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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD About You / IntroductionsOur strengths and weakneses
9 Posts • 3085 Views
Talk Talk
My strength is much like your own, more importantly I like to search for the truth and not just jump on the bandwagon. I like to be the person in the crowd that says "Hey, maybe she's not a...
THREAD Blonde Jokes
31 Posts • 9896 Views
Jokes & Games
This is a really funny one. There is a american astronaut, a russian astronaut and a blone talking and the russian says"we were the first people to space" the american says "we were...
THREAD ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15295 Views
Religion Forum
"Saddam went down...His ppl are free...and few colateral deaths have been seen in comparison to other wars...and in comparison to Saddam." For a one country war of this duration, 100,000...
THREAD ChristianityCome Together
10 Posts • 3401 Views
Religion Forum
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them. I believe in the power of belief. If enough people believe strong enough, it becomes a power and force....
9 Posts • 4156 Views
Philosophy Forum
This reminds me of a strange recall of an experience I had with Salvia Divinorum. I knew for a fact I was alive, but at the same time it felt like I was dead or dying. It really didn't feel...
THREAD DrugsAcid as a Catalyst
11 Posts • 3488 Views
Psychology Forum
Restless there is a difference between doing drugs to aid a high and doing them to drown out negative emotions. I think Chris was just talking about a feeling of openness that he had as a child tha...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29284 Views
Religion Forum
Dreamer - I really didn't understand what you said about the Aquarian Gospel, I really didn't, but I can guess what you said. That's ok - I don't know if I believe it either. bu...
THREAD SocietyRanking U.S. Presidents, to worst
9 Posts • 10199 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Reuters Only nine percent of the 662 people polled picked Bush as their favorite among the last 10 presidents I remember Nixon and Ford, and neither one was liked, especially Ford - so why are y...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8405 Views
Psychology Forum
AW, for what its worth, I believe you when you say you weren't trying to put Decius down on purpose. Maybe its like he said, you subconsciously wanted to do this. And if you accept that, then tha...
THREAD Patriot Acts Across the Globe
10 Posts • 4014 Views
Talk Talk
There is one key point to be made about these "Patriot Act" or terrorism fighting bills, at least in my country, I haven't read much of all your death threats, but that it actually chan...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorWhat Star Are YOU?
42 Posts • 17226 Views
Psychology Forum
ive always thought astrology was quite interesting, i hate the magazine horoscopes, as there is no way that you could possibly make a prediction for that many people ate on time, so it is all health w...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyDo we all really become our parents?
9 Posts • 10038 Views
Psychology Forum
Of course we all share similar trademarks to our parents, we are produced from their genetic makeup. However, genetics along with environment, experience, relations, occupation all contribute to our p...
THREAD Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14478 Views
Religion Forum
There are those out there who deny that God is real. There are those out there that say the Bible is false. There are even those out there who don't believe in truth. Speaking of truth, people wa...
27 Posts • 9017 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I just want to know why everyone is against the US. We do alot for other countries, ya we make bad choices at time and so do other countries. We all live on earth dont we. I dont understand people tha...
THREAD Freinds With Benefits, I Think Not
16 Posts • 6537 Views
Talk Talk
I was invited into a freinds-with-benefits relationship with an ex of mine, and after chatting around and learning a bit about it, I can tell you that it's the most superficial of superficial rel...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsFear of self
18 Posts • 6697 Views
Psychology Forum
I always find the thoughts really funny. Mostly because their just so horrible. And I could picture myself doing it and enjoying it. Like for instance one time I was walking through a quiet neighborho...
THREAD ChristianityAntichrist
36 Posts • 10489 Views
Religion Forum
Nostradamus was quite simply a quack. One must remember, at the time he lived it was very popular for people to find a patron, someone to basically leech off of. Poets, artists, and composers all woul...
THREAD Cheater or not
14 Posts • 4198 Views
Talk Talk
I beleive it is in our nature to look and if it is not we will continue to look anyway. To me looking is just that there can be a lot of 'satisfaction' (for lack of a better word) in looking...
THREAD Rate Your Cynical Freind
3 Posts • 2980 Views
Talk Talk
I won't rate people but I'll say what I like about them. Leftwood-first person I talked to through the inbox. He never tries to show off his intellect in other words is modest. He underst...
THREAD Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15044 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm drawn to women constantly. My best friend I want to suck her face off half the time because she's the most darling and lovely creature I've ever come into contact. And though...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24620 Views
Philosophy Forum
I do not believe in God anymore. I used to be a very devoted Christian. Unfortunately life ran me over a couple of times and I decided that if there was a God I was not thanking and worshiping him for...
THREAD ChristianityWhy is jesus story so powerful
18 Posts • 6283 Views
Religion Forum
this might be directed more for the people who dont absolutley belive in truths about the jesus story (as being true independent of the story in this common sense reality).. but not just directed to a...
THREAD GovernmentIf Bush wins....
0 Posts • 2722 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Canada is doing this movie about USAMA BIN LADEN, they're making him out to be a devout religious family man? Unfortunately his children don't listen very well. I wouldn't listen very w...
THREAD GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14074 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
From cturtle - Strange isn't it, America the land of democracy wants to discredit (denounce) the UN when it acts as a democracy by not supporting our position? Iagree that we should not buck...
THREAD Materialism and Spirtualism?
2 Posts • 1994 Views
Philosophy Forum
Okay here's some questions. Lets start off with the ideal with materialism. Why do we need to feed off material things so much. Furthermore who said materialism feeds all of us? Well seems like i...
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