can be sentenced to life in prsion (or even death) for one crime. Maybe we're too hard on criminals? Surely the law of the land is more just, because life in prison does...
THREAD GovernmentHumpty Nam Kerry Dumpty fell off the wall today.
13 Posts • 4384 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I am also a Vet. I very much agree. I've heard all the stories about Vietnam over and over, again and again. When I first joined the Navy, most of the crew aboard my first ship were Vietnam Vets,...
THREAD The days teaching
20 Posts • 5271 Views
Philosophy Forum
isnt every (insert smallest unit of time here) as your senseing thiiking not identical to things (enter the smallest unit of time here) ago.. wouldnt you think.. im i can say that i am learngin how im...
THREAD Infinite universes from Matter and Anti-Matter
39 Posts • 10654 Views
Philosophy Forum
Philip, you can argue anything into absurdity. I have thosuands of thoughts each day; and most of them are rubbish. I could argue that my imagination projects into my reality, but the whole reason we...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51801 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Blaming prostitution for the deeds of pedophiles, you must be Christian, oh look there's a homo tryin' to get married too look, pedophilia on the rise. Dun Dun Dunnnnnn..... You honestly...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsUsing groupism in Religion for Hate
0 Posts • 1508 Views
Psychology Forum
If you are a hypocrite or other hellbound rebel, REPENT of all your wicked sins, BELIEVE the gospel, and stop dishonouring King Jesus. Ye must be born again! Flee from the wrath to come! from your...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33993 Views
Religion Forum
I suppose the only way to understand 'God' is to understand the meaninglessness of life. You all give life so much meaning but in fact there is none. God is a man made concept, therefore we&...
THREAD two questions
21 Posts • 8245 Views
Philosophy Forum
some comments on "what" you are: first off, i think the differences in identical twins are well accounted for by genes and differing experience alone. while they may grow up together and...
THREAD Any new genre's of music?
3 Posts • 2433 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well for one there's an imerging world of indie/rap music and punk/rap music. For one there is a genre called Crunk which involves mainly african-americans or african-britans singing fast pop-pun...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67443 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I Am Smart And Extremely Forgiving I am smart and extremely forgiving. I wonder why false faith is ignored and labled religion. I hear myself solving the problems of the world. I see the aru...
THREAD meditation
33 Posts • 10061 Views
Philosophy Forum
All irrelevant. Life is what it is, experiences are what they are, and they are what we make them too. You may claim to know that there is no one or no thing, but you have no knowledge of this "...
THREAD Relationships & LoveIt is amazing how one day things are well and the next they spirl out of control.
5 Posts • 2543 Views
Psychology Forum
awe, come on now! What does she mean by "shes afraid she will hurt me?" if you like someone how can you hurt them?People hurt those they love unintentionally at times. What kind of cruel g...
THREAD DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21302 Views
Psychology Forum
Hello! I am hoping to find people who might be able to help me with my research regarding a Mind Altering Discovery I made about 4 years ago. After working with it for a while, I am calling it the...
THREAD PerceptionWhat is self-acceptance?
8 Posts • 4305 Views
Psychology Forum
Someone I was talking to recently about this, felt that I hadn't expanded on my points as fully as they could have been expanded upon, but he did say something which I think is a rather good summ...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityInherently Good or Evil?
15 Posts • 12932 Views
Philosophy Forum
"INHERENTLY EVIL OR INSTINCTUALLY " Those words mean basically the same thing so I do not understand your differentiation? My question is how can someone who is inherently good do some...
THREAD Gender PsychologyAn Abundancy of Rudeness
0 Posts • 1174 Views
Psychology Forum
You are a bit rude aren't you sir? But don't fear, I still like you SITE ADMIN. Seek help for what sir? I'm not doing anything wrong. Do you have a problem sir? Do you need some help...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12228 Views
Religion Forum
I'm not much for Christianity buy my mom is more Christian than any person you would ever find. I have seen church members who break collar bones doing things that should have killed them yet som...
THREAD ChristianityHoly Trinity
15 Posts • 3694 Views
Religion Forum
Hey ppl. Well, reffering to those phhrases of Christ such as 'when you see me you see God', I think it was taken in the wrong sense. Just like the Buddha and other people who had attained th...
THREAD GovernmentThank you Republicans
21 Posts • 6187 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Thanks Republicans Thank you for neglecting the U.S. infrastructure so you and your pals can line your wallets. Thank you for constantly proving how dumb and ignorant we can be to reality. Thank...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsRE: Zachfrenzel
2 Posts • 1882 Views
Talk Talk
Bro, you can send me a message. I wasn't talking to the lady who made the original post. I was talking to the lady above my post who said that she was too good for her husband and felt that hi...
THREAD whats friendship?
14 Posts • 7622 Views
Talk Talk
thanks guys, yeha i get what your saying Mia about there not beign such a thing as a bad friend. i thnk we are kinda close friends. i know hse would be there for me bu i can rely on her. awhile ago...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43990 Views
Religion Forum
Pagan, That article was an excerpt from an adress given by George Weigel at the Gregorian University .( its printed at the top of the article...) The man is saying, that America is facing a si...
THREAD Lack of spiritual men
13 Posts • 7305 Views
Philosophy Forum
If you see value in material things that are symbols of materialistic superiority, you don't know how to meditate and are not spiritual. Decius: I hope you know your making a huge generalizatio...
14 Posts • 3840 Views
Talk Talk
I'm pretty uninterested in everything around me, and I realize that's not a good thing. I've been like this for at least the past four years, and it's getting to the point where I...
THREAD SocietyKhat, your thourghts?
22 Posts • 6197 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Recently, the plant know as Khat has become something of a stigma and due to the bias perspective represented through the media, has now become banned in several countries. For those who may not kno...
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