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Tagged > Things
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63979 Views
Religion Forum
Sometimes it is well to stay out of the thick of things, starting this string I compiled a list of statements to comment on (most were rellated to ironclad) so Darwin'sBlack box Author; Mich...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9187 Views
Philosophy Forum
Oblivionbram, I don't quite understand what you are saying. Are you saying that emotions are what make us human, but emotions are meaningless because they are simply reactions? One thing th...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe Internets Rape Of Innocence
17 Posts • 6019 Views
Psychology Forum
i guess i just feel that regret of missing the change. and not even wanting to have been there.... what change. why am i like this? Well, if you relate to the insecurity aspect then I wou...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views
Religion Forum
Religious organizations are made up of imperfect humans. One can compile records of any religious or ethnic group known and make a case against them. But what does that accomplish? Not a thing. People...
THREAD No one knows anything.
14 Posts • 4023 Views
Talk Talk
Look at religious people... they cannot and will not accept that anything but what they are convinced of is truth.. to even consider it will show weakness of your faith, so many of them are BOUND by t...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhat is existence?
29 Posts • 15372 Views
Philosophy Forum
the relative is the mind in which you reach the state where you essentially leave your body sounds like a form of meditation? Meditation can be seen as another 'realm' of reality or exist...
THREAD LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29289 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I disagree. If there is some sort of rational and grounded explanation for any sort of moral issue debate, like a gene that determines sexuality, I think that would cause quite a huge reaction amon...
THREAD General HealthSwine flu 1 million dead and counting
2 Posts • 3415 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Swine flu is a scam. It is however debatable in certain contexts as to whether it is childish to see it as a threat. Given that "official" and "trusted" sources that people rely o...
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 37977 Views
Psychology Forum
In many instances victims are blamed which is why our local women's center provides legal advocates to support them through the court proceedings. For example, the questioning in court may addres...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views
Philosophy Forum
In life you go down a path, If a kid smokes a cig one day for one second and doesnt again he simply tried a cig, If he tries it one day then tries it the next for the next month, is he considered a sm...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyEffect of aggressive voices on TV on baby
3 Posts • 4632 Views
Psychology Forum
My memory is hazy so some of this may be incorrect: There was a study done where children in group A watched some footage of another child punching an inflatable wobble doll and generally playing a...
THREAD meditation
33 Posts • 10041 Views
Philosophy Forum
Going to have to ask you to be more specific. Not believing there is supernatural means what to you, because what is even natural to me includes all existance in all its forms and dimensions, I only...
THREAD ConspiracyTom Coburn and The Franklin Cover Up
12 Posts • 23533 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I heard about that grand standing - how sickening *yuck* Maybe I'm reaching. But McVey went to the Gulf during the golf war and earned an Army Aichiement award. They don't give those thi...
THREAD Relationships & LoveThings you should know before you marry
9 Posts • 3055 Views
Psychology Forum
Obviously, some people generally need to know more, based on philosophical viewpoints (especially religion). Others may want to know based on need, like for health reasons or issues (dog-lovers poten...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58925 Views
Religion Forum
okcitykid--"I think you are right, we will never agree, but it isn't sad, what is sad is that we think we have to all agree. Its a round world. You cannot see every side of it. But if you ca...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsTwo Universes? Huh? & One Particle Theory…
9 Posts • 4482 Views
Philosophy Forum
But what of the Universe just being one particle, moving very fast… And what of the idea that one thing looks at another… This is quite hard to explain, but here we go anyway…...
25 Posts • 9271 Views
Philosophy Forum
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usuall...
THREAD Gender PsychologyIncursions in to girl space
22 Posts • 6573 Views
Psychology Forum
That's kind of the hard part. My female friends at the moment kind of fall in to 2 and a half categories. 1st there's the quiet / prim, ones, a lot of my oriental and christian friend fall i...
THREAD God in Religionexcessive much?
19 Posts • 5648 Views
Religion Forum
Why would any god teach a lesson to his creation when the foul up was on his/her hands? The only reason I can think of for that is going on what I know of this story. GOD informed adam and eve that...
THREAD What is ' Existence ' ?
8 Posts • 3428 Views
Philosophy Forum
No. I dont think we came from plants! You forgot single celled organisms. Then theres also quantum theory to consider (particles; atoms and parts there of. Quarks and Leptons and such). In short there...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8926 Views
Philosophy Forum
I don't think the difference between the theoretical and the practical is all you make it out to be. For instance, you say (theoretically), the ends justify the means. OK, so, I want world peace...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42210 Views
Philosophy Forum
Here is something,,,,,we take in air, we take in food, it processes, we take in thought, we take in light, we take in pleasure, we take in water, we take in sights sounds and all other tangible and in...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42115 Views
Religion Forum
Mother Theresa truely deseveres our respect, I would have to say to all that I agree with you in that respect. In fact, I would have to admit this about Ghandi, if there is a heaven I would hope to s...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13565 Views
Religion Forum
Very nice ^^^^^^^^, imn2caves. I agree. There seems to be a real problem with Americans understanding our written right to voice our differences. Does opposing any movement made our government mak...
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44039 Views
Philosophy Forum
^^the human race and the planet earth go hand in hand.... the human race is planet earth, we're the dust of this planet right?... when you die your body decomposes back into the dust of the plane...
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