Atheism & AgnosticismMy article in American Atheist Magazine
4 Posts • 2911 Views Religion Forum |
What a good read. To think that science could need theology..
I would describe myself as agnostic. I've come to dislike the the term "atheist." Etymologically, It seems to denote a... |
7 Posts • 2403 Views Talk Talk |
I think Wyote gives you excellent advice. But as far as as taking a deep breath and giving an honest NO, I would suggest that this might be better practiced at home or among your mates first until you... |
Human Nature & EmotionThat Logic is the path to Emotion
0 Posts • 905 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe what you are talking about is what a Buddhist would call detachment. Come to think of it, this virtue could really be useful to the people posting in the thread about killing one's own... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14997 Views Psychology Forum |
I wear jeans with heels all the time. Never once have I found them to be painful, restrictive or otherwise. I can only assume that you're trying to convince yourself that you're a size small... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42160 Views Religion Forum |
Not to interrupt the discussion as to point out something that I saw for the first time and it struck me as a little odd.
In the Lakota traditions, the supreme power resides in the form of Wakan Tank... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21565 Views Religion Forum |
Well, I'm guessing that you're inviting teens that are already Christians to church, am I right?
If you were inviting non-believing teens to a Christian church, you could understand why t... |
Gender PsychologyWhat Is Wrong With Being A Slut
37 Posts • 15047 Views Psychology Forum |
I meant stop being so goddamn complicated just for the sake of being complicated. Its fucking annoying.
"The word slut is the word used by society to class people who shag all the time. "... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
I don't think it's necessary to establish any factual basis for the events depicted in Genesis. Is it really necessary to prove the Bible in order to have a strong faith in God and Christ? E... |
Society & SociologyBeing succesful and people that try to use you.
2 Posts • 2577 Views Psychology Forum |
I have been in business for myself for over 2 years now and I have been quite successful. I find everywhere in life (family and friends) there are people constantly trying to take advantage of me. Som... |
BooksGood read
3 Posts • 3302 Views Talk Talk |
If your into psychology, this is an interesting book to read. "What Happend To Lani Garver" by Carol Plum-Ucci talks about mental health, finding oneself, accepting things as they are and no... |
Child & Family Psychology4YO Boy with Anger Issues
4 Posts • 4721 Views Psychology Forum |
Hi pdrmant - children usually have very relevant and real reasons behind their behavior, so it's important to explore all the possible reasons, as you are doing.
I have a four year-old boy who b... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Hi. I found this site by looking for a place I could post/discuss some of the events of the day that disturb me. I am male, father of 11 (7 by first marriage - 1st wife died 10 years ago - and 4 by 2n... |
Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17739 Views Psychology Forum |
Whats crackin, im replying to what enticeme was talkign about, ive never heard of a situation liek that, but it sounds amazing, ive tripped on shrooms once and only once, and for the first 3 hours, i... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57916 Views Religion Forum |
"Wow Crimson you are a tuff nut to crack..."
I'm not sure if that is a compliment or not *lol*
" but here goes...just tossing around thouights..no disrespect intended.... &quo... |
Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22276 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't think that we should classify all music as bad. Many of the new stuff that comes out is good, it is just that the modern audience is getting worse. Music is forced to adhere to what the c... |
ScriptsThe New Social Realism
1 Posts • 3775 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The New Social Realism
An interview with Wolf Larsen
(for Albrecht Durer – yes I interviewed myself – yippee!)
Question: So what's up with this new writing style Wolf?
Wolf Larsen: Pa... |
124 Posts • 33728 Views Talk Talk |
Well i have offically discovered that MICROSOFT=STUPID becouse IE is a pain in the ass to use, i mean i try to load one page and it takes five minutes i use firefox and bam there in an instant. I mean... |
Verse In Stream Of Consiouncness
1 Posts • 2050 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
A lot of times I just come up with a verse or two that have no real meaning and no real reason for being in existence, never the less I still think of them and its fun to write them out. I recently po... |
Emotions & FeelingsSense of Wonder
7 Posts • 6139 Views Psychology Forum |
I wonder all the time. Sometimes, as I pass the downtown areas and see some homeless people, I wonder how they cope and how they feel. If it's a cold day, I feel cold with them. Sometimes I see p... |
The Thinker
19 Posts • 6487 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey ppl. Well, this has been perplexing me for some time, since my 4 year old brother asked me who pushes our button so that we speak, act etc.
Ok, lets say we make a particular decision. It will be... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14686 Views Religion Forum |
This is gonna be in parts. And Pat don't answer with random shit without reading. All comments are welcome. The verdict over random/design will appear in the last part, so I am not concluding now... |
SocietyBeing Politically Correct.
18 Posts • 9242 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I hate the fact we have to be excessively worried and even change terms.
look folks, I am not at all prejudiced.
BUT changing black to African American is so...DUH!
Number one, no one in Amer... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
Intelligent is defined as to be "able to understand". But I think one also has to be intelligible..." capable of being understood", in order to be an intelligent person.
Just b... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22667 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"The burdon of the proof is on the accuser. It is you and the swiftboats who have made the accusation. They couldn't prove anything, neither can you. Those who make accusations without proof... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
I will be honest - I am not a scholarly person. I read very slow, I did very poorly in school and I doubt I could survive college. So when people start talking about stupid people, I do tend to become... |