God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42101 Views Religion Forum |
"And . . . when we remove God from human activity we end up not with human activity but animal activity, or animal behavior."
What is animal behaviour? Animal behaviour is when you are a pe... |
Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 24950 Views Religion Forum |
Well I'm glad you found some decent info on evolution. Some of your statements on how human genealogy and why weren't new life forms appearing seemingly contradicted evolution was quite misl... |
Art AppreciationSo called "art"
13 Posts • 6086 Views Art Forum |
do not tell me to open my eyes. and dont judge me or "generalize" me. you are the hypocrite. just like on the other thread about hating muslims. you accuse people of being something wrong. j... |
FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11406 Views Philosophy Forum |
We evolved from apes, Common misconception, Darwin's Theory was that humans and apes evolved from the same (pior) species at some point.
All dogs are canines but do all breeds have the evolve fr... |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 298775 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Ligers' life span is from 20 to 25 years. Lions also live up to this time; at least, the oldest known lion died at 26. A liger is the largest hybrid cat. The appearance of the liger, differs depe... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13734 Views Talk Talk |
@ "the beast": maybe I am being entirely closed minded about the issue, but I still stand by what I say. I agree that there is logic in being a vegetarian (and possibly vegan, though fruitar... |
No Pets Allowed!
1 Posts • 3693 Views Jokes & Games |
Two buddies were out for a Saturday stroll. One had a Doberman and the other had a Chihuahua. As they sauntered down the street, the guy with the Doberman said to his friend, "Let's go over... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22494 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Torture is not as thinly defined as you might like, but that may just be the opinion me and my dictionary. Besides there have been claims of physical torture abuse by detainees.
The following are... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85400 Views Science & Technology Forum |
24 February 2013
M51: The Whirlpool Galaxy in Dust and Stars
Image Credit: N. Scoville (Caltech), T. Rector (U. Alaska, NOAO) et al., Hubble Heritage Team, NASA
The Whirlpool Galaxy is a classic... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13149 Views Religion Forum |
As Native American (Indians) which are known as the Sioux, traditionally see themselves as theTatanka pte, the buffalo people not because they evolved from the buffalo but because it's life suppl... |
Relationships & LoveThings you should know before you marry
9 Posts • 3027 Views Psychology Forum |
Obviously, some people generally need to know more, based on philosophical viewpoints (especially religion).
Others may want to know based on need, like for health reasons or issues (dog-lovers poten... |
BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15163 Views Science & Technology Forum |
As a geneology major, I've been wondering for some time why it's such an unpopular idea to breed humans.
Hitler may have wanted to do it, but just because someone with evil intentions wa... |
98 firebird formula
7 Posts • 6608 Views Talk Talk |
cool* Here it goes in a nutshell.
Josh is right, the computer chip is the best bang for your buck, this is all accomplished the same way however. The computer chips change the long-term fuel trim (... |
5 Posts • 3398 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is no such thing in existence as that which we call time. Instead there is only motion.
You have the motion of the earth which shapes our nights and days. But the Sun never ceases to shine,... |
28 Posts • 7653 Views Jokes & Games |
Late p.m. I saw gnu here (non-a.m.) or an idea got a dog to nod – I made felt to boot.
Fill in a lad? Nay, not all, Edna – lash to buoy. Did you biff one Venus? Not I! 'Broth, girl!' ladies ord... |
LSD- exprierences, opinions, questions.
6 Posts • 2436 Views Talk Talk |
I personally enjoy LSD very much... but... only maybe once a year, if that. For me, the last time I did take it which was just before thanksgiving last year, It felt like my mind was aging faster than... |
Useful Expressions for those High Stress Days
2 Posts • 3520 Views Jokes & Games |
Well, aren't we just a ray of sunshine?
Not the brightest crayon in the box now, are we?
Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after.
Do I look like a people person?
This isn... |
What should i do?
4 Posts • 3087 Views Talk Talk |
Your relationship isn't going to last.
I know I sound like a bitch, but if you really sit down and think about how much this guy is going to change as a result of attending college and what he... |
FuturologyChance Theory of Evolution
8 Posts • 3027 Views Philosophy Forum |
The only explanation I could have for that is what I would call a stable DNA. Certain elements or actions can increases the change of mutation in the DNA, such as radiation to drugs the parents take d... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsRandom Video Thread
147 Posts • 25436 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Singing Tesla Coil at Duckon 2007
Excerpt: This is a solid-state Tesla coil. The primary runs at its resonant frequency in the 41 KHz range, and is modulated from the control unit in order to gener... |
28 Posts • 7653 Views Jokes & Games |
Both sacks I rate by apple hewn in elder's garden if it rates, I was aware – tasted a core.
Zones or areas, Annie, cap, so twelfth girl, lass, alas, simply (alpha beta) done, Kate. Tadpole won to... |
SPC Schwarz
6 Posts • 3138 Views Jokes & Games |
Passsive aggresiveness at its best?
Once upon a time, there was a SPC Schwarz stationed with the Army in the Balkans. SPC Schwarz was either very clever or very bored; but probably both, since he... |
Creative MusingsScribbles from my notebook
2 Posts • 2626 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Someone reminded me not long ago that I used to write poems. And I haven't done that for so long, in fact not since the last one I posted here on CC.
So I sat down with a notebook and decided... |
EconomyWhy not tax the Rich?
52 Posts • 23439 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The richest of the rich can sustain their fortune simply by having their fortune. They are, for the most part unaffected by taxes, because the bulk of their money does not reside in any one country. M... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 45964 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
please read this letter. i feel so confused and offended about myself with regards to the way i am, and i think i need a psychologist or a psychiatrist or some kind of therapy to let me know what it i... |