www.dotso.com - internation news feeds updated 24/
1 Posts • 3232 Views Jokes & Games |
You can access real-time news feeds published by many of the world's largest news syndications from the one location - http://www.dotso.com - no cost or subscription required. |
Gears of War
10 Posts • 2578 Views Talk Talk |
Definitely a sequel, they are in works on the movie as well, we'll see how that turns out, but no real word on release dates for the game yet, but it sold so many copies they would be retarded no... |
New Cloverfield Trailer!
2 Posts • 2280 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
For any of you out familiar with this... JJ has finally announced a NEW trailer will be playing before the new movie Beowulf. It WILL include the REAL usa working title of the movie, so we can end the... |
God in Religionunfair senario
12 Posts • 4434 Views Religion Forum |
I don't believe in hell and though the gospels speak of it, I'm not sure it was meant as a real place.
People back then were different. They didn't have computers or TV and they didn... |
DreamsDream Telepathy?
9 Posts • 5346 Views Psychology Forum |
I've thought about that a lot too recently, and i agree with the whole mathematical dream thing. I was just thinking the other day that that is a possibility for deja vu. You do the same things d... |
16 Posts • 7283 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have a habit of telling family to go to hell then thinking that they are family and that family is most times all that you have. Yet this being the case I have several family members that I am not r... |
PoetrySecurity in lies
33 Posts • 9137 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Sick of understanding
Sick of being this way
This jealousy of mine has filled each crevice in my mind
I just want something real for once
Not just another burn't torche to hold in the air
I... |
GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24618 Views Philosophy Forum |
Quite right; depends whether you believe in God learned from nature or learned from scripture! My real point is that you have to have faith in something. Scientists for example, have faith that nature... |
How you surf Cynic??
15 Posts • 3434 Views Talk Talk |
I'm one of those lazy bastards; i get my coffe, read some of the post, get a good few laughs in and I see what post intrest me the most.
This place has become a real addiction. I want to get... |
Rehab & AddictionDual diagnosis treatment centers
9 Posts • 5965 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
it was just to point it, if u want more lets complete the point
what i said reveal the crucial element of reality which is else
truth is freedom bc else exist
and else is true bc freedom is re... |
Child & Family PsychologyIs my sister telling the truth that my uncle molested her?
5 Posts • 9989 Views Psychology Forum |
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm planning to take my sister to see a psychiatrist. I was thinking that a psychiatrist could ask the right questions without imposing an answer to my sister. Just to... |
Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10355 Views Psychology Forum |
You've asked for clarity a few times now, and I really thought with each post that I was responding to this. You ask about the original intent? Do I take this to mean the title of the thread?... |
Life & Deathis life linked to computer games?
4 Posts • 2424 Views Philosophy Forum |
Not actually based but based on the same premises look at it and then get rid of this thread
http://www.captaincy nic.com/thread/38597/the-matri x-is-real.htm#38597 |
GovernmentGovernmental Reform
8 Posts • 4003 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Right on IMF, reformation of government is long overdue. It is about time we speak out & set the processes into motion to return the government to serving the people.*grin*
http://www.capt aincyni... |
Video GamesSocial networking of now
5 Posts • 2936 Views Talk Talk |
I know where you're coming from Decius, I don't watch TV. Like the kid I mentioned it seems to be a social crutch. But is that such a bad thing? Your delt with by your attitude and what you say, nothi... |
Everyone seems to want to know everyone.
21 Posts • 5776 Views Talk Talk |
we try and find stuff out so we can get an idea of what these names and pics mean. like someone said, we dont just want to talk to 1's and 0's, in the real world we can tell some things abou... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62753 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ooo. Conspiracy theories are hot. So is Waking Life.
You know, regardless of the hideousness of real media,
It's going to continue, you know?
The Free Masons could be running the Earth,
thi... |
What is Important to you?
8 Posts • 3083 Views Talk Talk |
Well from what I've seen you're a pretty productive 16 year old. You have/had a car, job, school and a social life and maybe you're just taking on too much at once.
Death looks pret... |
DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10715 Views Psychology Forum |
"i know most people's perception of a dream is that consequence is not involved since it isn't "real"/ I'm thinking they may be wrong.
what do you think?"
I... |
Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9972 Views Psychology Forum |
I dont quite get your post there philip, but I think it means that scientific tests are testable, grandeous, pinacles of objectiveness.
Well if we're proposing that 3/5 people are in fact some... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24735 Views Religion Forum |
If you are angry with Christianity...
Then why are you taking from Christianity
The Devil and Satan and Angels and all that imaginary stuff comes straight from Christian viewpoints...
Why wo... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Here in America, we do tend to think we are better or above the rest. Like trieing to force Europe to buy our grain.
Most everything on TV these days is stupid, I don't watch it much, and I d... |
I love reality shows!
6 Posts • 4081 Views Talk Talk |
Personally I find living life more enjoyable or humorous than watching TV. Something funny happening in my real life has much more humor attached to it, at least to me. I find this because there'... |
my monkey at my apple pie
6 Posts • 2974 Views Talk Talk |
have you ever clicked on some thing just for the hell of it, like the name of which I gave to this thread... it was completly random and I haven't clue why I wrote it..
I havent had sleep in a... |
Law & GovernmentShould violent criminals be castrated?
18 Posts • 9922 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think this is common enough confusion.
No one every stopped to consider THE reason for prisons, and everyone seems to have a different idea of why they exist.
1) Reform and Correction.
2) Deterre... |