Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9974 Views Psychology Forum |
Previously a thread discussion evolved that related the biblical heaven & earth as being simmilar to the movie, Matrix. In light of that context . . . this life is an illusion of the mind. Then on... |
IslamLast Sermon Of The Prophet Muhammad (P)
8 Posts • 4485 Views Religion Forum |
This sermon was delivered on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H. in the 'Uranah valley of Mount Arafat' (in Mecca).
After praising, and thanking Allah he said:
"O People, lend... |
ConspiracyConspiracy Confessions
29 Posts • 11229 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
JFK Secret Society Speech
Listen to this incredible audio recording of a speech made by JFK before the American Newspaper Publishers Association where he warns the press about the secret societies... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57912 Views Religion Forum |
Truth is alot more complicated than the black-and-white, good-and-evil conceptions of fundamental christian beliefs about God and the nature of the universe. Eastern concepts that recognize the "... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36763 Views Philosophy Forum |
what if i told you everything you are saying is true, what if there are more answers then questions in this world, what if i told you that over the last 48 hours i have spent making more sense of this... |
StoriesFinish The Story
11 Posts • 3675 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Gertrude had been running for quite some time, her heart pumping and her hand gripping tightly on the knife when slowly she became aware of her surroundings, she stopped and looked at the knife in her... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49767 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I just had a hell of a conversation with a broken man.
Spread out with books around him
the coffee cup black with the scum that builds
from repeated fillings and drainings.
His eyebrows furrowed... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19112 Views Religion Forum |
Ya know, I Live in Kansas....Here we have 2 major events...Brown V Board of Edu...and the Evolution/Creation theory...the latter very debatable...I'm proud to say that I was taught in my High Sch... |
GamesHidden Bands
61 Posts • 14374 Views Jokes & Games |
here.i made a list.just copy the list and add your own.and i know i left a few out.they were not correct.and nice job on finding green day.i too have been trying to figure out what the significance of... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I Believe you are correct. That's when I went full force on my blog posting everything I could find on the election.
They had proof. They demononstrated how someone could go into a voter booth... |
Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineGreen Tea and Cancer
4 Posts • 5626 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I think this is really interesting. A few studies have also shown that an incresed intake in green tea (about 3 or 4 cups a day) can greatly reduce the risk of different types of cancer. For example a... |
DreamsImagination/Dream theory
14 Posts • 7770 Views Psychology Forum |
When I close my eyes I often see this rapidly unulating pattern of green lights it is so strange. it feels like a tunnel of sorts that is undulating it is odd.
But I think I have seen the particle... |
PoetryAnd All This Is Metaphore
40 Posts • 10681 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Oh Mother,
here you are on your pedestal
looking down at me like a saint
and cursing the skin that covers your devil.
The skin that must conceal
a whole world full of sin,
and the mouth that spe... |
plz read this i really need help
7 Posts • 2175 Views Talk Talk |
You sound very unhappy and I really feel you need to pluck up the courage to talk to your mum about how you are feeling,
Can you talk to your aunts or grandparents about how you are feeling? What abo... |
Ethics & MoralityEvil
19 Posts • 6458 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would define evil as a thing that not only hurts the self (spiritually, emotionally, or physically) but also the human community as a whole (in the same three areas).
Natural evil is our own need... |
StoriesThe Poker Game
5 Posts • 3548 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
She walks the path to her car after a long day, a day of filling orders, fielding phone calls, writing memos, and watching the second hand of the old plastic clock on the wall tick closer and c... |
ChristianityWas Jesus Black
31 Posts • 14540 Views Religion Forum |
Jesus was of Jewish descent. Jews are predominantly white however, there are many Jews brought into covenant who were dark skinned. It is concievable that the Royal Davidian Line and the sect of the n... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34715 Views Talk Talk |
Anyone who defends rap music is talking out of their ass. I recently heard 3 6 mafia songs called, slob on my knob, and another called let's plan a robbery. There was a third with lyrics saying &... |
ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21069 Views Religion Forum |
the first movie on the second sight saying how this planet is spacificaly designed for life... yea ok life for forms that are carbon based cause i mean come on there are billions of galaxies and u tru... |
What do you think about the rascism ? Can it disappear ?
16 Posts • 7003 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well kind of...I wouldn't really call it fear almost more human nature. People believe it or not really do naturally fear the unknown. It's like you know nothing about it and then from the p... |
GovernmentKerry Bad For America
26 Posts • 7566 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
FDR essentially liberated all the peoples of SE asia from Japanese oppression and stopped the soviets from taking all of Europe.
Harry Truman managed to contain the soviets in Europe and deserves muc... |
ChemistryClean Energy Source
18 Posts • 8817 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I've been reading a lot about advances in cold fusion lately, and I stumbled upon a clean non-nuclear energy source that may find application in cars, especially electrics.
It's a patente... |
SPC Schwarz
6 Posts • 3171 Views Jokes & Games |
> May no longer perform my now (in)famous 'Barbie Girl Dance' while on duty.
> May not call any officers immoral, untrustworthy, lying, slime, even if
> righ... |
Chuck Norris is the biggest bad-ass ever!
15 Posts • 15074 Views Jokes & Games |
http://www.4q.cc/chuck/index.p hp
refersh this to get a random fact.
Chuck Norris once copied the answers to a worksheet in Biology. A black kid noticed this, and told him he had just gotte... |
The Carriers of Information…
3 Posts • 2336 Views Philosophy Forum |
An interesting post Black Gold.
Here are my thoughts on what you have said thus far.
I think you are mixing objective logic with a desire for a credo to make sense of your world. Before I go furth... |