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Tagged > Brain
THREAD PerceptionDoes the brain perceive the mind and vice versa?
5 Posts • 2652 Views
Psychology Forum
If I get a headache it's in the brain. If I think it's in the mind. What relationship does these two objects have with each other? plj
 87yrs • M
The heart does the pumping, the brain does everything else
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionArtificial Intelligence
15 Posts • 4623 Views
Philosophy Forum
well, i never said i didn't believe in the human soul...i just am not very clear on my definition of this thing called a soul. if youre talking religiously, then, no, i am not a religious person,...
THREAD Free Will
60 Posts • 15138 Views
Philosophy Forum
does it exist? i personally think its an illusion--our brain causes us to be conscious and have a mind, and our brain acts according to its own wiring when a choice is made, and chemicals or whatever...
THREAD ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12473 Views
Religion Forum
"YOU have been given a brain" Yes, I have a brain, one that has the ability to think outside of the Fundamentalist Manifesto. You go ahead and 'pray' for us heathens and heretics dear, if...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42260 Views
Philosophy Forum
I am saying decision is made in the brain, and if there is no brain there is no decision. I am saying that you cannot blame people for being who they are. Stop avoiding the question, that's ex...
THREAD Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39733 Views
Science & Technology Forum
sorry I was trying to imply there could be several ways to induce deja vu, not only brain malfunction. I understand it like this....your brain can pick up signals (much like a radio). "Aether&qu...
THREAD ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10899 Views
Philosophy Forum
Everett is on the right track with the percentages being "urban myths", coming from I don't know where, and don't know anyone who knows where. Having been working (not finished) i...
THREAD phil thinknig usually invles concious effort?
6 Posts • 3781 Views
Philosophy Forum
im sure many of you or probably everyone philosophizes their own way even though its most probably always technicaly dependent on experinece etcc... so i was wondering if anyone can recall when they d...
THREAD Is the Brain Really Big Enough?
15 Posts • 3450 Views
Philosophy Forum
:p I change, and say it is possible the brain might remember everything and maybe it is even a photographic memory to some degree. The brain might remember while the person does not. And I still...
THREAD Mind "Lag"
6 Posts • 4586 Views
Philosophy Forum
Okay here it goes: your mind and body are in two different time frames mind in past body in the present. Think about this it takes your brain a couple of milliseconds to interpret any kind of external...
THREAD Finding Out What I Believe
5 Posts • 2528 Views
Philosophy Forum
Here's a couple of sites about brain damage from drugs... http://www.science daily.com/releases/2007/11/071 129121127.htm http://www.dr ugabuse.gov/Nida_Notes/NNVol15 N3/Brain.html Not sure...
THREAD Could there be a pill for that?...
17 Posts • 6088 Views
Philosophy Forum
Probably there is an increase in female hormones such as estrogen. Perhaps the brain is structured differently. or perhaps the parental structuring caused changes to the brain structure. There seem...
THREAD Society & SociologyArrrghh Some people
3 Posts • 3487 Views
Psychology Forum
Another thing is, if you notice, when people are actually talking, some of them tend to look as if they're thinking of what to say. Well if they are looking up towards one part of their brain, it...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & Brainbrain controls the mind? or mind controls the brain?
5 Posts • 2751 Views
Psychology Forum
La Stupide makes an excellent point, but i'd have to side with Allimar on this. the mind is more like ourselves. a mix of spirit AND brain. because it yelds the properties of both i'd have t...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsSimple Human Emotions
4 Posts • 2768 Views
Psychology Forum
So i was watching a discovery channel special on sex and it said that people like people who are fit because that shows that they are fertile so that got me thinking, if attraction is simply a functio...
THREAD Free Will
60 Posts • 15138 Views
Philosophy Forum
To be more specific, yes we have a brain and the part we call the mind. But to know that the brain has different sections within it, to serve different purposes. The cortex, the medulla. Basically p...
THREAD About You / Introductions12 Minutes
2 Posts • 3011 Views
Talk Talk
I'm not to sure on the amount of time your brain stays active once the body shuts down, but it is all subject to the cause of death. The brain deplete its stores of dmt on the pineal gland whi...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorAlways Finding Something to Say
3 Posts • 2062 Views
Psychology Forum
If we use less brain function on saying things to ourselves and others we have more of the brain to use on absorbing every tiny detail of our present status. Call it "being in the now" or wh...
THREAD SpiritualityWe didn't exist before we got here
48 Posts • 13767 Views
Religion Forum
spirituality exists with or withought the brain, in every form of existence. What we humans have is the ability to be aware of spirituality. Our brain makes this possible. what you said of the suffer...
THREAD I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7730 Views
Talk Talk
"WHOEVER SAYS SHE DOES NOT FEEL IT IS COMPLETELY IGNORANT TO HOW NERVES AND ORGANS WORK....OR THEY ARE DECEPTIVE." Her brain is mush, how can she feel? Oh wait, you're probably a br...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & Brainbrain controls the mind? or mind controls the brain?
5 Posts • 2751 Views
Psychology Forum
which one do you think is correct? i wont state any arguments at this point, but ill join in on the argument once i hear some opinions :)
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27254 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Quite recently there was discovered a certain portion of the brain that is common in female brains, and a portion that is common in male brains. It has been asserted that possessing either one of thes...
THREAD Peace of mind, tranquility
3 Posts • 2860 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think tranqulity is the state in which your concious brain activity is reduced to a large extent. I don't think therz a 'emotion' called tranquility or that its the absence of emotion...
THREAD FuturologyLandau's Determinism
7 Posts • 3943 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Also, just because you can predict how your heart works doesn't mean anything special. Remember, your brain has no psychic effect on your body. controling your heart rate with the brain (mentally...
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