Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22276 Views Psychology Forum |
I, am also in a love affair with MCR, and have been for quite some time. I saw them live with The Used and lots of other bands at The Taste of Chaos, and they rocked the house, they... |
Society & SociologyThe Right Thing Todo...? Interesting Story
4 Posts • 3092 Views Psychology Forum |
Always refrain from violence the first time but if they try it again I would fuck them up make sure they cant walk for a month or have to eat through a straw for the next 2 weeks
Or go on a smear cam... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thats a very good point MIA, not letting someone talk will not rid the world of their ignorant being. People don't realize that they have to rely on their own intelect most of the time...and not... |
There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9075 Views Philosophy Forum |
Welcome thix25.
Anyways I think it is ignorant to say that it is impossible that a time machine will ever exist because anything is possible.
Even though some ideas are illogical doesn't mean... |
War & Terrorism50 Stars War Episode 3:The Empier Liberiates
2 Posts • 7794 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That was a clever title there! *lol*
Well, at least we are sending troops there for a legitimate reason. Bush doesn't seem to concerned though and he doesn't mind having others help us o... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12249 Views Religion Forum |
Not when you are talking about learning creatures, that was the first thing they were told not to do, they might not even understand the concept and that is essential when when placing blame and issui... |
Canto 3
1 Posts • 3260 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Canto 3
by Wolf Larsen
Look in your angrrry-swiiirling-mirrooor, and tell me the face thou viewest
In these times faces are seething with worry-worry-worry!
Faces whose fresh lightning flashes... |
5 Posts • 7616 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
haha yes i respect that.. and hope is all we have sometimes..while at the same time it's hard to even have hope..
to bad we can't all go back to our innocent minds that we had when we wer... |
Life & DeathLife
15 Posts • 4285 Views Philosophy Forum |
I find myself getting pretty upset about life lately.
In particular about how little time we have here and how some I know are choosing to live it(myself included).
I need to evalute a few of... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122973 Views Religion Forum |
Do you think that the human mind is capable of understanding something like God?.....I think its a little more complicated than that.....I think that quantum physics is starting to point to God. We do... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13586 Views Religion Forum |
Well....it is impossible to have peace on earth, because as man....and women. ;)
we still have sin on earth...and in our mortal states.
Not to mention, if we always had peace...and things were good.... |
I figuared out my disease
2 Posts • 3919 Views Talk Talk |
No matter how many times a hot woman walks by me it seems they don't even glance at me and pretend I dont exist or purposly try to avoid eye contact with me, and when they do make it I am too muc... |
Favorite Theme?
2 Posts • 4141 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
What Theme from a movie captivates you the most?
Me......every time I here the Theme from Jaws I get nervous, all I can do is sit there and listen in a panic.
*eek* |
7 Posts • 4934 Views Talk Talk |
yea ive managed to talk to several people here and there in the chatroom, its just a matter of being on at the same time. you can always PM people and schedule something, but thats usually more troubl... |
What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6592 Views Philosophy Forum |
AgainstTheGrain posted: I honestly think when you die , things will be the same for you as the time before you were born...
If the above were true then that means there is nothing that can say you... |
BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12157 Views Talk Talk |
Currently I am in school completing a joint major in economics and political science. I have found great reward in what I do although sometimes I don't. Sometimes I try things or different topics... |
Starsky & Hutch Soundtrack BABY!!!
7 Posts • 4009 Views Talk Talk |
Low budget? I think you thought it was low budget because the movie takes place in another decade. Everything from that time period looks low budget. Snoop was awesome, though. I agree with you on tha... |
15 Posts • 9238 Views Talk Talk |
I was wondering, WHY DID YOU PUT AT AGE 13????
It really freaked me out, not just because of 13 as itself, but because I was imagining myself MARRIED, MARRIED!!!! M-A-R-R-I-E-D!!!! *eek*
Well... |
Gender PsychologyLadies what do women want in a man?
25 Posts • 11663 Views Psychology Forum |
u remind me of my friend aaron lol he was such a nice guy all the way through school and yet he couldn't get a girlfriend and he always blamed it on his looks and i pretty much said this to him o... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In reality there can be no anti-Bush thread and pro-Bush thread, only a Bush thread and a thread for idiots.
I feel guilty belittling a mental midget.
Cutting Bush down to size should be easy, i... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43059 Views Religion Forum |
If annything, in essence or otherwise is seperate from God they are their own God. We are always connected to God; the problem is that we think of things like distance and time...which are illsuions o... |
2 Posts • 2301 Views Philosophy Forum |
So when tackling logic in a discursive empirical realm, do you just completely dismiss the unobservable realms such as pure imaginative thought and dream imagery and how does this thinking fit in with... |
3 Posts • 2953 Views Philosophy Forum |
God to me...is the nothingness that's reality....the light, the dark, the intangible sources of nature....the creative spirit... the curious mind......gravity....space...T ime...Love...Silence...... |
Intimacypercentage of women who swallow during oral sex
36 Posts • 146871 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
First off...Mr. Pink is abusing a cool movie name with his ranting and raving. Bu Bye.
Swallowing - pros and cons. There's a time and place for everything sexually, if both participants are will... |
About You / IntroductionsU can get back your lover...
6 Posts • 3830 Views Talk Talk |
Ironwood: He gave me some readings which i did according to his instructions.
Decius: I'm very sure it's wasn't anything about science stuff or a coincidence. This is a problem for a... |