Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf |
SpiritualityFaith: innate or not?
6 Posts • 6003 Views Religion Forum |
In theory it could have gone down that way. But it's not really a definitive answer. For one because one can easily theorize that the same intellect would prevent them from seeking an answer that... |
War & TerrorismThis Nation is behind its leaders!
10 Posts • 2966 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok, here is something to keep in mind Tao. War readiness on an individual level is important to the survival of all. No matter how much one love's love and hate's war, if you are invaded by... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33955 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Israel's name used to be Jacob .....
Jacob ( Isaac's son) was later named Israel.........The tribes of Israel go back 1000's of years.....Judah was Israels (Jacob's) son . One o... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
I dont belive in God, but what if he did exsist, would God have a God that created him? And surley if that happend, That God would have a creator.
When I think of God or I am praying I imagine i... |
War & TerrorismCSPAN advertizes 9/11 truth symposium
5 Posts • 2642 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerp: 9/11 Symposium Most Popular C-Span Show
Prison Planet | August 5 2006
The June 2006 L.A. American Scholars Symposium is still the most popular online streaming choice for C-Span viewers,... |
32 Posts • 12020 Views Philosophy Forum |
For what it's worth...$$$,, Money is the tool and the lubrication that keeps the framework of OUR civilization running. As a human being, I feel indignant about the objectification and limitation... |
What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6592 Views Philosophy Forum |
What's most interesting is that we seem to seek out the knowledge of life and death "outside of us," as if the external world is somehow more "truthful" than our own potential... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20408 Views Religion Forum |
"For me, it comes from my understanding upon what human life is, its value and what my responsibilities are in relation to it."
I'm not going to attack the fact that you just stated... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
Here is a question. The teachings of the bible and its followers have been around for far more than 2000 years when including the old testament.
Now, if this belief system is so strong and right,... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30358 Views Religion Forum |
To answer DumbTeen, I do not believe that God is omnipotent. Omnipotent means "being able to do ANYTHING," and like you said, if God were omnipotent, God could prevent things like the tsunam... |
Religion & HumanityThe Disease of Religious Fundamentalism
19 Posts • 6746 Views Religion Forum |
Religion is the belief in things that cannot be proven. To better understand religion, a study of the indian religions might help.
When the elders spoke of the great eagle spirit, nobody saw it or... |
93 Posts • 30411 Views Philosophy Forum |
hola everyone. just wondering what your after death theories are.
do we go to heaven/hell?
do we simply cease to exist?
are we born again?
what do you think?
i have a few theories but i th... |
20 Posts • 6366 Views Talk Talk |
i think that there are certain lines of physical punishment that should NEVER be crossed. for instance-
i am 14 years old and i have always had a major problem with authority. i'm a smart ass,... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44066 Views Philosophy Forum |
Let's be realistic for a moment, the only truth we have as human being is ourself as individual.Praying and believing is good, dont get me wrong but it will not change a planet that is in self de... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15664 Views Philosophy Forum |
but if there was in fact a universal Right and Wrong, how would you know it...by believing you determine whats right and wrong?
How can you say Right and Wrong vary for different peop... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Land of freedom, land of Democracy, land of Hope...
And the one place in the whole wide world where anyone could get up and say anything (I mean they even shout each o... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
With biblical dogma, NO ONE has learned anything about how our universe actually works. So if I say I have learned a lot from biblical text that doesn't count? The bible has many wise saying as well a... |
ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15294 Views Religion Forum |
"The more useful question, I suggest, the one that really hits closer to the truth, is also the question easier to answer: Whose understanding of the Bible is the more likely to be correct, the C... |
Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7261 Views Religion Forum |
ChrisD - as to your closing statement, that if we had answers to finding out the meaning of life, etc would end all wars, and solve all of human life problems... I don't think I personally would... |
PerceptionStrength and weakness
11 Posts • 3958 Views Psychology Forum |
unfortunately, I can think of more flaws than strengths for myself...
*Veryy adaptable to any situation.
*Learn new things almost instantly; like I've known it all my life.
*Relate to j... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40602 Views Religion Forum |
Just randomly felt like placing a few quotes here, just because they are interesting.
"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29270 Views Religion Forum |
Let me show you
Hebrews 11; 5-6
By faith Henoch was taken up lest he should see death; and he was not found, because God took him up. For before he was taken up he had testimony that he pleased G... |
Life & DeathAre You in Shock?
1 Posts • 2671 Views Philosophy Forum |
There are five defined stages of dealing with one's death.
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptence
Honest Self Critics are so hard to find... the... |
War & TerrorismAl Qaida is US puppet
24 Posts • 7588 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Al Qaida is created by Pentagon and US Intelligence as a false flag target with which they squeeze money and power from people.
Quote, "Al Qaeda does not exist and never has
The... |
Physics & CosmologyCAN WE SEE INTO THE PAST?
31 Posts • 9960 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The idea actually is fascinating. Imagine a firework display. In a firework display, just like thunder and lightning...you see the event before you hear it. Now if we wish to be pedantic the event act... |