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Tagged > Time
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49769 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I know not the time, it's nowhere near done anyhow; the sunlight shining upon Richard's grizzled face as the old man rocks back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, a human metronom...
35 Posts • 14281 Views
Philosophy Forum
What little "fate" that can be said to exist is found in your chromosomes. Any talk of predestination or bad things happening to good people is just weightless whiny bullshit spread by the r...
THREAD DreamsA Dream That's Been Bothering Me, please help...
1 Posts • 2555 Views
Psychology Forum
Hi everyone. First of all some background: I'm a senior in high school and I had this dream that's been driving me crazy for days! I think it's applicable to include that the last time...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyCenter of the earth and gravity
14 Posts • 5942 Views
Science & Technology Forum
If we're talking pure hypotheticals here, then yes, the tennis ball would indeed be suspended at the center given a small amount of time. Let's not forget that a tennis ball doesn't hav...
THREAD MIchael Jackson
0 Posts • 7487 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Jacko is whacko... i heard through the grapevine that the people involved in this mess this time around are pretty shady... supposidly the boy that micheal molested was beatin up by security guards or...
THREAD SpiritualityThe aura
15 Posts • 4509 Views
Religion Forum
hey ppl. Well, about 4 or 5 months ago, I was suddenly able to see this really wierd 'white stuff' around everything. Later Cturtle(I think) told me it was called an 'aura'. Well,...
THREAD Life & DeathSocial existance, life and friends.
24 Posts • 5641 Views
Philosophy Forum
Decius. I fully agree with what you are saying in regards to what people reflect, allow to be reflected and what they keep far from view. However, in all things reflected, it is very difficult not to...
THREAD SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13198 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This will make you angry, it might even make you cry. When you watch it DO NOT BLAME THE SOLDIERS, BLAME BUSH, HE'S THE ONE WHO DID THIS. Roger, How are you? Here is a short video clip that w...
THREAD War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6703 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I would have thought we would have learned from Vietnam. A war that continued on to keep the military machine in business. The Moto at the time I was growing up, "question authority." You sa...
THREAD Random QuestionsStupid things we've done as kids
49 Posts • 15156 Views
Talk Talk
ohhhh i did many things strange and never forget even one of them. i'll mention only 1 and if u want more reply to this and tell me. first, when i was in the range 12-15 i was enjoying playing...
THREAD Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16880 Views
Psychology Forum
if you went back in time and asked a women there if she would go to the future and live a life where you're the boss do you really think they'd go. As you are probably thinking it depends on...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityPrejudice
4 Posts • 2956 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think that some people honestly just need to pick their battles and get on with their lives depending on the situation. Some things are just not worth holding a grudge no matter how many times you a...
THREAD PhotographyPhotoArt Appreciation
48 Posts • 13506 Views
Art Forum
Note that the previous scan Is terrible . . . the original slide shows the grass (in focus) as well as the mulched flower bed in the foreground (small red & lite blue (white) objects at the bottom...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
Oh and MIA dont ever underestimate yourself again I believe that your a very smart girl. I always thought I was a dumbass because I never went to UNI but ppl tell me all the time that Im smart. I dont...
THREAD Forgiveness
16 Posts • 7286 Views
Philosophy Forum
Forgiveness is a hard thing for most people. Some acts are unforgiveable and others are very easy to forgive. I have been through many situations where I had to decide whether to forgive someone or no...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Behavior
32 Posts • 8703 Views
Religion Forum
I won't go into detail, but just briefly 'universal truth'- is that there is only one truth. This is of course an empty abstraction and doesn't exist. Only individual perception is...
THREAD abortion
26 Posts • 7987 Views
Philosophy Forum
i am pro choice, mostly because i am not a woman and thus have no idea what bearing a child is like or would be like so, i leave it up to them to decide... perhaps that is a weak way out of the subjec...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57916 Views
Religion Forum
U can never figure out why good and evil are here, they just are. It is a waste of time to even try to figure out why God created them because God is not to be questioned. Everything God wanted us...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62763 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Riddle me this, if even those denouncing demolitions admit that NO FIRE alone, fueled by anything, jet fuel, office material, anything, can melt steel, (at most only weaken or bend over a long period...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsJealousy
17 Posts • 8160 Views
Psychology Forum
I have quite a few guy friends, and this chick I know likes one of them (who happens to be a long-time good friend of mine). When she asks if I've seen this particular guy lately, and I reply yes...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29277 Views
Religion Forum
OKcitykid, if you were walking by an active volcano which suddenly erupts, I would assume you'd be considered to be the chosen one. Whether you're a polytheist or a monotheist, a god was loo...
THREAD Why isn't P.D. Ouspensky as world renouned as Einstien?
2 Posts • 2742 Views
Philosophy Forum
<First I would like to state that psychoanalysis is the latest religion that man has created and the psychologists are the highest paid priests to date!> Could it be because he is a threat to a...
THREAD Video GamesSocial networking of now
5 Posts • 2939 Views
Talk Talk
Well said stated Decius. I agree with the comprehension/ child factor, I am currently mentoring a couple of kids trying to shape them into team players and worth their repair cost rather than dead wei...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionI need a cigarette
18 Posts • 19402 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Today i find many of my peers saying this exact line... i cant blame them, because i am one of them. I dont know what it is really, maybe its because i am a burnout? maybe one of you smart arses out t...
THREAD FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16801 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I believe that the future definetly lies with the merger of man and machine. But i believe that there will probably be 2 types of humans, those that rely solely on technology and will become very obes...
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