Blog of a Sex Offender and now Kidnapper
1 Posts • 2589 Views Talk Talk |
http://web.archive.org/web/200 41015041001/www.fifthnail.com/ blog/
And here's background on what Joseph Edward Duncan III just did:
http://lostinlimaohio. blogspot.com/
"What Is Reali... |
15 Posts • 3712 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well... I think that some are trapped into cycles of negative thinking. They see one bad thing, and expect the worst - therein you are correct that its reactionary, esp. to fears.
It is not necess... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDoes perception match the true form?
11 Posts • 4069 Views Philosophy Forum |
Confusing question (or questions)...Are you asking whether or not perception via the five physical "material" senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch), the data of which is processed... |
I'm Tired Of Thinking And I Give Up
29 Posts • 11713 Views Talk Talk |
one tihnng i wanted to say was that.. excersice cardio.. and im now realizing expecailly strenth training..makes your brain work better.. for anything!! whether it be your hobby ie: philosphizing (tha... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38014 Views Psychology Forum |
Good points rollergirl, I particularly like your comment about using high heels in self-defense! :)
sjmf, I do agree with you that how a particular situation plays out is largely up to the rapist i... |
Religion & HumanityReality is NOW!!
13 Posts • 3664 Views Religion Forum |
"I believe it is a chemicle imbalance in the brain that I have inherited from my mohter who always worried about everything"...
Sad to say there's no chemical inbalances...there'... |
Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7776 Views Religion Forum |
The main reasons people follow any religion is because of fear and peer pressure. Brain washing by friends and family, threats of blasphemy and disowning to threats of eternal damnation and demons.... |
Society & SociologyLife and Decisions
9 Posts • 3117 Views Psychology Forum |
Aah... Decius.. Decius.. Decius....
You think I am not making sense... yes I do coz the people before you understand what i was talking about... ChrisD got what I mean.
It was you who is making... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45429 Views Psychology Forum |
First off Decius, nothing I've said is irrelavant. He didn't ask for our numbers first then buy drinks. If that had happened then he would have found out right off the bat that he wasn'... |
Can we compare physics and psychology?
3 Posts • 2332 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can we compare physics and psychology?
Libido is an energy source-Heat is an energy source-there is potential and kinetic energy
Emotion aka instinct is an energy source-
Narcissism is a forc... |
PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10955 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I am a human
I dont yet understand this world I live in. But I like to communicate with fellow humans. Writing these posts, I hope that I can establish some form of understanding on my level, for mys... |
Favroite movie quotes
78 Posts • 22305 Views Talk Talk |
King Arthur: Now stand aside, worthy adversary.
The Black Knight: 'Tis but a scratch.
King Arthur: A scratch?! Your arm's off.
The Black Knight: No it isn't.
King Arthur: Then w... |
43 Posts • 9080 Views Talk Talk |
I dont understand how emos would be copy cats.If they were copy cats they would be called goths,punks,skaters or whatever clothing they wore not be called emo.In no way are they copy cats.They simple... |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14240 Views Psychology Forum |
This topic is very interesting to me. I have always had very detailed and "lucid" dreams... I have, in fact, experienced at least bits of dreams or images from dreams later on in life (somet... |
28 Posts • 13989 Views Philosophy Forum |
The meating of the people is daja vu. You actually have seen these people befor you just didn't give them any attention. As to the actions you just have seen it on TV or something such as when yo... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42262 Views Philosophy Forum |
Here is something,,,,,we take in air, we take in food, it processes, we take in thought, we take in light, we take in pleasure, we take in water, we take in sights sounds and all other tangible and in... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42414 Views Religion Forum |
I can completely understand your desire/need to be honest and not "foolish" in the possible belief. But like it has been said many times by many people that is something that has to be exper... |
Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24187 Views Philosophy Forum |
so the tsumani resulted from a clash of the tectonic plates right. The tsumani probably happened at that particular time and place because of a variety of infulences, even as small as a butterfly flut... |
God in ReligionA Philosophy Professor's Lecture On God
5 Posts • 3427 Views Religion Forum |
ok,so here is something i found that i felt i had to share with yall
A science professor begins his school year with a lecture to the students, "Let me explain the problem science has with r... |
3 Posts • 3311 Views Philosophy Forum |
we all think and at all times, but what is the importance of our thougts?
i never put too much thought into everyday life when i was a child, i mainly went off of impulse so to speak. this changed w... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40996 Views Religion Forum |
WHY THE FUCK WOULD GOD SEND YOU TO HELL FOR SENDING SOMEONE TO HEAVEN???????? please explain me the logic... u know like an "evil" (because of his actions which he could of just as easily do... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49754 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
What truly is Time?
What power be the clock?
What walls are constructed
twixt the Tick and the Tock?
What blinders are fastened
to my quick darting eye
to hide the fatal speed
one attains or mu... |
Life & DeathIf your a clone do you have a soul?
41 Posts • 19343 Views Philosophy Forum |
"To extend it into the spiritual aspect, well this has been a rather neglected area of study by science? "
I'm not sure if the study has been no neglected, but rather, the study is vir... |
HistoryCave paintings
6 Posts • 2617 Views Science & Technology Forum |
So, when you said that you just dont think that they were knuckle draggers, what and who exactly were you referencing? Because you were referencing something.
Actually, when I was reflecting on ou... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39734 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Yeah I get it. Interesting theory Daner. I kinda agree with Spartigol when he mentions the subconcious preparing the concious to experiance something, but maybe he should explain it a little more.... |