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Tagged > Brain
THREAD what if..
12 Posts • 4051 Views
Philosophy Forum
yes, we may have a different form of knowledge which is not affected by the impressions life leaves on our brain. Don't think I'll find crtique of pure reason in my local bookstore though!
THREAD Freinds With Benefits, I Think Not
16 Posts • 6531 Views
Talk Talk
My scientific understanding is that humans are programmed for monogamy. That sex releases chemicals in the brain such as oxitocin that promote an imprinting effect. So simply having sex is going to al...
THREAD Freinds With Benefits, I Think Not
16 Posts • 6531 Views
Talk Talk
ok...a little off topic but you know it's ok to be wrong. A good example of someone who has tolerance towards adrenalin is an athlete. As an athlete trains he or she becomes able to calm down and...
THREAD God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13384 Views
Religion Forum
secret07 the truth is you can't be sure that your 'God' exists and other 'Gods' don't. What makes christianity more genuine, realiable, legitimate, accurate, sincere, tru...
THREAD Life & DeathThe Afterlife
22 Posts • 9838 Views
Philosophy Forum
After your body dies, your brain still functions for 6 to 12 minutes..I think that IS the after life. After that, all your collected knowledge is spread telepathically, builds up, and creates what we...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Voice
20 Posts • 8784 Views
Psychology Forum
I have been meaning to write up a thread about this in long while. I have thought about this longer than I can remember. This is a psychological phenomena that I find most remarkable. I take a ment...
124 Posts • 33714 Views
Talk Talk
i was attacked by a psycho when I was 13. I'm now left with brain damage and I'll b on medication for the rest of my life. What makes it easier is knowing that i'm having plastic surger...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40740 Views
Psychology Forum
awaken why even bother. who ever you got helping you to make your replys tell them to go sit down their closed mindedness is keeping you from understanding. If my message is typical then its something...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36749 Views
Philosophy Forum
In the movie the matrix was made by computers after artificial intelligence was created. We have only the simplest versions of that so are you trying to tell me that you are so dumb that an over power...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17385 Views
Religion Forum
Embelishment and distortion (intentional and otherwise) are the cliche's of all such past down stories. Even playing telephone in a single line for five minutes, young or old, unravels any hope o...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsDoes perception match the true form?
11 Posts • 4069 Views
Philosophy Forum
Part of it is like the effect of a television. There's all that hardware, and all we see is the screen, which is what it is designed for. Sometimes even knowing how all the hardware does not even enha...
THREAD SpiritualityWe didn't exist before we got here
48 Posts • 13767 Views
Religion Forum
There is no other organism that has been more biologically advanced than the species homeo sapiens. It is speculative because neither you nor any living or dead scientist or researcher knows that...
THREAD Vegetarianism
30 Posts • 9562 Views
Talk Talk
No, she loves dairy products. She won't touch anything that even remotely looks like meat. Has a hell of an attitude toward meat at I also am an incredibly fussy eater and eat very li...
THREAD Venting!!!!
28 Posts • 7158 Views
Philosophy Forum
hahahahhahaa......lmao...this is the funniest reply you've ever gave on this site.....lmao.........damn you got mad so quick...lmao hahaha....aight sorry hold up... I never said that I was a &...
THREAD ArtworkNeed An Artist Please
9 Posts • 4121 Views
Art Forum
Hi. I just got a T Shirt maker, and I want to put some original work on them. Will anyone mind drawing (and coloring if possible please?") with a human brain as the nuleus of an atom, with the pr...
THREAD SpiritualityWhat do we have the right to want?
15 Posts • 3809 Views
Religion Forum
Hmm. Perhaps people should start to ask themselves whether or not they participate in certain threads, in order to try to increase their general understanding of the topic, or just to give their tw...
THREAD BiologyBrain Man Savant
1 Posts • 2277 Views
Science & Technology Forum
To give you an idea, in one feat performed by this man's mental abilities he, for over five hours, recited without err, 22,514 decimal points of pi under public press scrutiny and record.
THREAD Uncross the lines
39 Posts • 28295 Views
Jokes & Games
i was trying to figure out a system, i knew there was some little tricks with back twisting like you said, but i never got a good rhythem and i kept undoing things i had done. so anyway for me it...
THREAD Pro Life vs. Pro Choice
35 Posts • 15099 Views
Talk Talk
since when is a unborn fetus not living. from zygot on you are dealing with a living organisim, brain or not.
THREAD Tesla: The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla
1 Posts • 1581 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
I'm sooo jealous of this man's brain.
THREAD ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10900 Views
Philosophy Forum
We actually use 1 tenth of one percent of our brain. I interested to know what mindmelding consciousness and zygophrenic consciousness is.
THREAD Free Will
60 Posts • 15138 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Thus there is not so much a guess, the brain merely picks the choice with the best chance of being good." Yep, and that is free will. Picking what seems best to you.
THREAD PerceptionSee object with eyes.
3 Posts • 2760 Views
Psychology Forum
I see a object/back yard with my eyes. My brain interprets it from my memory. What does my mind think? That.
THREAD Bridgeing the gap in Metaphysics
2 Posts • 2713 Views
Philosophy Forum
Kant has said that there is two types of knowledge. Emperical and Apriora. Now if this is true, then we have a bases for tieing toghther both science and God. As well as the mind and body. It can be s...
THREAD BiologyMeditation altars brain structure
18 Posts • 7017 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Decius: it seems your a tad confused. To be specific- I was correcting your generalisation. Claiming that this study is representative of the human population (or at least a larger population) is inco...
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