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Tagged > Tests
THREAD IntimacyNeed help from Experienced people in sex
6 Posts • 3392 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Oh thank you, its a relief to hear that its unlikely. I feel a lot better. The only reason she thought of this is b/c she read in Cosmo that its possible. Cosmo said it was very rare, but she still th...
THREAD Favorite Sites
38 Posts • 40172 Views
Talk Talk
An all-kind-of-tests site: http://web.tickle.com
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42406 Views
Religion Forum
"Thing is, we should not think why bad things happen to good people(some say that God tests them, not very accurate), but should accept the fact. God has chosen to let this universe evovle accord...
THREAD Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9965 Views
Psychology Forum
I dont quite get your post there philip, but I think it means that scientific tests are testable, grandeous, pinacles of objectiveness. Well if we're proposing that 3/5 people are in fact some...
THREAD Rehab & Addictionbeating addiction
13 Posts • 3647 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
thanks guys :) zyphon i first smoked about 6 years ago, just for a bit of fun with friends, once every few months or so. since finishing school and working i took the view that since i didnt need to...
THREAD Politics: How They Corrupt Education
14 Posts • 7241 Views
Talk Talk
I can see how this would work due to the kids not getting as stressed out about there grades. I think it was a good test but some kids zone in class so it wouldnt work for everyone. I think the teach...
THREAD abortion
26 Posts • 7981 Views
Philosophy Forum
Like I said before "touchy subject". I still think that abortion is wrong and should be illegal and that our young people need to be better educated and better understood. We need to quit wi...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorProfiling Project: I need help/advice
3 Posts • 2728 Views
Psychology Forum
I need to know questions or tests that would help me profile people. Is there a particular area that your profiling project is geared towards? You've posted this in the Habits & Behavior s...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsPresenting Confidence with strangers
4 Posts • 2898 Views
Psychology Forum
rock on ultima! I've often done little tests with people, usually when they speak with me first, for example, if some one calls me "gay" I would either ignore them, give them a hug (you...
THREAD A child of my own
1 Posts • 3196 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
So happy we were to make this decision A decision so big so wonderful We were gonna have a child of our own. Try as we may, we could not make it happen Tests came to prove it would never be The...
THREAD ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21061 Views
Religion Forum
i dont know where you came up with science just trying to be better than god(assuming there is a god), but i think it is difficult to deny the successful manipulations of the natural world which scien...
THREAD Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8023 Views
Religion Forum
But the fact its, our knoledge about life spawn on earth its growing stronger every day, so for example, if you take the basic chemicals of the primal soup, and apply electricity, you'll have ami...
THREAD Things you hate.
11 Posts • 2637 Views
Talk Talk
I use the word "hate" as a general term, I guess you could say.[people over using the word etc etc] For all those people who take this word to heart, like I do, what do you 'strongly di...
THREAD Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8909 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Could science survive without reference to sense-experience? Well, you need to ask someone deprived of sense experience. Scientific thought can exist within a mind independent of sense experience....
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36647 Views
Philosophy Forum
If enough people got together and saw the obviousness and abundance of evidence they would do something, but people are not questioning because they were told not to, and they evidence implies things...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousSubconscious
43 Posts • 10955 Views
Psychology Forum
1. i was not speaking, necessarily, about memories. (story just happened to be one) there are no more like it? 2. why are you comparing a computer's hard drive to the way my brain stores pres...
THREAD ChristianityAdam...?
43 Posts • 11228 Views
Religion Forum
There is no logic in evolution, just scandal. They cannot prove that the world is 32 billion years (or whatever it is they claim now). They use defective testing methods or they leave out tests just t...
THREAD In The NewsLake Erie Dead Fish Mystery
2 Posts • 5373 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
So it's confirmed that it was not a spill or contamination issue, nor was it algae growth that killed the fish. The fish died because of a lack of oxygen in the lake water: The environment minis...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12459 Views
Religion Forum
I guess you basically agree with me that none of us know shit, then...and that's cool...but do you think mankind will ever come to know for certain how this all came about?...And if not, why not?...
11 Posts • 5844 Views
Talk Talk
not true. in relationships there are "givers" and "takers" (this applies to everything, not just sex). i dont know anything about this man of yours, but if hes as "experienced...
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13835 Views
Talk Talk
i would have to agree that over-worrying about animals when there are so many people suffering is confusing ones priorities. the problem i see is that the suffering we cause animals does nothing reall...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionEmotional Intelligence
23 Posts • 6704 Views
Philosophy Forum
Don't leave your theories, "she" may not want to hear you but that's what this forum is for (and I was talking about this with someone of us), this is an space where you can tell y...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & Brainbrain fuck
1 Posts • 2727 Views
Psychology Forum
are you controlling the left side of your brain or the right side? how do you know? all the "tests" are stupid. how do you transition from the left side of your brain to the right side on co...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40976 Views
Religion Forum
"really, if u look at the facts, evolution has no more scientific proof than creation does." Nonesense, you need only look at the fossil record for one. It clearly shows a gradual transform...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainThe Enneagram
7 Posts • 3522 Views
Psychology Forum
The Enneagram is an ancient Sufi system of classifying personality types. it comes from the Greek word "ennea" which means nine. there are nine main personality divisions within the enneagra...
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