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Tagged > Science project
THREAD Physics & CosmologyParadox?
18 Posts • 8847 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Not to be cliché but your problem is chicken or egg. Unless you default to God in which case he would be the energy for atoms to move since Christians describe him as the first mover (presuming you a...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17185 Views
Religion Forum
So we will drive (fly) electric cars, etc from clean nuclear sourses, (no such thing?) solar sources and where do we get the plastics used in manufacturing? Oh, we will go back to making them from met...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30276 Views
Religion Forum
Thank you - Same To You But More of it. It looked like we were going around a cirlce, arguing about if and what could. I think in this religious section it is best just to share your opinion and n...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42113 Views
Religion Forum
Blalm : I think there is no such thing as absolute truth. Because no matter how much you try, you're beliefs will always be shaped by your point of view and so will never be absolutely true. We...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63978 Views
Religion Forum
Well, okcity, that's an interesting take on it. Very different from anything I've heard. As it stands, human origin is unknown, so who's to say it's not a possibility? I'm...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhat is religion?
40 Posts • 10562 Views
Religion Forum
When Newton first devised his laws of motion in his principles paper, he was keen to not that these laws referred to the physical state of the universe. He noted that these related to bodies having ma...
THREAD Sentience vs. Sapience
7 Posts • 29288 Views
Philosophy Forum
I remember an episode of the Twilight Zone where a far superior race of beings came to earth and told us they had been watching us for centuries and we were a failed race still in the stone age. Our p...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77213 Views
Psychology Forum
i think when a person is so knowledgable in certain areas and then not as knowledgable in other areas, it tends to stick out more. Einstein never won a Pulitzer. i dont think he was completely lacking...
THREAD GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12268 Views
Philosophy Forum
"I agree, no purpose for you." I so don't know what you mean, and you're not helping any. I love science and read conceptual physics books for no reason, I haven't read...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36203 Views
Religion Forum
And the stars? Are they older? Secondly you're full of bullshit that article says some carbonis older then the solar system, not the Earth itself. And Darwin does he agree with the bible. H...
THREAD your purpose
48 Posts • 13702 Views
Philosophy Forum
well if you believe something so strongly then it becomes your own idea of reality. so if you believe in their being a higher purpose then i suppose life can have a higher meaning, but i even even fai...
THREAD God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19600 Views
Religion Forum
Evil is selfishness. Good is selflessness. The Bible says: do unto others as they would have done unto you. That's the essence of purposeful religion. You need your own guide of course and th...
THREAD Society & SociologySchool girl frustration
19 Posts • 7451 Views
Psychology Forum
Forgive those who misjudge you JimmyK. I was one of those people once, and there are times I still judge people from what I see. I've been less judgemental over the past few months and more open-...
THREAD There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9058 Views
Philosophy Forum
730, do you mean that we should disregard every piece of knowledge, be it the thousands of years of science, philosophy or biology? 'Darkness 9; of such, does not exist. To us, absence of l...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40675 Views
Psychology Forum
Just to let you guys know I haven't been paying any attention to this thread but i found a ton of quote from Christian-Suprememisists. T hese quote make me blanch and think about how some peopl...
THREAD GovernmentPolitical Views, Obama, Glenn beck, Palin, Alex jones
10 Posts • 4167 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The article I wrote one year ago. 582. Robert Gates' career prolonged for Iran war (1/15/09) Petro dollar benefits US economy a lot. When Iran abandons dollar as oil trading currency, it s...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyGUT Grand Unification Theory
7 Posts • 3956 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Do you think that the grand unification theory that scientist's are searching for, by combining quantum theories with relativity etc. , is just the holy grail of science, or the equivelant of wha...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42208 Views
Philosophy Forum
"The fallacy of the scientific is that just because something can be explained scientifically, that still does not address the "why" notion. " Its not a fallacy. Science explains...
THREAD TechnologyAnti-Matter Engines
7 Posts • 4826 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I was reading through some web sites and was doing a little research on anti-matter engines. This concept and science behind it is amazing and the more i read the more i wanted to learn. I was wond...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55373 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well actually this fourth dimension stuff shouldn't be takem literally. There are three physicall dimensions and one seperate 'space time' dimension. however, even the concept of three...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWhat is Moral Folk Theory?
2 Posts • 2930 Views
Philosophy Forum
What is Moral Folk Theory? The attempt to seek knowledge presupposes that the world unfolds in a systematic pattern and that we can gain knowledge of that unfolding. Cognitive science identifies se...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33925 Views
Religion Forum
You know how religion is discovered? Word of mouth and the religious books/ teachings, word of mouth, by other people. You know how science is discovered? Observation and intelligence.
THREAD FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13274 Views
Philosophy Forum
Quote-----Religion is an organization made of and comprised of people and though I believe in God, I have no loyalties to any religion or denomination. Yet you reside by scripture? Isn't al...
THREAD Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 22990 Views
Philosophy Forum
there are many theories on space actually being filled with something that we have no idea of what it is, like dark matter. And its definitely filled with radiation and solar winds. In your room is ai...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63978 Views
Religion Forum
Concerning the religious thing. Thanks for calling evolution religion rather than call it science. I like that. But the book of Genesis. If you try not to make it an historical document and just re...
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