Ah, yes, divorce..., from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet. --Robin Williams - Wyote
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Tagged > Brain
THREAD Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18440 Views
Philosophy Forum
God created all there is ...and all there is to be...his power is beyond any human comprehension...cause the HUGE difference between us and God is....we hav brains and limits.....God created the brain...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7776 Views
Religion Forum
Also, on the other hand the cult of scientologists, is another story. Thats another group that makes things up as they go. Which is the normal pro quo of cults. Which is what Catholics do as w...
THREAD Destruction of Life
8 Posts • 3262 Views
Talk Talk
Well, seeing as how the stem cells are harvested at 2 weeks, the small beginnings of a brain are visible, but it's size/computing power - therefore chance of consciousness - is equivalent to that...
THREAD Hearing with an Eye to Detail
5 Posts • 2278 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, since your brain interprets and intergrates all the senses into experience and then memory I suppose everyone experiences and remembers things differently depending on how they percieved an even...
THREAD ChristianityCatholic Churches feel grim
18 Posts • 6625 Views
Religion Forum
I went to a candle light the other night and it just seemed like a ritual. Toward the end, they turned down the lights, and we lit our candles. Then the singing began, which was like 2 sentences repea...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainBlind-Spots…
2 Posts • 2613 Views
Psychology Forum
Hearing and smell don't have blind spots, they exist because of the area in the back of your eye where the optic nerve passes through to connect to the brain. At this point there are no cones or...
THREAD DreamsWhats Happening to ME?!
23 Posts • 8364 Views
Psychology Forum
Speaking from a strictly anal ytical standpoint it seems these feelings of deja vu are misconceptions of time. When your brain registers a memory it may incorrectly log the time it happened and so you...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Voice
20 Posts • 8784 Views
Psychology Forum
The origin of thoughts is known already. Thoughts come from neuromagnetic signals which arise from structures that mediate our various sensory and cognitive mechanisms within the limbic system of the...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167896 Views
Psychology Forum
Yes I've literally wanted to kill her. Sometimes I cry because the urge is so bad and I know the consequences would be grave if I ever did do it. When I turn 18, I'm 16 now I want to get som...
49 Posts • 13335 Views
Philosophy Forum
So basically what you're saying is: Everything that uses the word "brain" is good, and everything (that you mentioned) using the word "mind" is BAD. But none of it matters,...
THREAD Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16974 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think the spped of time is relative. Time is going slow if your brain is acting faster than everything around it. Slow animals like snails see everythig going fast, but animals with faster metabolis...
THREAD Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51573 Views
Philosophy Forum
My brain was blank today....I felt like I wasn't breathing....I didn't remember breathing......I couldn't remember who I was.. yet I felt unimaginably free....was I physically dead?...N...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Molyneux Problem - an interesting philosophy experiment
6 Posts • 3501 Views
Philosophy Forum
Perhaps it's to do with 'neuroplasticity', in that a sensory impaired person's brain reallocates resources to remaining senses, and these senses typically become hypersensitive, an...
THREAD I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7730 Views
Talk Talk
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The "persistent vegetative state" that brain-damaged Terri Schiavo has been in for 15 years is as deceptive as it is heartbreaking, according to doctors. Almost all bra...
THREAD Emotions & Feelingsare emotions what define human beings?
42 Posts • 26402 Views
Psychology Forum
Originally posted by weltanschau... "For the question of emotion, how do you define an emotion? " Exactly. I do think it is something to have or not have though. Which means that if...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13264 Views
Religion Forum
when seeing mainstream religious people who perceive, claim and commit themselves as 'true' christians is rather sickening and depressing. you cannot claim to be a christian (i have to get p...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views
Philosophy Forum
Because children are the product of two people. They come from one complex organism combining half of its programming with someone elses half. Both of which are unuiqe themselves. You are the sa...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64045 Views
Religion Forum
"Today I was looking at all the hair on my arms and wondering - "where did all that hair come from?" Evolution is very possible, and that's not really what I'm questioning. Le...
THREAD The dilemma of Choice
9 Posts • 3003 Views
Philosophy Forum
I suspect "choice" is a matter of perception: A moment before, free will; a moment after, destiny. I suspect "choice" is an illusion -- that there is ALWAYS a reason that we make t...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39607 Views
Philosophy Forum
reality only exists in the mind. there may or may not be multiple realities that exist, yet we cannot perceive these external realms. Therefore, obviously, the only way we can reason reality is throug...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrug Addiciton
3 Posts • 5150 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
As with most addictions, your brain begins to associate pleasure/escape/resolution to those activities. The longer and most importantly, earlier you start with any such addictions, the harder it is to...
THREAD ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24729 Views
Religion Forum
Did anyone else notice that when he types himself he can not typed the English yet when it's a long post it looks like it comes from a book.....plagiarism anyone. This is what you need to do. G...
THREAD BiologyChimps - are they really that close to us?
13 Posts • 4383 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I appreciate your reply leftwood but you seem to have strayed away from the topic that i put forward regarding our bias towards chimps being very close to us. You seem to have gone into a somewhat phi...
THREAD DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14240 Views
Psychology Forum
wow. sounds....interesting. you two sound delusional! but its prolly only because i know very little about the dreaming process. I dont believe in predicting the future in dreams. BS we make the futur...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsGetting out of Control
7 Posts • 3045 Views
Psychology Forum
I would get help from a professional. The symptoms you've mentioned sound like something is going haywire in your limbic center of your brain. Or you could be like me, I have borderline personali...
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