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Tagged > Space time
THREAD War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22283 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This is common knowledge - if you don't believe me then look for a link yourself. Either way - I don't really care. "However - in Mr. Kerry's Diary he tells that on a latter tri...
THREAD PoetryLast of the good memorys and smiles of summer
5 Posts • 2709 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Check my vital signs, I stopped breathing for a few steep moments. It was just enough to see the light on the other side. Mountains and blue skys keep me above the clouds, just like the sound of your...
THREAD The Theory of the Multi-verse(Omniverse)
18 Posts • 5890 Views
Philosophy Forum
So what exactly does the universe have to do with god? Nothing! until you allow him/her/it to enter. So how to open this door to god? First understand how the thought process of your finite mind...
THREAD ConsciousnessIs basic consciousness in early animal forms?
2 Posts • 2519 Views
Philosophy Forum
Is basic consciousness in early animal form? Yes. Without question. We were an early animal form at one time, and our own consciousness didn't pop out of nowhere. Although there are thresholds...
THREAD Society & SociologyDeath Penalty?
16 Posts • 7798 Views
Psychology Forum
I agree with you Wind about the death penalty. I think that a person who is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt should be executed within 24 hours. Firebird has a point about the cost of an executi...
THREAD touch my heart with the cross
4 Posts • 3432 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum io/4905 Hate Me I have to block out thoughts of you so I don't lose my head They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed Dropping little reels of tape to...
THREAD RE: pumpkinlove
12 Posts • 2768 Views
Talk Talk
Fair enough. THough my poetry is not meant to be intelligent nor persuasive. It is only the way I felt at the time something happend. IT is more of an exploration of human nature and it is used mainly...
THREAD why continue?
63 Posts • 20380 Views
Philosophy Forum
The next time I have to ask myself why keep living this existence.... I'm gonna' google it - What th' - ? Yeah, then I'm gonna' go down the list one by one and experi...
THREAD Religion & HumanityUnhealthy Confrontations
12 Posts • 5833 Views
Religion Forum
Decius wrote: 1) "... As to your own point, I'm unclear as to what it is. However, the primary problem a real scientist (which includes mathematics) has with a theist is any attempts to s...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 56937 Views
Religion Forum
I am a gemini, incidently. ;) Look folks. This could be a book if I went into great detail. AND the final conclusion would still be the same. The problem Decius, with logic, is it is illogical. D...
THREAD StoriesTitle Pending
2 Posts • 3417 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Here's a story I'm working on. I've got the first 2 parts done and I'd like some thoughts on it (though the story might seem fairly arbitrary unti I write the rest up). Its pretty...
THREAD War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6581 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Let's see, war ended in 732 so we decide, nearly 400 years later to retaliate??? Which war of retaliation is next??? Shall we go back 400 years? 2004-400=1604??? England and Spain? Why? Since th...
THREAD Does time really heal?
21 Posts • 7935 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe that time only makes the hurt fade into your subconscience. The hurt never heals. You have to forgive and let it go. Until I could forgive I couldn't heal. Time, in my opinion has nothi...
THREAD Video Games
76 Posts • 24852 Views
Talk Talk
Ok, here is a twisted classic that not everyone is familiar with, I actually questioned my sanity and my internal evil side while playing it. The original Tecmo's Deception Its a game where...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 28787 Views
Religion Forum
Ah, the spirit of knnowledge gives voice to wisdom! Patr, one thing they did teach is that Jesus nailed the old Law to the Cross. Do they teach the Truth? So when I hear those putting forth just...
THREAD GodMy theory(s)
8 Posts • 4540 Views
Philosophy Forum
Allow me to start off by saying this is a lot to explain so, please, if you will excuse my jumping around. First and foremost, I do not believe there is a set 'God' or creator or everything. It's impo...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsA Modern Romace Of Learning
2 Posts • 2242 Views
Psychology Forum
Most people, including myself, most of the time, when they hear a song that makes them happy they think, "that song makes me happy." And after it gets old they stop listening to it. Lately,...
THREAD SpiritualityWhat do we have the right to want?
15 Posts • 3742 Views
Religion Forum
It started with Jacker, but I guess I wanted to write it out so that anyone who read it, including myself, might find themselves considering their reasonings behind participating in certain discussion...
THREAD SocietyFor Country of for Government?
14 Posts • 3532 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I don't believe America is the best anymore, if I didn't have obligations here, I'd go to Canada. It may not be perfect, but when I paid my taxes I can be reasonably sure that money...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 28787 Views
Religion Forum
I had a discussion about religion with someone a long time ago, and he said something regarding different religions that stuck with me (at the time I was expressing my frustration about the exclusivit...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36173 Views
Philosophy Forum
well, when you think about it, what we think of as "reality" basically consists of a chain of moments that we experience. these moments are infinitely small and pass by us instantaneously so...
THREAD FuturologyThe end of the universe
40 Posts • 18265 Views
Philosophy Forum
*confused* Maybe it is like the chemical reactions that make up our world, energy (matter) flowing in both directions at diferent rates which establish an equilibrium? Pugsl3yB0y: For example : we sa...
THREAD LawJuveline Criminal - Parents or Kid?
0 Posts • 4363 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
For the longest time I believed that behaviour was solely learned. Only after sitting in classes and reading up on genetics did I consider the possibility that traits like aggression may be geneticall...
THREAD ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21263 Views
Religion Forum
Ok, on the point of teens...they are already unsettled in all facets of life. This is where 'self discipline' becomes in gr8 need, and meditation could be just what they need. Teens ar...
THREAD StoriesFinish The Story
11 Posts • 3617 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Gertrude had been running for quite some time, her heart pumping and her hand gripping tightly on the knife when slowly she became aware of her surroundings, she stopped and looked at the knife in her...
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