Why do you try so damn hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? - brann22
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Tagged > Being in love
THREAD Chris Rock Clip
1 Posts • 5798 Views
Jokes & Games
Chris Rocks fans, check out this clip -- Before They Were Kings Vol 1 Pretty old school, but Rock is always pretty damn funny. Love the hair, too. There's some other good stuff on the abov...
THREAD ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12264 Views
Religion Forum
in the words of a very dear friend of mine because i'm just as pagan an heathen as he*lol* only he's older and wiser "you see ur god in your church and in your bible i see him/her in th...
THREAD War & TerrorismThis Nation is behind its leaders!
10 Posts • 2906 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ok, here is something to keep in mind Tao. War readiness on an individual level is important to the survival of all. No matter how much one love's love and hate's war, if you are invaded by...
THREAD What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 15993 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I watch him with more than the eyes Sensitivity feels his body comply A touch isn't required for me to know That what he wants, he dare not show. But they're not touches meant for me Although I'...
THREAD Favorite Movie Clips of the Collective Cynic
14 Posts • 2713 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Ah well, I do love ALL of The Matrix fights, but my absolute favorite is the very first Neo Vs Smith fight. The Burly Brawl and Super Burly Brawl are pretty awesome, but they could have been so much m...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 157028 Views
Talk Talk
I love taking hot showers, really long ones. Then putting sweats on. Then sitting on a couch with someone (preferably someone of the female variety), and watching a movie. Oh and cant forget the ice c...
THREAD What's Your Favourite Food?
22 Posts • 7984 Views
Talk Talk
i used to like sushi, and now i don't i love soup can eat almost any kind only it has to be either real soup or atleast a dried up soup in a cup, no tin cans for me and mashed potatoes and...
THREAD metamentalidontknow
8 Posts • 3008 Views
Philosophy Forum
as you can tell by the topic, im disgruntled. I have always, in my life, be able to watch myself do things, interpret my actions, and see why i did subconcious things... sort of a 3rd person view....
THREAD Society & SociologyCapitalism and war exits because of females.(Male domination theory)
4 Posts • 3188 Views
Psychology Forum
I will dive into the gender garbage, biases and overt lack of understanding in other areas later on, but first I would deeply love you to back up this... "why are you equating capitalism to wa...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionArtificial Intelligence
15 Posts • 4556 Views
Philosophy Forum
So you have been working on this since you were 11? Mankind will have to basicly create intelligence- so this is about human achievment not computer's. Anyway we do not yet understand our own...
THREAD Random QuestionsMyspace or Facebook?
16 Posts • 6160 Views
Talk Talk
So I guess with the corruption of myspace people turned to Facebook. And I think it has been allot more popular overall. Even allot of my family members are on it and they are technophobes lol....
THREAD God in Religionexcessive much?
19 Posts • 5542 Views
Religion Forum
I think it's kind of a tough love, really. I believe this is all a lesson for our mistake. GOD: " you wanna know all the knowledge of good and evil? Fine, here you go for the rest of you...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 18874 Views
Philosophy Forum
I agree w/ you rancid...the only reason you get dress is to impress someone / empress up on someone who you are....I have to wake up every morning and dress for a computer job but i dress differently...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8493 Views
Psychology Forum
Hey Cynic-AI you are pretty dang lucky, my ex wasnice sweet wild but sweet then she had to ask me the question after she claimed me to be hers forever. "do you love me?" What was i supposed...
THREAD Instilled Assurance
2 Posts • 2988 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I think this poem is about certainty and ignorance. It sounds like you're saying that being a moral and "good" person isn't making you happy, and that you need some ignorance (He...
THREAD BooksFavs
29 Posts • 10263 Views
Talk Talk
some of my favorite authors are dorthy parker,edgar allen poe,v.c. andrews,shel siverstien,john grisham,stephen king,anne rice,mya angelou,poppy z brite and many more that i just cant think of right n...
THREAD Kings Of Leon
3 Posts • 4848 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Has anyone heard of Kings Of Leon? They're a band from the south. I first heard about them when they got a great review in Maxim Magazine. I downloaded a few of their songs off the net, liked the...
THREAD JokesYo' Mama Jokes?
163 Posts • 103050 Views
Jokes & Games
* Your mom is so ugly, her ugliness intensity is equal to 10^5 units of ugly at a distance of 1 meter and the threshhold of ugliness for the average human is 10^-12 uglies/m^2 * A YIG oscillator ca...
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20291 Views
Psychology Forum
may i commend you on coming to such a well reasoned and thought out decision on the matter. thinking through matters that concern your love life is always a hard thing to do. it seems ironic that g...
THREAD The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11169 Views
Talk Talk
The impression I get from mindfields is that she has always been an outwardly calm person who chooses her friends carefully. She is very intelligent, and casually disregards those who are selfish and...
THREAD interratial relationship... but wait, there's
9 Posts • 4849 Views
Talk Talk
I know its too late to give u advice n all coz u prolly dun sumthing already. I just wanna say that long distance relations are not hard to keep if you love each other, trust each other and are faithf...
THREAD Music Tracks???
8 Posts • 3546 Views
Talk Talk
I was wondering if anybody had any good websites where I can here just a clip of some songs. There's a song that I want to hear a little bit of, but I dont have any programs to download. If any o...
THREAD How to love emotionally
10 Posts • 3865 Views
Talk Talk
I you to love you need to trust. If you try to control your emotions around other people constantly, I guess that means you're also very careful about what you say to other people? In any case, t...
THREAD Sexual PsychologyLoss of Virginity
33 Posts • 15075 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
i think it is neccessary for you to be in love with the person that you are going to/having sex with. as for when you do it, i think that it is totally up to you, though i will say waiting till marria...
THREAD This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 40387 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Favorite comic hero...definitely Superman. Love the Smallville show, who can resist with your favorite comic hero, and Kristen Kruek?! I have to say that out of all the tales of Superman, the one tha...
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