 44yrs • M • 
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E=mc2 is wrong. This equation is based on the fact that the speed of light is constant. It isn't, first you need to be able to stabalize the speed of light and the only way to do that is bycancelling certain energy waves with similar ones and also expend unused energy away from the stablelized speed of light and inorder to do that you would have to be twice as fast as the speed of light which would transfer your body to a state of pure enrgy that would in turn make you the road and not the vehicle. so you can alter the past by sending a series of energy transfers in a calculated form and see what happens and start from there but we can never hop in Mcflys delorian and go back 1985 that is the simplest way I can put sorry about the mass run on sentence and poor spelling and probaly gramatical errors I am a number guy not dictionary any way sorry
 37yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Zato is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Welcome thix25. Anyways I think it is ignorant to say that it is impossible that a time machine will ever exist because anything is possible. Even though some ideas are illogical doesn't mean they can't be possible. Because we can't understand it makes us limited and unable to definintely distiguish anything for "sure".
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"Anything is Possible when you think illogically."