DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10709 Views Psychology Forum |
Sounds like some form of semi-concious dream conditioning. Interesting. Shall try it sometime. Seems a little difficult though to be able to conciously wake up and physically write, several times with... |
General HealthWhy I Love Green Tea
0 Posts • 2209 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Green tea have many hidden benefit for human health.
It help to burn fat and reduce weight.
Green tea increase metabolism and control blood pressure.
It very help full to reduce tiredness and also... |
2 Posts • 2782 Views Philosophy Forum |
Neurologically speaking ther are more than enough encoding neurons in the hominid brain to perfectly record everything that they ever experience. the crux of the situation, of course, has to do with c... |
Gender PsychologyThe difference between men and women.
5 Posts • 3773 Views Psychology Forum |
Allimar, Im afraid thats a dum opinion. The actaull brain size actually has nothing to do with inteligence. If you post proof i will believe you but im pretty sure i know otherwise else i would not ha... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42261 Views Philosophy Forum |
Why is looking for a buffalo sub-conscious?
It's not entirely a sub-conscious action but if we are listening beyond our conscious brain, we could connect and therefore be lead to the buffalo. |
Emotions & FeelingsSimple Human Emotions
4 Posts • 2768 Views Psychology Forum |
Emotions are mostly tied to chemical responses in the brain, the release of endorphins. This can be a response to fear, or other stimuli, and serves a dual purpose. First, it can effect pain receptors... |
BiologyPain and Pleasure…
4 Posts • 2909 Views Science & Technology Forum |
ya I would agree with Sorceress, pain is associated to the body making the mind aware of problems, like the fire is hot or that fall broke my ankle and the corresponding reaction of move your hand fro... |
SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13123 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Jesus Christ, there are more than one form of government. Poser refuses to see that there is more than the kind that has been jammed into your brain. Individual Anarchy, Communist-Anarchy, and etc. Ye... |
Hit by an email virus :(
3 Posts • 2740 Views Talk Talk |
i really cant see anything else you can do. other than close the account, so that it gets deleted. if it is an online address, then nothing you have on computer will do anything about it, because you... |
Mental IllnessSplit Brain,DID,Epilepsy,Split Personality
2 Posts • 4195 Views Psychology Forum |
Hello.I was born with another person on the LH of my brain.It took me 45 yrs to figure this out.He can send electro pulse to my side at differant degrees just like someone with epilepsy.And by the way... |
SocietyKhat, your thourghts?
22 Posts • 6194 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"the real Khat is in the brain
it is manufactured by the mind
a series of "healthy thoughts" can manufacture the proper feelings or chemical responses
giving the individual the... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160017 Views Talk Talk |
I did karaoke with some friends last night- It was my first time doing that sort of thing. I was so self conscious but as my song went on I really enjoyed it. My song was Mr. Roboto by styx. Anyway it... |
Life & DeathMy Theory on Life
8 Posts • 3642 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thanks for clarifying.
I was bought up in a hindu household (Hinduism) and was indoctrinated into the system of beliefs.
What caught me the most about your initial post was something that I re... |
ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10900 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've always thought we use (on average) 17% of our overall processing capacity, and I can tell you right now, the ability to minipulate objects with our minds is not all that far away. Our brain... |
God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10022 Views Religion Forum |
i belive that whatever you belive in your heart and soul is what you should follow....if your brain is saying you should be christian because if not your going to hell, but your feeling is that the ot... |
PoetryEat the Cook's Brians poem
3 Posts • 2401 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I'm going to assume that none of this is serious, but what I got from it was a satire of abstract poets. If that is what you are trying to say with this then I completely agree. Abstractness befo... |
ConsciousnessHow do the ideas of Universal Consciousness and synchronicity fit together?
5 Posts • 3730 Views Philosophy Forum |
I guess it was more about day to day happenings, times in the day where you are working with the same things as someone else and end up working together?
Work of the mind, brain or body...
But I gue... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17209 Views Religion Forum |
You know, I get really bored with people who cite the Bible as "proof". It doesn't work in school, it doesn't work in research, why should it work in life?
Oh, and if you hadn... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13764 Views Religion Forum |
I think if you look around Shadrach you might find that we on this forum put little or no value on age. Ignorance is ignorance and when dealt with at a young age allows an individual to do more with t... |
ChristianityBible: Fiction or Non-Fiction
40 Posts • 20109 Views Religion Forum |
I believe the Bible is truth so with that being said of course it should go in non-fiction. The writers of the Bible lived & knew Jesus personally (Most anyway) so to say that the Bible is word of... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20397 Views Religion Forum |
What then constitutes life?
And herein lies the problem. Does Human life begin at conception? or does it begin when the fetus has actual sign of life such as a heartbeat or brain? |
What thinks
5 Posts • 3046 Views Philosophy Forum |
But what starts the chain reactoin? Other physical processes are caused by the brain. Do we really decide ourselves, I mean, as i said, me making a decision means that as you said, a physical process... |
DreamsDream Telepathy?
9 Posts • 5345 Views Psychology Forum |
I've thought about that a lot too recently, and i agree with the whole mathematical dream thing. I was just thinking the other day that that is a possibility for deja vu. You do the same things d... |
Physics & CosmologyPhilosophical Science questions of the sci -fi kin
4 Posts • 4114 Views Science & Technology Forum |
What creates heat? It takes two elements to make water, how could the big bang [theory or possibility or fact] happen without heat, maybe a reaction of gaseous elements, is it possible that two elemen... |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13335 Views Philosophy Forum |
"What are the postive uses of the mind? There aren't any"
"MIND" is an illusory reflection of cerebral fidgeting. It comprises all the random, uncontrolled thoughts that bu... |