Word GamesA fun game to play
584 Posts • 103801 Views Jokes & Games |
^ thinks it's fun to be a sex slave so should be turned on by scary men. :P
(i know, i'm mean :P) |
Word GamesA fun game to play
584 Posts • 103801 Views Jokes & Games |
^ stating obvious
Yes it would, who says I want to have you as a sex slave. AHH! I think she's trying to force her self on me. some one protect me. |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16869 Views Psychology Forum |
Everything boils down to morality (whatever that word means to different people). would a "goddesses" morals be any better or worse than any other god's morals? again, it comes down to... |
Famous PhilosophersLocke vs. Hobbes
11 Posts • 18468 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that man is in a state of nature in which we all compete. This 'state' is constantly changing and revolves around the concept of power. Have you ever read any Nietsche? Great read. I... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29318 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hi, aussie glad you joined the conversation, I noted new blood in the ranks probing the treads with some very sensitive issues.
www.religioustolerance.org/hom _marint3.htm :(
This proves that mora... |
Ethics & MoralityAre Ideology and Morality like AIG and Citibank?
5 Posts • 2696 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are Ideology and Morality like AIG and Citibank?
Are AIG and Citibank too big and complex to fail?
Can our high tech capitalism, where extraordinary power rests in ordinary hands, survive suc... |
Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8935 Views Philosophy Forum |
Exploding : from what I gather from the site, you believe that morality has no absolute and that morality varies from culture to culture?
Cultural morals in my opinion are not true morals, the only... |
141 Posts • 31172 Views Talk Talk |
I'm cynical of a Life of thirds.
Sleep 1/3 + work slave 1/3 + my time 1/3 (maybe) =........
*grin* |
SocietyWhat one quality would make the world better?
51 Posts • 21141 Views Philosophy Forum |
slavery- if everyone was my slave then no1 would be upset cos you would all be equally pissed off. hahah
just kidding |
Ethics & MoralityAnti-morality: a new, justifiable theory to live b
15 Posts • 6013 Views Philosophy Forum |
excerpt from Anti-Morality:
"However, that morality has an ingroup focus, not a world-wide or universal focus. That is, the common morality seems to exist to help pass on only the genes of a sma... |
Society & SociologyMorality is a weapon in class struggle
5 Posts • 3473 Views Psychology Forum |
Boshevik Morality
1) Several years ago I wrote a short book (with 54 references) entitled 'Hell on Earth: Brutality and Violence Under the Stalinist Regime.' It is now freely available online. Let... |
Ethics & MoralityWhat is the basis of independent morality?
2 Posts • 4866 Views Philosophy Forum |
this is my first action here...forgive me if its odd
my personal belief on this is based on a kind of social contract theory--By living in a society we agree to that society's governing agents... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59358 Views Philosophy Forum |
1. Conforming with or conformable to justice, law, or morality: do the right thing and confess.
2. In accordance with fact, reason, or truth; correct: the right answer.
3. Fitting, proper... |
141 Posts • 31172 Views Talk Talk |
Am I cynical of YOUR slavery? Probably.
If you must wake up to an alarm clock – then you are a slave.
And indirectly you work for a Rich Brat. *grin* |
ComedyNew Map for America
8 Posts • 4544 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
As relevant and deeply profound as usual.
Keep working, you need to save up for when your job is outsourced or given to illegal aliens for slave wages too. |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59358 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't agree with moral subjectivism or cultural subjectivism, so, instead of exhausting myself with a long argument why, I'm just going to copy my Ethics' teacher's handout on mo... |
Rise Against- Swing Life Away
5 Posts • 2527 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Incredibly sad.
Am I loud and clear, or am I breaking up?
Am I still your charm, or am I just bad luck?
Are we getting closer, or are we just getting more lost?
I'll show you mine if yo... |
Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23576 Views Philosophy Forum |
-y far disease is the greatest killer!...never said war is...yuor trying to read between the lines!
-h ya...slave kids...being whipped doesn't seem like a problem because of over population?
-a... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30335 Views Religion Forum |
"And how can man know what is suitable compensation?"
The compensation required is not man's decision but the Judge's. Ultimately the one that decides must be God. Only God knew... |
99 Posts • 21714 Views Philosophy Forum |
To simplify what I was saying about the web article: one can debate about the rationality of morality as readily as one can debate about things scientific. One may or may not give up his or her belief... |
Gender PsychologyAn Abundancy of Rudeness
0 Posts • 1174 Views Psychology Forum |
Ophion Roth and SITE ADMIN, you two are just sore because I made a total fool of you both in the two discussion encounters we've had. No shame in that, we all let our ego get in the way sometimes... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50281 Views Religion Forum |
the 10 commandments. and morality is bad enough. |
What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13275 Views Talk Talk |
Maintaining my morality. That's all.
me too! |
What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13275 Views Talk Talk |
Maintaining my morality. That's all. |
What value do you navigate by?
6 Posts • 2707 Views Philosophy Forum |
Beauty and morality are species of values.
George Santayana says that 'all values must be ultimately intrinsic'. He adds that the good, i.e. that which is desired, is good because of its consequen... |