TV Show ReviewsReality TV
1 Posts • 9934 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I confess that I watch some reality tv shows, they are guilty pleasures. I"m looking for others who would like to discuss reality TV. I'm open to discussion with people who don't watch... |
6 Posts • 3466 Views Psychology Forum |
When I get upset about something, no matter what it is, I get upset about everything. It's like every negative thought is a snowball rolling down a mountain. If I'm upset about losing a Star... |
Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9335 Views Religion Forum |
No, that's what a lot of non-Muslims think....
I've got plenty of good friends who are non-Muslim and will probably never become Muslim, do I want to wage a war against them? No.
Try b... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57917 Views Religion Forum |
Its old but the best. Look into the sky. There are stars but more darkness. The stars make pretty patterns and they stand out because they are less numerous. The darkness is everywhere and dull. But i... |
Rant OnMy rant, my life.
13 Posts • 3746 Views Talk Talk |
"That's something I've found works is think about tommorrow not yesterday."
Here eliasan, I'll do you one better. That statement above is wrong as well. So many people ar... |
Habits & BehaviorTaste in more than fashion and food...
1 Posts • 2664 Views Psychology Forum |
We recognise a person's taste in fashion and one's taste in food. But I believe taste extends beyond this, to probably anything in perception.
Obvious other examples might be (taste in) m... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64096 Views Religion Forum |
You denied using mockery, that was your lie. Then you trivialized it when cornered. You have no credibility.
Uh no, I'm infamous for mockery here, why would I deny it? I asked for examples to... |
General HealthDaily Water Loss and Water Intake
2 Posts • 23974 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
The body of a human baby is made up of approximately 75-80% water. As we grow older, this figure decreases and averages to about 60 to 65% for men and 50 to 60%. So you can safely say that the body of... |
Human Nature & EmotionLove
41 Posts • 25163 Views Philosophy Forum |
No, we are not separate non-dualistic entities. There is no separation in non-dualism... there are no separate things, no you and me... there is only one thing.
And yes, I suppose that "realiz... |
LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22168 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yeah...I like that: Marriage IS just a word. But worse than that is it's a "biblical" term. Truth is, the word marriage should be removed from legal terminology. Only religious doctrine... |
SocietyGay Marriage?
17 Posts • 5298 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Is it time for socity to move past what the idea of what is normal?
Of course it is IF it conflicts what contempary society wants. It will do, just not today, its getting there, it takes society a... |
About You / IntroductionsSomething Missing
5 Posts • 3142 Views Talk Talk |
I think on this again tonight, but there is much less restlessness and burn. I am once again lacking in exercise, wish I didn't have that extra variable clouding my judgment.
I got a new idea.... |
Human Nature & EmotionMeaning of Life: Love?
11 Posts • 3845 Views Philosophy Forum |
*roll* I do not object to believing in love, as I was just being cynical - again.
My belief is that we each are here for some higher purpose, like we are to make our world into a better place then... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeDo truth and lies really have a purpose?
3 Posts • 2900 Views Philosophy Forum |
By it's definition, truth is not relative. But we make it so. We rationalize. We rationalize to make ourselves feel better, or more secure, or more important or whatever... We lie to ourselves.... |
Physics & CosmologyThe Individual Ear and the Key of C
5 Posts • 2150 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Here's one you can try at home... Push on your eyes and try and notice whether the sound changes when you do so...
...If you tried this out you'll find when you make your ears a different shape, you... |
Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15360 Views Philosophy Forum |
Desiring evil upon others comes from our hatred. But will you call someone evil, etherealmeekle, if someone desires to kill a dictator?
Motives deserve more importance. Things don't always tu... |
ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18265 Views Religion Forum |
I've heard some things that I haven't been able to verify yet, but if true you should care, because I'm refering to domestic terrorist training that points out that among dangerous peop... |
Habits & BehaviorEvaluate me
5 Posts • 2799 Views Psychology Forum |
Simplest forms.
You cannot get rid of feelings of anger or mistrust. Logic and emotion do not exist in the same realm and therefore must be dealt with differently. Where were you before this all sta... |
Child & Family PsychologyTwins
8 Posts • 3926 Views Psychology Forum |
Awesome. Yes I dont think most people realised how much the subcncious recgnises. Little patterns, associations, characteristics taught by experience vary from one person to another but generally have... |
Are You Mentally Ill...?
6 Posts • 2112 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you walk around telling people you talk to someone that isn't physically there all the time, regularly...?
If you believe that there are forces out to get you that can't be seen only f... |
For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11708 Views Psychology Forum |
loss of life is loss of life. its terrilble to compare a bum to a billionare. you dont know either of their stories. maybe the coke addict came from a broken home and had to live on the streets. maybe... |
PerceptionThoughts on Perception,
5 Posts • 3041 Views Psychology Forum |
There's a lot of power in perception I think; a lot more than most people give it credit.
That cliche'd story of huckleberry finn comes to mind, where he gets some kids to paint a fence f... |
God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13389 Views Religion Forum |
You could say what would if you woke up and realised God did exist.
Again I still cannot see what God is...no defintion seems suitable.
Nonetheless I will state a few of my thoughts.
1) Its f... |
Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17741 Views Psychology Forum |
Having a straight person there might be a good idea but be aware that when you're tripping straight people seem different. A straight friend who tries to comfort you might disturb you more. And you co... |
ChristianityWhat makes people so angry about the Christian faith?
23 Posts • 18578 Views Religion Forum |
Well as I initially stated- when discussing the reasons for the outrage against the practices of faith it is important to consider as it not only focussing on Christians, but the morass of irrational... |