Random QuestionsWhere do ya all mostly hang out at?
3 Posts • 3271 Views Talk Talk |
I used to hang out on the main forum page, before the change to the "new" UGN...now I spent most of my time in the celebrities section. Every once in a while I get curious and visit the foru... |
Avoid strangers glances and smiles
15 Posts • 3728 Views Talk Talk |
Next time that happens to you, approah the personw ith this qeustion, then ask them whats wrong? And listen to their response. Ask them why they feel bad and not well enough to give a simple smile bac... |
8 Posts • 3604 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Here is a real life poem made by me as follows:
gimme some feedback too.:D
I was lost without you,
L osing you broke my heart,
O ver time, the memories became
V ague... I knew i had to
E nv... |
Checking In...
10 Posts • 3793 Views Talk Talk |
I've been kind of out of the loop for a few months and the first thing I noticed is that there are all kinds of new folks maintaining the forums!
Where are all the folks I spent time getting to... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousKeeping Up Appearances
4 Posts • 3394 Views Psychology Forum |
Some people consider me to be funny.
I often try my best to keep up a blockade of humour to hide my real feelings.
But the pretence is wearing on me, if no-one else.
Should I tell someone how I r... |
16 Posts • 6949 Views Talk Talk |
I used to hold a grudge 'forever' but it is best to let it go if your still agrivated just forget it forgivness is not necesary. If you mull it over to much it will just eat away at you and... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160082 Views Talk Talk |
Whenever an attractive woman walks by I always adjust my glasses a moment or two before she passes- it's so lame I know...
I am concious of this but I still do it anyway
next time i will try to... |
My dad
5 Posts • 2388 Views Talk Talk |
At 19 years of age you are not a child anymore. If it was me, I would try and be diplomatic about it. Perhaps talk to your dad and say you think your mum needs you around for a bit and that now he is... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40753 Views Psychology Forum |
then would you mind telling us why people don't have to sacrfice something every time they go to confetinols, or when praying for forgiveness. From what it sounds like forgiveing sins requires a... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheists Intimidating
38 Posts • 10691 Views Religion Forum |
True it does swing both ways.. i was just addressing this time christian aggression..
if you accept living you accept god, no not god the superiour being who sees everything and is everywhere but... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11633 Views Religion Forum |
The thought comes first. The recording of the thought follows. You really do not understand that? You believe that the first recorded thought ever had to be of God other wise they never did before tha... |
Flying Spaghetti Monster~The Game
3 Posts • 3955 Views Jokes & Games |
i went snooping around the FSM website and found the game.i could not stop laughing the whole time i was playing.just click the picture to play
http://www.venganza.or g/worship/fsm-game |
Reality & MetaphysicsDark City/Matrix theory
22 Posts • 9612 Views Philosophy Forum |
It's been a long speculation that if God knows the future, how can there be any free choice. However the whole idea of God 'knowing the future' is pretty stupid. I mean, He is not bound... |
what is it we feel?
10 Posts • 3743 Views Philosophy Forum |
What do you mean by feeling? Feeling as a in a terribly strong emotion which can bind us for a time to another person? Yes. Its origin however is most probably chemical and came about because it encou... |
Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views Psychology Forum |
Um hello? I've already established that I chose not to reply to your particular post. I chose to reply to the way that in this thread, a woman behaving sexually was being automatically labeled slutty,... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62763 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Here is a relevant point that deserves some time to sink in. When you think of such things as the Patriot Acts and Victory Acts, you need to be aware of the worst case scenario portions, it makes for... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160082 Views Talk Talk |
Hey cool Chrissie... I can wiggle my ears too! Definitely an unusual "talent" (if you an call it that LOL). Can you wiggle one at a time? |
DepressionHow do you handle it?
5 Posts • 3888 Views Psychology Forum |
thi is exactly how i would solve the problem:
be honest all of the time. you will see the world differently and the world will see you diferently. if you dont want to smile, dont. |
4 Posts • 3198 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe that without consciousness there is nothing. No sense of time to begin with and no sense of anything else either.
Things which affect no conscious being exist for nothing and effectively do... |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301203 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
yea, its somewhere between "im the loving mother and its nursery rhyme time" and "come hither children, so that i may devour your souls" |
how good is the average person in bed?
25 Posts • 6416 Views Talk Talk |
I think that no one is inherently good or bad, just good matches at the right times in the right places vs. bad chemistry wrong time wrong place. |
Intimacypain and the first time
28 Posts • 8858 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
god has nothing to do with pain and the first time. its called thight muscels. god did not design the body so that it could, with much pain, take a penis
and you know this because? |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainLaws of Stupidity
0 Posts • 2393 Views Psychology Forum |
Not saying this is happening in the thread here, but will add, much of the time (In my obeservation) references to "stupidity" equate to "does not agree with me" or won't do a... |
Chicken or the Egg
64 Posts • 16757 Views Philosophy Forum |
anarchist wanted to know. I don't believe that the egg and the chicken came at the same time. I believe the chicken came first. Scriptures tell us that the animals came first then the offspring.... |
The Simile Game
64 Posts • 20669 Views Jokes & Games |
Bed is like Girlfriend, they support one's back when one recline on it.
Girlfriend is like a wet diaper, sometime, they stick around in the wrong place at the wrong time. *lol* |