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Tagged > Thinking
THREAD Pessimist or Optimist?
12 Posts • 15728 Views
Talk Talk
Which would you say you tend to inhabit? I might portray an optimistic view but I think deep inside I'm more pessimist. Example: A co-worker and I had to go to a meeting. We were both nervo...
THREAD Sexual PsychologySex and Emotions
4 Posts • 4960 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Good questing. I lost my virginity out of anger and spite. I was upset how I was laid too in regards to women and sex for the good part of my life and lead to do so. Some people consider themselves a...
THREAD Religion & HumanityHow come the transition for polytheism to monotheism?
16 Posts • 10115 Views
Religion Forum
DazedNconfused. I think that when LittleJohn and I spoke of primitive man, we are not thinking the Aztecs. I was thinking more like 20,000 or 30,000 years earlier. Bare foot hunter. The Aztecs were a...
THREAD Is attachment weakness?
0 Posts • 6864 Views
Philosophy Forum
The effect must be seperated from the cause. This is the problem; the effect of ignorance can be as powerful as the effect from deep understanding. But those who rest on a sea of lies will drown quick...
THREAD Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8016 Views
Religion Forum
Science has never come across a truth, if it has then its not science, all theories can be proven wrong never proven right. Alot of our so called science today is riden with dogma, science is more...
THREAD Astronomy78,000 People Apply for One-Way Trip to Mars
0 Posts • 188 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I agree with you Decius. My first internal response to this was wow and the question what physiological changes will their bodies go through? But as I thought more and more about this whole one way...
THREAD SpiritualityEnlightenment
7 Posts • 3654 Views
Religion Forum
Wisdom I think is a means of being able to discern something; to be able to judge correctly between two or more things. Intuitive wisdom is higher than learned wisdom. I don't disagree with y...
THREAD PerceptionAre you listening to yourself?
7 Posts • 5649 Views
Psychology Forum
Am I listening to myself?! hmm I think my answer to that question would be I am listening to myself as long as I am calm, the moment I am agitated/ furious/ annoyed name any other of those kind of fee...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsWhy Are You Angry
25 Posts • 6640 Views
Psychology Forum
I get angry when I speak before thinking or act on impulse. I hate this quality about myself. It is so hard to control, but recently I have realized that it all relies on my thought process, so hopefu...
64 Posts • 19283 Views
Philosophy Forum
symbolism is all the bible is is a tree, shooting up out of the earth....all things are connected to the earth.. so if a tree is stated, it is talking about a man........ it's ju...
15 Posts • 9234 Views
Talk Talk
I don't know, it was the age that just popped into my head at the time. It also reminds me of my summer, how this guy said he wanted to marry me and start a family ect., and I was like thinking.....
THREAD Musical Consistency
0 Posts • 1814 Views
Psychology Forum
hmm my taste in music has changed. I don't listen to any of the same music as when i was 10-13ish. My style has completely changed. I am thinking this happened because when i was 12 i had severe...
THREAD Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13790 Views
Philosophy Forum
I nearly fell of my mental chair when I found this site by accident because I found other people like me. I lived in a pretty sheltered environment and always went to private schools with few students...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67541 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm glad to hear you say that Jenny171... It was one of the main points I was thinking of when I posted the first entry on the topic... Just think of a world with less accountants... (Not that...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-Consciousconsciousness - define it! Explain it! Any comments?
17 Posts • 11461 Views
Psychology Forum
Sorceress, I know how your mind is working, but thinking too deaply into your subconcious will only give you a constant headache and leaving your body with your conscious mind will only harm your body...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12440 Views
Religion Forum
Yeah, well said. Well leftwood, I don't beleive in religious Gods. And I think Peopl who are religious, as well as people who aren't don't what thier talkin about reageding God. God is...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33443 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I never said that their goal was to take my freedom, any child knows its to take my money, my freedom being lost is just collateral damage and I wont take it anymore. That is why mutnuaq told you if y...
THREAD Ignorance: acceptable?
17 Posts • 5645 Views
Philosophy Forum
That still desn't answer how we stop judging. We all have certain values that we stick to. There's a difference between judging and not thinking about the person's cirumstances and judg...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73023 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
First of all you can't spell pedophile Please show us where? Pedaphiles is plural for pedophile. The environment has nothing to do with pedophilia Your post makes it very clear you'...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25100 Views
Religion Forum
Kudos Elemental. Probably randomly, as there is no reason to believe the universe would 'will' anything, our universe seems very much inert apart from ourselves. "I ask, beca...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40519 Views
Religion Forum
So you believe in God because it's more fun if he existed than if he didn't. The main reason why people still believe in God is because they are so confined to that way of thinking they don&...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainRemoval from Working Memory...
12 Posts • 2826 Views
Psychology Forum
working memory, or short term memory as some people call it, is simply the ability of the person to visualize abstracts and remember them for a short period of time, since forgetting those abstracts c...
THREAD I had an Idea about everything, I think.
16 Posts • 6571 Views
Philosophy Forum
nice FMPML 976.. i was thinking how everything balances out automaticly,.. and your mentioning of some non human examples supports it... you can call it "will" if you want or something happe...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious Interview
24 Posts • 6622 Views
Religion Forum
First and for most anyone who'd ask me this question is someone I wouldn't associate myself with. Their up there with the people that say okie dookie. I'd say that I believe that som...
THREAD Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27320 Views
Philosophy Forum
Honesty arms you with truth and helps you break the strongholds of death destroy those things that keep you ignorance. Heres something honest I've learned alot from awaken his honesty at times wa...
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