32 Posts • 9069 Views Philosophy Forum |
Boredom is simply an emotion. It is specifically a reactive product of having to do something you don't want to do, not being able to do what you want to do, something dull, tedious or repetitive... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17744 Views Philosophy Forum |
But how do u find out if that person is your soulmate or not?
Maybe it has got something to do with familiarity. I mean, before meeting my present girl, I used to get these really wierd feelings that... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
but yet i was intense. and gave all. and fought for too long to keep a relationship alive which had so many problems. i am feeling shame for that part. the line where i shud have withdrawn was crossed... |
ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10902 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everett is on the right track with the percentages being "urban myths", coming from I don't know where, and don't know anyone who knows where.
Having been working (not finished) i... |
CC Voice Recorder & Cynamp
11 Posts • 7683 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
1) Choose your topic!
so once you have your user account and your mic set up you are almost ready
to go. If there is an existing thread that you want to post to go to that thread
and... |
Reality & MetaphysicsMaterial Body's Importance: Right or Wrong
17 Posts • 7373 Views Philosophy Forum |
That was profound.
As true as that may be, most of the time we forget the reality concerning our bodies. Especially younger people who feel immortal. And those who forget face insecurities when the... |
258 Posts • 67445 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I do not condemn, I will not judge
I ask only to understand
What was going through your head
When you knocked down the barrier?
What were you feeling as you "defeated" the peace maker?... |
93 Posts • 30412 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe in the Catholic Church teaching of a place we go that is not heaven or hell, from there, reincarnation, until we reach that place where we are able to give ourselves up to God. That would be... |
29 Posts • 8397 Views Talk Talk |
I have the PlaystationII and used to have the old Nintendo, oh how I love that old Nintendo all the Mario games!!!
Ive played the New FFX-2 and its pretty cool and the heros are female based and each... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14686 Views Religion Forum |
Life is copying itself. I dont see where the ambiguity is. Granted, we dont literally make clones of ourselves, but there are many techniques to self replication.
In humans, that technique involves... |
what we want
12 Posts • 3203 Views Talk Talk |
I have this delimma so to speak. My last gf (mikayla) was a nice girl. Bible thumper who by permission alone I couldn't regularly see. She is the complete opposite almost of what I want. The only... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11633 Views Religion Forum |
He made an assumption and attempted to use that assumption as validity. This entire time I have tried to get him to discuss this and he has refused.
Im not being an ass hole by telling someone how... |
Child & Family PsychologyMy Step-daughter molested my son. I don't know what to do anymore. Please give me advice
2 Posts • 8942 Views Psychology Forum |
My step-daughter is 10 and my son is 5. The first time it happened, he was 3 and she was 8. She was found grinding on him (like missionary sex). She pretty-much got a slap on the wrist & a good ta... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhat is existence?
29 Posts • 15381 Views Philosophy Forum |
although it seems strange.... just think about this then see if you have the same perspective
1. there is no such thing as time
2. there is no such thing as space
3. there is no such thing as &q... |
Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16362 Views Religion Forum |
It originates in the norse myth of Ragnarok, but the actual legend I outlined is from tolkienism. I'll do my best to go into detail, but I don't have any of my materials with me at the momen... |
SocietyFor Country of for Government?
14 Posts • 3579 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You can vote - but money decides the choices you vote for, that's what is wrong.
this can both ways. You can either be bribed to vote one way or another or you can chose to ignore the money and... |
Having Kids
49 Posts • 20523 Views Philosophy Forum |
But using that line of logic, life could be incomplete if you're never gone sky-diving or ate shark meat.
Not at all. Having kids is the continuity of a family a method of preserving heritage... |
Comforting an atheist on their deathbed
11 Posts • 6178 Views Talk Talk |
at the risk of seeming like a complete jackass im going to ask this question.
how do you comfort an atheist on their deathbed?
its very easy when a person is religious or at least believes in... |
Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23792 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe that yes, death is natural....BUT...along with death usually comes pain. Who likes to suffer? Not me anyways.
Also sudden death is scary because we all know that there are things we stil... |
Religion & Humanitywhat religion are you and why
25 Posts • 7696 Views Religion Forum |
Becouse of my grandfather am christian, but I dont believe in god. I dont believe in any religion. Why? Science. Its the only thing that has facts and today it stands strong even stronger then religio... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42282 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sub-conscious is definitely a better term to describe this part of us than instinct and agree with what you say about the sub-conscious mind. Intuition would have been my choice but I know that would... |
258 Posts • 67445 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Going in circles.
Man.. I am always so tired.
Hold me?
I can't get it out of the back of my head.
I've had this head ache for a f... |
Movie ReviewThe Da Vinci Code
11 Posts • 3485 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
just got back from seeing this movie.
all controversy aside, the movie is really well done. it hits all the important points of the book, and its well paced. i think that all of the people who comp... |
Habits & BehaviorCrazy
19 Posts • 6527 Views Psychology Forum |
For starters, thinking too much happens all the time. The easiest thing to do when you start to think your crazy is just agree with it. It's much easier to figure things out if you entertain all... |
6 Posts • 3533 Views Science & Technology Forum |
LOL eliasan. Sorceress is 100% right it takes a long time. But we are evolving. However im going to go as far to say as were evolving for the worse not the better. This is going to sound heartless but... |