One has to go beyond concepts in order to enjoy total INDEPENDANCY - vasudev_60
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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD HistoryAncient Astronaut Theory
0 Posts • 1898 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Adam, your focus on race is sad. Decius isn't white. I'm sorry you feel the poor black man hasn't been attributed his intellectual victories. No one holds the full truth on anc...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160100 Views
Talk Talk
Im starting to doubt my religion, i believe there may be a God, or there may not be, i think that we are too small, too insignificant within to the universe to believe that it was all designed special...
THREAD Music VideosTears for Fears: Mad World
0 Posts • 2105 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
It sounds like you guys are saying, it was original therefore it was better. Kinda like when people say that Mario the best game ever because it revolutionized games forever. When inactuallity,...
THREAD Society & Sociologyman's nature to desire God's existence
10 Posts • 3665 Views
Psychology Forum
Most people can see, that for what ever reason, the nature of man appears to desire a God. I personally beleive in God. Others do not. Yet we both agree on this one thing. Why is it, then that Man has...
THREAD Pandora Radio- Share Your Sound
3 Posts • 2263 Views
Talk Talk Its a free online radio. You can customize the type of music it plays in a number of ways. Its a good way to find new music, love music you already know, and broaden your ho...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50316 Views
Religion Forum
Do those who don't believe in a God,base this upon the actions of those calling themselves believers? Or is the consideration of a superior being to man nonsense? Do they fear the concept that...
THREAD Random QuestionsZune or ipod
8 Posts • 2878 Views
Talk Talk
I don't even know what a Zune is... but I am extremely satisfied with my iPod Nano. After roughly 1000 hours of use, the battery life is down from 14-15 hours to 9-10, and I'm about to use m...
THREAD Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18735 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Funny you mention that. Many of those Environment groups have boards that are highly represented by industry, especially oil. As for educated guesses there is great danger in that too. Look what th...
THREAD God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12986 Views
Religion Forum
I'm not looking for a reason to believe. I'm actually trying to find out whether or not those who do believe have a reason to do so, or if their reason for believing is "I believe becau...
THREAD SocietyProphecy
30 Posts • 16479 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05) When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government...
THREAD For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11708 Views
Psychology Forum
I believe you musnĀ“t kill individuals who will be missed by others, since you are harming more people than you really wanted. If te person will not be missed than you can kill her, after knowing she...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43991 Views
Religion Forum
Religion is necessary. I feel this is one of the reasons our country is so strong. Because no one(usually) is forced to believe in anything. We can choose, which gives us freedom. Regardless of wh...
THREAD SpiritualityWhat happens after we die?
35 Posts • 10993 Views
Religion Forum
Now wait a minute. Science doesn't CLAIM to have any absolutes, everything is a theory and theories are generally accepted as truth if they can withstand years of testin and experimentation -...
THREAD SocietyI really Hate Microsoft: Wii
0 Posts • 505 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Project Natal is not only a blatant ripoff of the Wii ad campaign, it is nothing more than a re-made Playstation EyeToy. Super lame. I played with that technology at the Star Trek convention in the...
THREAD The End of the World
3 Posts • 2064 Views
Talk Talk
All the religous hype about the end times is just reterict to make people see their way. As for science well they are right to an extent we are accelerating the procces but as Pagan said it's a n...
THREAD Weird ThingsHistorical curiosities
33 Posts • 14188 Views
Talk Talk
- Eminem is left-handed - Someday, the mathematician Karl F. Gauss was so concentratd on his work that when he was told that her wife was about to die, he anwered: 'Yes, yes, but ask her to wait a...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40754 Views
Psychology Forum
Surely the law of the land is more just, because life in prison does not compare to forever in the burning fire of hell. It is the same thing. Take away mans mortal life or take away man's im...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionWhat is Love?
11 Posts • 7168 Views
Philosophy Forum
What is love? Pretty much a bunch of chemicals and such in your brain Is it just a meaningless game? No, its not Or is it one emotional and vital part of your life? Emotional? Yes. But its not...
THREAD GovernmentSecular Gov't Opinions
18 Posts • 7967 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The Constitution clearly states that Church and State should be seperate. Religious government implies that government derives its legitimacy from God, not the people, which is the same place Iran...
THREAD God in ReligionKeeping God in the Pledge
30 Posts • 8394 Views
Religion Forum
Out of principle it really should be out of the pledge, but it really doesn't matter if the children aren't forced to say it. If they're forced, then the state and society have no right...
THREAD Society & SociologyBoo Micrsoft, Yay Apple
7 Posts • 3493 Views
Psychology Forum
Apple only exists for the same reason Hot Topic is still open. They sell their product to a group of people who use products to associate themselves with a particular social group. In this case It...
THREAD EconomyEuropean Union VS United States of America
7 Posts • 21150 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
what the hell is IUhooser talking about!!! I am an american that has moved to leeds in england and in the town I live in there are 8 american familys I know of which struggled to get out of the US....
THREAD GovernmentHomeland Security
1 Posts • 2642 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Flipping thru the channels, I happen to come across a interview (session) with the National news anchors, discussing their role in politics (especially the War in Iraq). One of those present was on t...
THREAD GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5471 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Listen Zach, it's become clear to me that you've been exposed to this one view of how the world works and what's good and what's evil and nobody's going to change anyone'...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41010 Views
Religion Forum
So back to it's all random. There is no source. It's all genetics and biology? That's what makes trees grow, birds fly and babies birth? This is obviously something that can't b...
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